Reductions are displayed in a term-related way, the same as lessons.
Let’s go back to teacher LSJ in the example at the beginning of the chapter, who has exactly one one-period lesson which is active from the first to the last day of the school year.
Let’s enter a reduction for this teacher which starts at the first day of the second half year. Since the reduction is active 19 out of 39 weeks, its yearly average accounts for (19/39) = 0.487.
The reduction lies entirely in the second half year, this is why value “1” is shown. In the reduction column of the master data window value “1” is displayed as well, when this term is active.
In the first half year, however, the reduction is not active. The value displayed is therefore “0”:
The same is true for the master data window of the first half year, no value is displayed there.
In the setting “Lessons / values”, reductions are also week-specifically shown in the “Weekly values” window:
Please note that the average yearly value of a teacher's reduction is shown in the reduction window.