Let’s assume that teacher LQ1 has only one lesson restricted to the first 10 weeks of the school year. (Q1 stands for 1st quarter.)
The yearly average of this lesson accounts for (10 * 1)/39 = 0.256
The term-related value of the first term accounts for 10/20 = 0.5, in all other terms it is 0.
Let’s change the calculated factor in the lesson group (0.256) to 0.250, because we want to split the school year into 4 quarters of the same value (since we have 39 weeks this will not be a round number).
First you will notice that the value shown in grey italics is 0.500 for the lesson group Q1. The reason for this is that the factor in this window is also shown as term-related. The yearly fraction is shown as a tool tip when you move your mouse over the cell.
The yearly fraction is 0.256 as stated above, since the lesson group is active 10 out of 39 weeks: 10/39 = 0.256.
Now enter the required mean value 0.250 and it will turn bold and no longer italicised.
When you move your mouse over the column heading a tool tip will explain the change. After entering the required average yearly value, the “Lessons” window shows the average yearly value 0.250 as requested.
Now, how is the term-related value of 0.488 calculated?
As a result of the chosen weekly calculation method, the yearly average is 0.256, which the user changes to 0.250. This is times 0.97656 of 0.256. Therefore, the shown termrelated value also needs to change times 0.97656, i.e. from 0.500 to 0.488.
Untis, however, shows the generally valid calculation method as a tool tip when you work with lesson groups. Just move your mouse over either the column heading “Value=” or over one of the cells of this column and pause briefly.
The tool tip over the column heading shows the term-related value.
Please note that in the case of a one-period lesson, the value stated in square brackets, [WEEK VALUE], is the value shown in the week value window in those weeks when the lesson is active.
How is the [WEEK VALUE] calculated?
We have already mentioned several times that the yearly average is calculated by dividing the sum total of the weekly values by the number of school weeks.
The sum total of the weekly values, however, is calculated by multiplying the number of active weeks, i.e. the weeks in which lessons are taking place, by the value of the single week (Week value). Without manual manipulation or any other factors (e.g. subject factors), this value for a one-period lesson is “1”. However, this is not the case in our example, since the yearly average was manually changed and therefore, the value of the lesson must change in the single week. The question is how?
If we now enter this product as “Sum total weekly values” into the average yearly value calculation above, then the following is the outcome:
Since the Week value is the only unknown in this equation (the yearly average was manually pre-defined with 0.25), and the number of weeks in which the lesson takes place and the number of school weeks is known, we can now state the “Week value”.
The week value in our example accounts for
In other words: When you distribute the SUM TOTAL OF WEEK VALUES (9.750) evenly to 10 active weeks, every week has a value of 0.975.
Now the term value of this lesson can be calculated:
The YEARLY AVERAGE can also be calculated from the term value by multiplying and adding the individual term values by the weight of term.
The above example results in the following calculation: AVERAGE
YEARLY VALUE = 0.4875 * 20/39 + 0 * 19/39 = 0.250.
Finally, a remark on tool tips of the "Lesson groupW window:In the above section (without terms) it was started that in the case of manually changing the "Facotr" field, the tool tip for this respective field of a lesson group shows the dafined and the (orginally) calculated average yearly value. If there is more than one term, the term-related fraction is shown in a third line: in our example (lesson group Q1) the lesson group is 10 out of 20 weeks of the term, i.e. this fraction accounts for 0.5.