2025.8.2 & 2025.8.3 (February 14, 2025)
The following improvements have been made:
- General performance improvements.
2025.8.1 (February 13, 2025)
New timetable view:
Teacher timetable: Substitutions for one's own lessons are shown more clearly in the original teacher's plan. Assuming that Müller is a physics teacher in 1A, is ill and Huber substitutes for her, this is shown in Müller's plan:
- Teacher plan: lessons in her own class but held by someone else are shown explicitly. Assuming that Müller is a physics teacher in class 1A and Weber holds an additional physics lesson there (e.g. due to a substitute solution), the lesson is displayed in Müller's schedule as follows:
- Timetable -> Settings -> Visibility restrictions: Detail improvements in usability
- Cancelled lessons no longer display any further information (e.g. “Changes”)
- In the timetable format, you can now specify which name should be displayed on the timetable cards for the various elements. These settings are automatically taken over from the previous formats (Administration -> View settings):
The following improvements have been made:
- General performance improvements.
2025.8.0 (February 12, 2025)
New timetable view:
- The word “break supervision” is no longer displayed on break supervison cards, as it is not needed to recognize break supervisons as such in the timetable.
- The homework icon is only displayed on the day the homework is due.
- In room timetables, the room capacity is displayed, analogous to class teachers in class timetables
Standby lessons now show the same fields (room, teacher etc., according to timetable format) as other lessons. So it is now also possible to recognize when standbys are substituted.
Differentiation between reserved vs. confirmed bookings: Reserved bookings are now displayed graphically like this:
- In the timetable settings (Timetable BETA -> Settings), you can now set the break length that breaks a block. Previously, this was an unchangeable default value of 15 minutes.
- If there are more than 3 parallel lessons, a detailed view of all parallel lessons can now be called up by clicking on “+ X”:
The following improvements have been made:
- Web substitution planning: In some cases, activities did not appear in the substitution planning, this problem has been fixed.
- When saving the settings for the user creation under user administration, the user group is now also saved.
2025.7.4 (February 03, 2025)
The following improvements have been made:
- General performance improvements.
2025.7.3 (January 30, 2025)
The following improvements have been made:
- General performance improvements.
2025.7.2 (January 30, 2025)
The following improvements have been made:
- General performance improvements.
2025.7.1 (January 29, 2025)
New timetable view:
General timetable setting “Show details for public timetables” removed, instead only the setting “Access to timetable details” (formerly “Show timetable details page”) now applies in the timetable formats. This setting also controls whether texts (substitution text, lesson information, etc.) are displayed in the timetable or not.
Fixed problems with displaying student timetables when the student-appointment assignment is in use.
Lesson details: The link to the timetables now always points to the new view:
- Managing iCal subscription via "My Timetable":
- If an iCal format has been created by the administrator, the internal “Standard” format was also incorrectly displayed here. Now only the iCal formats created by the administrator appear here.
- Cancelled periods are not included in the iCal subscription. There were problems with Google calendars, which is why cancellations are no longer included in the iCal subscription, regardless of the timetable format.
- If an actual lesson was planned during an standby period, the standby period was previously incorrectly displayed in parallel to this lesson. Now the standby is no longer displayed in this case.
- New timetable view is now accessible under the URL /timetable and no longer under /timetable-new.
- Layout on the period card:
- The own element is not displayed: I.e. in the timetable of the teacher “Aigner” there is no “Aigner” on any card.
- Elements of the type of the current timetable are always displayed at the bottom. This means that when you look at a class timetable, the class is always displayed as the last line.
- Menu item “Office hours” now also available in the main menu “Timetable BETA”
- Today, when a room is changed, the lesson is displayed in the timetable of both the original and the new room. For rooms, it makes no sense to display them in the timetable of the original room, so lessons are only displayed in room plans in which they take place.
- Inactive departments were incorrectly displayed in the filter, they no longer appear in the list.
- New/changed timetable formats must now have a unique name. It is no longer possible to save two timetable formats with the same name.
- There were problems with the navigation of public timetables, which have now been fixed
- Texts relevant to the lesson, which the user would also see in the lesson details, can now also be viewed directly via the timetable. This applies to notes for students, notes for teachers, substitution text, lesson information and user (for bookings):
- Substitutions from Untis where the subject has been changed (“foreign substitution”) are now displayed correctly in the timetable (cancellation of the original lesson & additional lesson)
- Details of changes to rooms, teachers etc. can now be viewed directly in the timetable:
- The week/day switch has been removed, there is now only the week view
- Assign timetable formats to public timetables: Here, a simple option replaces the previous logic, which was difficult to understand. In the new timetable, a timetable format can be assigned to each public timetable:
- Print view improved, especially for the daily overviews with many classes/teachers/rooms
- It is now possible to create a completely empty playground for your school.
- For SingleSignOn via OIDC, the ‘Internal Id’ can now also be selected as ‘Element Data Id’ for legal guardians.
- Platform apps can now call all APIs of the WU platform via a central URL. The authorisation flows now also run via our API gateway.
The following improvements have been made:
- Deactivated users no longer appear in notifications about a lesson.
- SSO via OIDC has been improved and is therefore more robust.
- A minor error in the automatic activation of platform apps has been fixed.
- An error has been fixed in SSO via LDAP if the value ‘Attribute for surname and first name’ was selected for ‘Personal identification’.
- A bug was fixed that allowed the deletion of absence reasons even though they were still in use.
- When deleting absence reasons and excuse statuses in bulk, the list of available items is now automatically updated correctly without needing to reload the page.
- In the rights and roles settings for contact hours, it is now clearly indicated that certain settings apply to multiple user groups.
- Web substitution planning: Inactive teachers were still included in the list of teachers when activities were created. These are now filtered out and no longer displayed
- Exams -> Reports: The Exam overview (teachers) report has been removed as it provided the same data as the Exam overview (classes).
- Exam planner: Fixed an error when creating exams for multi-hour lessons
2025.6.7 (January 09, 2025)
The following improvements have been made:
- Creating additional periods and editing/deleting bookings should not throw an error any more if there is no user in charge of the booking.
2025.6.4 (December 12, 2024)
The following improvements have been made:
- Extend LessonExternApi with student assignments to lessons
- Performance issues with Calendar-Entry API resolved
2025.6.2/2025.6.3 (December 12, 2024)
The following improvements have been made:
- Stability improvements in connection with the exam API for platform applications
2025.6.1 (December 9, 2024)
The following improvements have been made:
- Platform applications could no longer be opened in the Untis mobile app. This is now possible again. Yeah!
2025.6.0 (December 4, 2024)
- The names of the manufacturers are now also displayed in the platform. Untis' own apps are displayed at the top of the list.
New timetable view:
Import private appointments into the timetable: Under “My timetable”, up to two private calendars can now be imported (e.g. from Google Calendar, Outlook ...), which are then displayed together with the timetable.
Day overviews: These are now also available in the new timetable
- The visibility restrictions (weeks into the future/past) no longer cut off during the week - complete weeks into the past/future are always displayed
- The visibility restriction “0 days into the past & 0 days into the future” now results in only the current day being visible
- Homework icon was still visible after the due date of the homework - now it is only displayed on the period cards until the due date
Student groups
- Students from all classes can now be permanently assigned to student groups.
- Classes not assigned to the lessen are shown in the new column "Additional classes"
The following improvements have been made:
Security optimisation when calling internal services.
The external student API now performs better when saving student master data.
In the overview of legal guardians, the filter ‘Current school year’ now actually selects the current school year and there is now also a filter ‘All school years’.
In the user change history, the user ‘Platform application’ is now displayed if the change was made via a platform app.
In the new SAML implementation, an error has been fixed if no SAML config has been stored for the school in WebUntis.
In the new SAML implementation, the error that only a ‘SingleSession Logout’ was made has been fixed. Instead, a ‘Global Logout’ is now performed. This means that when logging out of WebUntis, the user is also logged out of the SAML IDP.
The user groups displayed when creating a message of the day were shown in English instead of the language configured in WebUntis.
- Selecting the class register setting "Prohibit the entry of absence reasons" now ensures that users cannot modify absence reasons in the excuse status form.
- On the absences page, only class teachers or users with the write right "Administration of student absences" can create absences. A bug that allowed this in other cases has been fixed.
- Booking Module: When booking activities, the notification to the teachers did not always arrive, this has been fixed.
2025.5.4 (November 19, 2024)
The following improvements have been made:
- A change was made to the metadata in the new SAML implementation.
2025.5.3 (November 18, 2024)
The following improvements have been made:
- Remove extended user-cache creation logging due to performance issues which are now resolved
2025.5.2 (November 14, 2024)
The following improvements have been made:
- Problems with SAML login have been fixed.
2025.5.0 (November 13, 2024)
- The new platform app ‘DS Templates’ is available. More details under Plattform-Applikation ‘DS Templates’
- The platform offers new OneRoster APIs for enrolments. More details under API documentation for integration partners
The following improvements have been made:
- Only active teacher users receive messages when contact hour is booked
- Icons for Notenschutz and Nachteilsausgleich are no longer showing if the respective student properties are imported with "false"
- Ensure legal guardian notifications are only sent once per absence, even when combining absences
- The performance when creating student master data via the external Student API has been improved.
- A security gap regarding SAML has been closed.
- A correct error message is now displayed if no OIDC-SSO is configured for the school, but a redirect should happen there.
- In some cases nothing was displayed for parents/guardians under “My timetable”. This has been fixed, the timetable of the corresponding student is now always displayed.
New timetable view:
- Public timetables now also available as BETA
- Timetable BETA -> Settings: Default setting for “Show external calendars” in the timetable formats now set to “on” - i.e. if appointments from platform apps (e.g. school year calendar) are activated in the platform, they are also displayed in the timetables by default. Personal settings made via the menu in the timetable are still retained.
- Problems sometimes occurred when loading the timetable if external appointments were involved. These problems have been fixed.
- Display of lesson number/name on the left side of the timetable now also works correctly on smaller screens
- Loading time of student timetables at large schools reduced
2025.4.5 (November 11, 2024)
The following improvements have been made:
- The SessionIndex has been added to the logout of the new SAML implementation.
2025.4.4 (November 6, 2024)
The following improvements have been made:
- A format attribute has been added to the new SAML implementation for the NameID tag in the logout request.
2025.4.3 (November 4, 2024)
The following improvements have been made:
- Timetable 2.0: Student absences cannot be seen by foreign teachers any more
2025.4.2 (October 28, 2024)
The following improvements have been made:
- The new SAML implementation did not work correctly.
- The online help via the “?” was not accessible.
New timetable view:
- The default settings have been changed so that students can no longer see the absences of other students.
2025.4.1 (October 23, 2024)
- In Klassengeld it is now also possible to import student groups from WebUntis. This saves you even more time in the interaction between these two great applications.
The following improvements have been made:
- Inconsistent data in an exam could prevent the transfer of lesson data from Untis to WebUntis.
- In the absence list view there is a new option provided to filter only for minor age students.
- In class register settings the text for the default absence reason entered by students and legal guardians was adjusted.
- A new external REST API that provides student absence data per student and also per lesson is available.
An error no longer occurs in the external student API when a student is assigned to a class outside of a school year.
The student's name is now correctly displayed again in the contact details.
Security: The old JSON-RPC API can no longer be called with a user for whom 2FA is activated.
2025.3.4 (October 8, 2024)
The following improvements have been made:
- Performance optimisation when loading user data. Activated in waves for all schools.
2025.3.2 (October 3, 2024)
The following improvements have been made:
- Fixed high memory usage when requesting period data via JSON RPC
2025.3.1 (October 3, 2024)
The following improvements have been made:
- An error in the assignment of student groups has been corrected.
2025.3.0 (October 3, 2024)
- When changing a user's password, any existing refresh token is now also deactivated.
- The language "Deutsch - nicht gegendert" is now available in Webuntis.
New timetable view:
- Period info text, lesson text and substitution text were added in day view, period info icon there and also in week view
- Showing period number & label can be toggled via timetable format again
- A problem was fixed where periods taking place in the afternoon would not show up for Untis Timegrid
- Date restrictions for classes do not affect the display of the overall timetable any more
- Subject is now displayed also for standby-periods.
The following improvements have been made:
- The performance when setting the exit date for students has been improved.
- The SSO redirect via the platform to the WU login page now also uses the latest version of the SSO endpoints.
- The missing attribute ‘active’ has been added to the external Teacher API.
- An error has been fixed in the external student API if two classes with the same name exist in the same school year and a student is to be assigned to the second class.
- In the SSO redirect to the WU login page, the buttons for the Appstore and Playstore are no longer displayed on mobile.
- The reports “Absences per class - per week” and “Use of resources” can again be created in .xls format.
- Student absence notification messages are now fully translated also in the "Österreichisch" Webuntis language.
- An issue in the date-time filtering of the Student Absence Times API has been fixed.
- The reason of absence set as "Default reason of absence for student-absences entered by the students themselves" is now available for legal guardian and apprentice representative users as well in the mobile apps.
- A problem was fixed where classes could not be selected in-between schoolyears when creating a new exam blocking
- Exams in class register exam reports can now be filtered by exam type
- A problem was fixed where for substitutions that also change the subject in Untis, students were suddenly marked absent in WU
- Performance improvements in the import of legal guardians and in the master data overview have been activated for all schools.
- Student groups can be sorted by subject again.
- Inactive/resigned teachers could, under certain circumstances, show up as the second class teacher for certain classes.
2025.2.4 (September 18, 2024)
The following improvements have been made:
- Performance optimization when deleting legal guardians
2025.2.3 (September 18, 2024)
The following improvements have been made:
External Student API: Incorrect permission check when reading and updating individual students
When saving contact details as a legal guardian or apprentice representative in the UntisMobile app the email will now be discarded if it is already used by another master data element in the system.
In the future a meaningful error message will be displayed in the UntisMobile app.
2025.2.0/2025.2.1 (September 11, 2024)
- The permitted characters for the national ID in the personal master data have been extended to include the curly brackets {}.
The following improvements have been made:
A problem with the ‘Create user for students’ function has been fixed if students exist without first and last names. Although this should not occur, the user creation function can now handle this anyway.
In the user overview, the classes for the students were always displayed on the current key date, which is why no classes were displayed between school years. Now the key date from the calendar/school year selection is used.
Security-related changes have been made.
- Sometimes, ";" showed up as Substitution-Text in WebUntis that was not entered in Untis
- Timetable 2.0 now shows icons for period info, video calls, homeworks and office hour registrations. The setting for enabling video calls is now also available in Timetable 2.0 -> Settings.
- Timetable 2.0 - The day view has been reworked to show all available content for the periods regardless of how long they are.
- A problem was fixed that caused teacher absence reasons to duplicate.
- A problem was fixed where the dialog for creating an exam did not show the correct timegrid slots.
- A problem was fixed that made teachers of lessons appear in the dialog for creating a new exam even though they do not teach the lesson any more (were replaced by other teacher(s)).
Modal dialogs are now more consistently laid out.
It is now consistently possible to create tickets from the class register main view.
Some texts for the legal guardians notifications where made more expressive.
- Improved performance when importing legal guardians (will be activated for schools on a selective basis)
2025.1.3 (August 29, 2024)
The following improvements have been made:
- Group visibility restrictions are applied correctly with iCal timetable export
2025.1.2 (August 26, 2024)
The following improvements have been made:
- Duplicated lists in the "Messaging" menu are now correctly displayed as one list.
2025.1.0 (August 21, 2024)
The following improvements have been made:
- Automatic platform app activation now generates access credentials again.
- External Student API (v3): When creating a student, the National Id is now correctly validated.
- External Student API (v3): The student's short name can now be changed again if the National Id is used as identification.
- External Student API (v3): A student can now also be assigned to a class from a future school year.
- External student API: The address is now also optionally returned in the response.
- External student API: Students were displayed in a class in the GUI, but these were not saved (caching problem fixed).
- External legal guardian API: The update of legal guardians now also works with the external ID or the national ID as identification.
- Performance improvement in the master data overview for legal guardians: Currently only enabled for pilot schools.
- The responsible users can now also be imported when importing CSV master data for rooms.
- After the self-registration of legal guardians, the name of the LG is now always displayed correctly as the sender of a message and no longer the email address.
- Security improvements
- The attributes "foreground colour" and "background colour" have been removed from the student master data.
- The short name for holiday master data no longer has to be unique.
- UI/UX improvements in base component dialogues such as "New reason of absence":
screen alignment, content alignment, buttons alignment - Scrollbar was removed from tables where it was not necessary, eg. Masterdata: Subjects, Buildings, Reasons of absence.
2025.0.2 (August 9, 2024)
The following improvements have been made:
- Technical changes in the background.
2025.0.1 (07.08.2024)
The following improvements have been made:
- Platform - External Student API: The creation of students was cancelled in certain situations with the error "A user already exists for the student". This behaviour has been fixed.
- Timetable 2.0 Settings - Timetable Formats, iCal Formats and Format Mappings (old Timetable Settings) are now available in the new design
- Fixed an issue where absences for the upcoming schoolyear did not show up in substitution planning
- Fixed an issue where some grades did not show up in the grade report, leaving it empty
2025.0.0 (July 31, 2024)
The following improvements have been made:
- Form for creating an additional period now respects timeslots set in the timegrid.
- iCal data is shown for the upcoming schoolyear again (still respecting timetable restrictions).
- iCal format settings are now considered correctly when exporting
- Fixed a problem in Timetable 2.0 if a requested class is not available in the current schoolyear.
- Fixed a problem where absence reasons were duplicated when saved.
- Timetable 2.0: General Settings are now available in the new design.
- Text fields are now correctly aligned in the "Absence time per student" report.
- Larger reports for single student can now be successfully created.
- The label of the field "Privilege" is now visible when creating a new reason of absence for student.
External Student API: The Office265 identity must now be unique.
When importing students via CSV, incorrect telephone numbers can no longer be imported.
External legal guardian API: Validations have been added.
2024.15.2 (July 19, 2024)
The following improvements have been made:
- Fixed a problem with the student group sync from Untis
2024.15.1 (July 11, 2024)
The following improvements have been made:
- fixing an issue with SSO
2024.15.0 (July 10, 2024)
The following improvements have been made:
- Email notifications now provide the user name for which messages are pending. This helps when an email address is linked to multiple user accounts (e.g., legal guardian, their children).
- The external student API now also provides the date for the certificate obligation and no longer changes the manually defined sort order.
- Technical error messages are no longer displayed in the login screen.
- All character sets and not just UTF-8 now work when importing legal guardians and apprentice representatives.
- Filters on Class register Absences page now work well with class and student selection
- Newly created absences are always visible on Absences page without refresh.
- Respect student-group assignments when creating exams with "Exam planner".
- For Untis exams the exam type can again be changed in WebUntis.
- Timetable BETA: New print preview is now available for early feedback.
General Changes
Automatic Student Absence Notification:
- information that a selected student is "of age" is displayed in the dialog when creating or editing an absence;
- information that the selected reason of absence triggers automatic notifications is displayed in the dialog when creating or editing an absence.
- Upgrade of the Jasper Reports to the most recent version
- The new integration with Itslearning is now available.
Easily share information about users, courses and timetables. - It is now possible to automatically activate applications for defined schools via the WebUntis platform.
- There is a new external API for managing teacher master data including users.
2024.14.6 (04.07.2024)
- A new option has been implemented under "Administration | Integration | Untis", which can be used to deactivate the gRPC-based lesson export (protocol: v501) in the event of problems.
2024.14.5 (03.07.2024)
- Security improvement
2024.14.4 (27.06.2024)
The following improvements have been made:
- Data cleansing of teachers for Norwegian and Swedish schools.
- In the previous version, after importing iCal into Google Calendar, all entries were shifted back by 2 hours. After re-importing with this version, the entries are correct.
2024.14.3 (25.06.2024)
The following improvements have been made:
- Class teachers can now edit Absences for their classes in past schoolyears
2024.14.0/2024.14.1/2024.14.2 (19.06.2024)
The following improvements have been made:
If booking module activated: inactive departments no longer appear in the room selection.
Web substitution planning: inactive teachers no longer appear when creating absences.
If the right "Teacher selection for lessons" is set and you look at the timetable of another teacher, this teacher also remained selected when you switched to "Lessons" -> "My lessons". This has now been fixed; your own lessons are always displayed under "My lessons".
- If users for legal guardians were created automatically via SAML-SSO, there was a problem with the linking of the master data. Now the login with these users works as usual.
- Filtering by custom date range now works on the matrix view in the Class register -> Class services page.
- Scrollbars are now shown in all dropdowns if necessary.
- Open periods report now filters data based on date range selected on the page.
- An absence or presence icon is now shown correctly on the student card in the class register main view.
- Users with the role "Other" can no longer see the menu item "Lessons".
- If an exam is created in Untis without a teacher, it is now also shown in WebUntis that no teacher is assigned to this exam.
- Under certain circumstances, the synchronisation of student groups between Untis and WebUntis has failed.
- UI/UX improvements in base component dialogues such as "New reason of absence":
screen alignment, content alignment, buttons alignment - Scrollbar was removed from tables where it was not necessary, eg. Masterdata: Subjects, Buildings, Reasons of absence
General Changes
Automatic Student Absence Notification
Click here and here for the documentation.
- The automatic student absence notification feature is now available for all schools.
iCal Subscription
You can now find the calendar sharing directly in the timetable (“My Timetable BETA”).
- Now respects the settings ("how long a user may see the timetable in the past/future"), analogous to the timetable view. As maximum, iCal subscriptions deliver data 1 week into the past and 12 weeks into the future.
- Removed static iCal download (next to print icon) in the timetable view
Timetable BETA
- Display of school holidays
- The selection box of students, teachers, classes,... now always has a fixed size. As a result, the left/right arrows no longer "jump" back and forth if the elements have very different text lengths.
- Assignment groups are now taken into account. As a teacher, I can now also see the timetables of the students in my assignment group
- If a lesson was cancelled via the lesson details, the timetable was no longer loaded correctly afterwards. This error has been fixed.
- Substitutions of blocks are now displayed correctly
- If a class is absent from a lesson with several classes (e.g. due to an event), this is now also displayed correctly.
- The new national ID can now be used to identify the master data during SSO configuration (SAML, LDAP, OIDC). As part of this, we have changed the "mysterious" input field to a comprehensible drop-down selection field.
2024.13.0 (29.05.2024)
WebUntis Grades
The WebUntis Grades module is now available, activate a test license via the WebUntis platform with just a few clicks. Click here for the documentation.
- In the platform integration WebUntis <> IServ it is now possible to transfer the student groups from WebUntis to IServ. You can find more information about this here
- In the platform integratoin WebUntis <> Klassengeld, it is now possible to display the payment deadlines for the responsible teachers in the new timetable. All you have to do is activate the external calendar.
- The National Id can now be used as an identification attribute for the CSV import of student master data and master data of legal guardians.
- The OneRoster API for users now also returns the National Id.
- The National Id for student master data can now also be saved and read via the external Student API.
- The OneRoster API now also returns the "terms" for lessons, which contains information about the associated school year.
- The error handling of the external Student API has been improved. The new version 3 is available for this.
The following improvements have been made:
- Students who have already left the school are now correctly taken into account when transferring exams from Untis to WebUntis. In the past, an error caused duplicate lessons to appear in the timetable in some cases.
- Administration -> Room blocks: If you switch to a previous school year via global school year selection, only the room blocks of the corresponding school year are now displayed.
- Web substitution planning: If an open substitution for team teaching is solved using "without teacher", this is now displayed correctly.
- Booking module: If the booking status is changed from "Confirmed" to "Reserved", it is now shown more clearly in the email under the "Note" item that this is the room status.
- Display of exams: If several exams were created at the same time (by cluster) and only individual students were assigned to the respective exams, the display in the timetable was not correct in certain cases.
- Paging in combination with filters and sorting did not work correctly with the external Student API. This has been fixed.
Timetable BETA
- Display optimized for narrow screens
- Exams in which not all students in a class are participating are now displayed correctly
- "Today" button also works correctly if you are on a day between weeks. The timetable then jumps to the next week.
- Team teaching in a lesson: If several teachers are represented by only one teacher, this is now displayed correctly in the timetable
- If "Class timetable" and "Student timetable" rights are activated, student users now also see the class timetable and not just the student timetable
- The error "Cannot invoke "java.time.LocalDateTime.toLocalDate()" because "thisStart" is null" does not appear anymore. This error happened in some cases when the timetable contained shifts.
2024.12.3 (16.05.2024)
The following bugs have been fixed:
- If SingleSignOn via Office365 is used in WebUntis, there were problems logging in to Untis Mobile.
2024.12.1/2024.12.2 (not released)
2024.12.0 (07.05.2024)
General Changes
- When editing student groups, the WebUntis user is now displayed under "Changed by".
The new National Id can now be set for students and legal guardians via CSV import.
A parameter for the school year has been added to the external Student API.
The external Class API now provides the classes of all school years.
The following bugs have been fixed:
Security gap in SSO closed.
Security gap in regular login closed.
Web substitution planning:
- “Ask teachers” throws an error for break supervisors
- Counter overview does not jump to the current week/month by default
- Untis Mobile: Rooms that have been locked in Untis are listed in the app under “avialable rooms”
- Exam list and exam statistics do not show the correct data if you select a past school year in the global school year selection
- Monitor views: A department is selected in the substitution format. However, break supervisors from other departments are also displayed.
- Absences: Formatting error in PDF report has been fixed.
Timetable BETA
- “My timetable” available
- The following timetables have been added:
- Student
- Subject
- Resource
- Department selection added (if activated under Administration -> Timetable settings)
- Display problems with external appointments fixed
2024.11.4 (30.04.2024)
- Teachers on special assignments were not displayed in WU if these special assignments were initially created without teachers.
2024.11.3 (30.04.2024)
- Blocked users were no longer unlocked by the "Forgot password" function.
- In the user overview, you can now search for the foreign user name and the O365 ID.
2024.11.2 (29.04.2024)
- The message "An unexpected error has occurred." could appear in the online timetable.
2024.11.1 (18.04.2024)
The following bugs have been fixed:
- Some schools were no longer able to login via SSO.
2024.11.0 (17.04.2024)
General Changes
- The pages of the booking module (Appointment module) now also react correctly to the global school year selection in previous years
WebUntis Substitution Planning
The web substitution planning now also reacts to the global school year selection. Substitution planning can only take place during a school year, absences can only be created within a school year. Also "Publish all" only refers to substitutions of the current school year.
- OIDC-SSO configuration: The field length of the secret has been increased from 60 characters to 255 characters.
- A new attribute "National Id" has been added to the master data for students, teachers and legal guardians. In addition to the external ID, a unique national ID can now also be entered.
The following bugs have been fixed:
- If an exam is created via the exam calendar and then deleted again, the original period is sometimes not restored
- Web substitution planning: Emojis in notes of absences lead to display problems
The automatic logout now also works again when several WebUntis tabs are open.
External Student API: Sorting and pagination works correctly again.
The date of creation of playgrounds is displayed correctly again in English.
- The teaching content from previous lessons is displayed corretly again in the teaching content input mask.
- If a student changes class within a school year, only the homework of the correct class is now displayed in the monthly view of the homework.
Timetable BETA
- At least 4 lines are displayed on the timetable cards - so rooms are always visible in the default setting
2024.10.3 + 2024.10.4 + 2024.10.5 (04.04.2024)
The following bugs have been fixed:
- Prevention of teacher duplicates
2024.10.1 + 2024.10.2 (29.03.2024)
The following bugs have been fixed:
- Stability improvement in the web substitution planning
- Error when logging in as an anonymous user in the Untis Mobile App has been fixed
2024.10.0 (28.03.2024)
- The OneRoster API now also provides the link to the corresponding school year ("terms") for the lessons
- Security improvements
The following bugs have been fixed:
- Bug fixes for users with umlauts
- External student API threw an error when filtering on a field that is not available for all students.
- The dialogue that the session will expire in one minute now really only appears one minute before the session ends.
- WebUntis substitution planning:
- In some cases, solved substitutions disappear from the list
- In some cases, absences are displayed in the substitution list with the wrong date
- If a lesson triggers several substitutions (e.g. room and teacher substitution), problems may occur when publishing and unpublishing substitutions
- Lesson details cannot be opened in Untis Mobile in certain lessons ("additional periods")
- Exam report cannot be downloaded if the exam was opened via the lesson details
- After a confirmed booking, the user is redirected back to the Today page
- Exam planner: for lessons with several teachers, the wrong teacher is assigned to the exam
- Adding the email address in the profile settings has been improved for the UntisMobile app
- Messages: Students whose legal guardians do not have active users are no longer displayed in the recipient list when sending a message to legal guardians
- Change password: Error texts adjusted
- Various bug fixes for the UntisMobile app
- Class register: if absent students are set to late, they are now correctly set to present again.
Timetable BETA
- Global school year selection is correctly taken into account
2024.9.5 (20.03.2024)
- Problems with the import of teachers, where these have multiplied, have been resolved.
2024.9.3 (19.03.2024)
- Security improvement
2024.9.0 & 2024.9.1 (11.03.2024)
The following errors have been fixed:
- In platform management, the selection field for the roles of the UI integration was no longer displayed if all roles were deselected.
- The maximum size of requests to the external API (via platform) has been increased to 10MB.
- When importing CSVs for legal guardians and apprentice representatives, the date of birth was incorrectly selectable.
- Inactive Departments are no longer displayed in the filter when sending a message.
- The exit date of teachers is not taken into account in the timetable
- If an exam is edited via the timetable, in some cases only a white page appears after saving
2024.8.4 (29.02.2024)
- Exams can again be created for non-bookable rooms.
- Assignment Groups: The date-selection works properly again when creating or editing absences.
2024.8.3 (26.02.2024)
- Multi-period examinations can again be edited & saved.
2024.8.2 (23.02.2024)
- A bug that prevented logout has been fixed.
2024.8.1 (19.02.2024)
- Various security improvements
2024.8.0 (19.02.2024)
Timetable BETA
For external appointments (e.g. from ClassyPlan), blocks are no longer displayed, but always individual appointments
Substitutions are now also displayed correctly for break supervisors
General changes
- In the "Integration" section, the labelling of an option has been changed to "Initially accept new student groups with all students of the participating classes" for better comprehensibility.
- The name of student properties must now be unique. There must no longer be duplicate student properties. With this release, duplicate names are made unique by appending a sequence number.
The following bugs have been fixed:
- The event import via Web-Sokrates to Untis was not possible.
- Rooms that were booked in WebUntis in addition to the originally planned classrooms were sometimes not displayed if the affected lesson was moved in Untis.
- When importing students, saving field assignments that had a "dot" in the name did not work.
- In certain cases, a number was displayed in the class master data instead of the teacher's name.
- In some cases, "null" was displayed as the name of the parent/guardian in the report for the parents' consultation day.
Exams can be moved to occupied rooms, although no room conflicts are permitted
Monitor views: As soon as departments are chosen in the substitution format, break supervisors are no longer displayed. Break supervisors without departments are now always displayed.
Filtering of students not possible when creating exams
- Messages, which are sent by WebUntis, have the sender "System" again.
- Messages: When in the recipient list a student is reselected (all students of the class were selected), the class is displayed in the recipient list, instead of individual students.
- Parent-teacher-day: copied parent-teacher-days can now be edited again.
2024.7.0 (25.01.2024)
Timetable BETA
- Room timetables now also available
- Optimized display for smaller screens
- Improvements in the display of break supervisions
- Improved display when highlighting exams/changes/cancellations
- The global school year selection can be used to switch between school years
- Improved display for many couplings in the day view
- Sundays - if selected in timetable format - were not displayed. This error has been fixed.
- Current day is highlighted more strongly
- Filter bar no longer overlaps with timetable content
- Optimized display of teacher absences and room blockings
- Various security improvements
- New global school year selection in the main menu
- Administrators, teachers and administrative staff can change the school year
Online Timetabling
- Stability improvements when publishing the timetable
The following bugs have been fixed:
- Parents were displayed as "null" during parent-teacher conferences.
- An error was fixed when importing students from Socrates if there are several classes with the same name in the same school year.
- If Sunday is specified as the first day of the week in the time grid in Untis, this is not always transferred correctly to WebUntis
- If a lesson is changed in Untis via the substitution dialog (student group change and class) and then a substitution export to WebUntis is carried out, the substitution still has the old student group and the students cannot be entered for the changed lesson
- Teachers can enter notes in lesson details in other teachers' lessons without the "Edit lesson info" - "All" permission
- Booking module: Inactive subjects are still displayed when booking
- Exams: Second supervising teacher is not accepted if both do not appear in the selection window
- Exam blockings: can only be viewed from the current school year
- Consultation hours: If a teacher cancels a consultation hour after having registered shortly before, the registration and then the cancellation will now be displayed in the list of booked consultation hours for the respective teacher.
Combine absences: Confirmation message adapted when combining absences to explain expected behavior more clearly.
Completion of a task: Info message adjusted when a task is completed
Class register - open periods: An error in the filtering for "teaching content missing" and "absences not checked" has been fixed.
Class register - open periods: resigned and inactive teachers are no longer displayed
Printing seat map: Special characters in names are now displayed correctly
Student adds new absence: Added missing validation for the text field in the input mask.
Parent-teacher day: Inactive parent-teacher-day can no longer be reactivated and reused in order to avoid errors when booking appointments.
Absences: An error that allowed teachers to create multi-day absences for students from other classes has been fixed.
Warning on outdated Microsoft Edge Broswer on iOS is only shown in valid cases
2024.6.4 (19.12.2023)
WebUntis substitution planning: Problems with publishing break supervision substitutions fixed.
2024.6.1 & 2024.6.2 & 2024.6.3 (15.12.2023)
Problems with deleting legal guardians fixed.
2024.6.0 (06.12.2023)
Timetable BETA
- Last selected class/teacher is saved - the next time class/teacher timetables are opened, the timetable of this class/teacher is displayed again (even after logging out in the meantime)
- The break before the first and after the last period is now also displayed (with the "Untis time grid" setting)
- Display with "Untis time grid" in the teachers' timetable: Height of periods and breaks is now displayed correctly
- For exams lasting several hours with different substitute teachers per lesson, these are now displayed correctly
- The list in the class/teacher selection is now sorted in the same way as in the master data
- Timetable cards now make better use of the available width if there are several lessons taking place in parallel
- Every change to the regular timetable is now displayed as a "change" (green filter)
Substitutions "without teacher" are now displayed more meaningfully - Improved display of the start/end time or lesson number/lesson name on the left-hand side, especially with low screen resolutions
- With ClassyPlan module active: display of personal appointments in the timetable triggered an error - this has been fixed
The following bugs have been fixed:
- The Student Management API now also returns the "active" attribute.
- The Student Management API now also returns data if there are duplicate student properties.
- In Messages now teachers who teach in several classes only appear once in the recipient list
- Online substitution planning: activity created by teacher cannot be deleted by the teacher
- Class services: Switching repeatedly between list and matrix views is now possible.
- Student absences: Students are now correctly marked as absent in the class register main view for multi-day absences with block periods.
- Grades can be added and edited from the Grade Overview in Lessons Classes/Teachers again.
- In the reports for class register entries the text have not been displayed completely under some circumstances.
2024.5.0 (16.11.2023)
- Support for Untis 2022 - and thus the old non-lecture-based lesson export - will expire next summer. Therefore, it is no longer possible to create new school years beyond September 2024 with Untis versions older than 2023.
- The results of the Absence Times API can now be filtered by absences that count.
- The global school year selection can now be used on the Class Register Overview, Open periods and Homeworks pages. Attention: This selection is not yet publicly available!
Timetable BETA
- The date (heading of a day in the week view) is now more clearly clickable to get to the day view
- Problem fixed: There were problems with teacher timetables when the display of absences was activated
- If a new platform application is activated, it is now necessary to enter the email address of the school's headmaster or data protection officer so that we can actively inform them about the new integration.
The following bugs have been fixed:
- Error handling in the Student API has been improved if the assigned class is not (or no longer) valid on the start date.
- Importing Yes/No fields for student properties via CSV files now works in all cases. Yes to No and No to Yes.
- Problems with the display of student contact information have been fixed.
- Messages: Students who have been set to inactive are no longer displayed in the recipient list and can no longer be contacted.
- Messages: If a student changes classes, the associated users (student, parent/guardian, apprentice representative) will no longer appear in the recipient list of the old class.
In rare cases, error messages occur when transferring lessons from Untis to WebUntis if the validity range of a student group is outside the validity range of the lesson
Errors occurred at individual schools when printing timetables
WebUntis substitution planning: Errors occurred at some schools when publishing or substitutions were not always published
- The Student overview page now only shows one absence when only one is created for today.
- Scrolling is now possible in the Grades Matrix, in the Type of examinatin field for a new column.
- Some special characters, {}[], can now be used for the teaching content text.
- Pagination on open periods page now allows work with the default value for the "Lines per page" setting.
2024.4.0 (30.10.2023)
New timetable (BETA)
Find more information here: https://help.untis.at/hc/en-150/articles/10176456202268-New-timetable-view-BETA
- Messages: When sending individual messages, the class is now displayed next to the student name in the recipient list.
- Matomo Analytics was built in to measure the usage and performance of WebUntis and Untis Mobile. This allows us to make data-driven decisions to improve our products. You can find further information in our privacy policy.
- Dates outside the school year have been disabled in the date-selection calendar on the Open periods page.
- For Austrian schools, the checkbox "Save address with parents" was removed from the Sokrates settings. This setting no longer worked because no parent addresses are supplied by Sokrates.
- The global school year selection can now be selected on each page. Attention: This selection is not yet publicly available!
- The API for managing class master data now only returns the affected class when editing or creating a class.
- The general function for administrators "Submit feedback" has been removed. Instead, feedback is requested specifically for (new) pages.
- The refresh token for SSO via WebUntis is now valid for 1 year.
- Performance optimisation when creating users for legal guardians.
- For platform apps, it is now possible to use self-entered domains for the mobile app link.
The following bugs have been fixed:
- When self-registration is disabled for legal guardians and apprentice representatives, the link to self-registration is no longer displayed.
- The API for managing class master data no longer returns empty/wrong fields if there is no department or no rooms.
- The API for managing class master data no longer returns an error if exactly one class teacher is saved.
- As there are student and teacher master data with invalid dates (date of birth, entry and exit date), the check during import and creation has been improved. An incorrect date is now no longer accepted.
- Messages: Students with an exit date in the past will no longer appear in the recipient list and can no longer be written to.
- Messages: Inactivated student master data will no longer be displayed in the recipient list and can no longer be written to.
- Messages: When a student moves to another class, the correct (new) class teacher is now displayed for the respective student, guardian & education representative.
- If an existing student group (which already has student assignments in WebUntis) is used in a newly created lesson in Untis, the student assignments in WebUntis are lost after the next lesson export
- WebUntis timetabling: text "no student group" was too long and caused display problems - replaced by "---".
- In student groups, character for "inter/diverse" is stored with text "select female students"
Timetable API: Class information was missing in stand-by periods - Absences: When adding a second absence to a student, teachers can now choose if they want to save it separately or combine it.
- Class register entries: Class teachers can now add an entry for the students in their class in the mobile apps.
- Grades: users can now scroll through the full list of grades in the Grades form on the Examinations page.
- Grades: Substritution teachers can now enter a grade directly from the period view.
2024.3.3 (17.10.2023)
The following bugs have been fixed:
- Untis Mobile: The request to change your password no longer prevents you from logging if the security guidelines restrict it
- Untis Mobile: The request to change your password behaves like WebUntis for LDAP users
2024.3.2 (16.10.2023)
The following bugs have been fixed:
- Relevant for Swedish schools only: Problems with import from Novaschem fixed
2024.3.1 (10.10.2023)
The following bugs have been fixed:
- Homework is displayed in Untis Mobile under "My events" even without the corresponding permission
2024.3.0 (05.10.2023)
- New icons for platform applications.
- For SAML-SSO, the master data of the legal guardians can now also be configured.
The following bugs have been fixed:
- Untis Mobile: Teachers can now only use absence reasons for existing absences for which they have access (master data - reasons of absence - privilege).
- If the access token is obtained via the routing gateway, the OneRoster API could no longer be called.
- Performance optimisation of the OneRoster APIs.
- Users with 2FA could no longer log in after the temporary user locks had expired.
- No warning in Untis when bookings are imported with a room, that exists in WebUntis but not in Untis
- In some cases, the student csv import loads forever
- Contact Hours list is now available again over the public link.
- Special characters are now displayed correctly in the seat plan .pdf report.
- Random allocation of students for class services is now possible.
- Students can now scroll through course-choice categories when registering for a course.
- Students are no longer shown in the grades matrix of a semester if they are not in the school for that semester.
- Time format is now correct on Contact Hours page.
- Teachers no longer see some absence times for classes they teach outside the subject-teacher excuses class level interval.
- Parents and their contact details are now shown in the Unmet requirements report from Parent-teachers days.
- The setting "Display open periods for - All - Fixed setting for all users" no longer affects the default filters and columns on Open periods page.
- All days are now copied when copying a Parent-teacher day.
- The info-texts teachers and parent see for Optimization Parent-teacher days after the registration phase is over are now correct and similar.
- Users can no longer create more appointments for Parent-teacher days than specified in the settings.
- A student is no longer displayed as absent on the Class Register Main View for the whole block if they are only late for the last period.
- Users no longer need to scroll a lot and page layout is more stable on the parent registration page for Parent-teacher days.
- The user groups "Main office" and "Other" can now see the homework page if they have the rights set.
2024.2.3 & 2024.2.4 & 2024.2.5 (27.09.2023)
The following bugs have been fixed:
The class register is not accessible for some schools
In Untis Mobile no homework is listed under "My events" despite corresponding right (if there are viewing restrictions)
In Untis Mobile no exams are listed under "My events" despite corresponding right (if there are viewing restrictions)
2024.2.2 (27.09.2023)
The following bugs have been fixed:
- Some users are logged out of Untis Mobile even though they still have a valid session
2024.2.1 (18.09.2023)
The following bugs have been fixed:
- In some schools there are problems with the day overview (monitor view)
2024.2.0 (14.09.2023)
Online Timetabling
It is now possible to switch between displaying subjects and student groups:
The forename in the Student API is now optional.
In the user administration, the description for the function to create users for legal guardians has been changed.
The following bugs have been fixed:
- If the subject is changed in the lesson in Untis, the original lesson arrives parallel to the new one in WebUntis without a teacher
- When opening the online substitution planning, the error message "Oh no! An error has occurred!" is shown
- On Untis Mobile under "My Appointments" students can see all exam dates for the year, even if the view in WebUntis has been restricted
- Online substitution planning: In some cases "Publish all" does not work
- Menu item "Exam locks" is visible if only the right "Administration" without the right "Exam locks" is assigned
- Error message when adding a room in the hour details if original room is scheduled with room conflict.
- Messages: Inactive users are not longer displayed in the recipient list
- Untis Mobile: The menu for student absence management is displayed in the home view regardless if students are assigned to a class
- Untis Mobile: The menu for student absence management is displayed for teachers with reading rights or with an available assignment group
Class API: The school year ID is now filled correctly.
When saving the platform application, it is no longer possible to press the button more than once.
OneRoster API: Performance issues when reading students and teachers has been fixed.
- Lessons outside of the selected timeframe are now formatted consistently accross substitution planning and the classregister (0 / - )
- The Grade '0' is now displayed correctly when entering grades
- Names of substituted teachers are now displayed correctly
- Teaching Content is now loaded into Sidebars correctly
2024.1.6 (07.09.2023)
The following bugs have been fixed:
- In some cases student groups are duplicated in WebUntis after export from Untis
2024.1.3 & WU2024.1.4 & WU2024.1.5(02.09.2023)
The following bugs have been fixed:
- In the online substitution planning, some substitutions (especially of periods without rooms) cannot be published.
- In rare cases the import of student master data doesn't react after the start anymore
- Problems with the export from Untis -> WebUntis fixed
2024.1.2 (30.08.2023)
The following bugs have been fixed:
- Under certain circumstances it was not possible to delete a school year.
2024.1.1 (29.08.2023)
- Problems with displaying messages in Untis Mobile fixed
2024.1.0 (25.08.2023)
- The global school year selection (only for certain schools) is now synchronised with the old calendar on the right.
- The order of master data elements (classes, departments, user groups) is now applied in the recipient list for messages.
- On Class Register Overview page the standard searchbar is now also available for teachers.
Authentication including SSO can now be called up via the central gateway (api.webuntis.com). A change was made so that the school name is no longer used in the URL, but the TenantID.
New API for reading lessons and their students, regardless of whether the students also have users (difference to OneRoster).
- If certain standard user groups are missing, the admin is now made aware of this when opening the user groups and the missing groups are created.
The following bugs have been fixed:
- rooms that cannot be booked (with activated function "Room conflicts permitted" in "Lessons" - "Settings") can still be booked via the "Exam planner"
- Administration - Exam blocking and Master data - Types of examinations reports outside of school year
- improve long loading times in online substitution planning
- iCAL templates between schoolyears
- Timetable External API - error response
- Exam form dropdowns update
- teacher timetable is not displayed correctly when teacher has entry date during week (not Monday)
- Class users can see "Notes for teachers"
A missing letter in a note was fixed.
Profiles from the user import were also visible in other imports.
The function "Block users" now does not deactivate users of legal guardians/aprentice representatives if their students have an entry date in the future.
- Master data pages for departments and user groups can be saved manually sorted again.
- Translations for user groups in recipient lists have been adjusted.
- In the recipients list for messages users are now also displayed between school years.
- Results for filters for classes and class teachers are fully displayed in the messaging system again
- Only the class register entries from the relevant lessons of the day are displayed in Class Register Main View.
- The date-selection calendar on the Class register Overview page can now be closed by clicking outside it.
- The "Absences not checked" and "Teaching content missing" filters on Class register Overview and Open periods pages now filter correctly based on the subject settings.
- Teaching content can be entered via the sidebar on Open Periods page during the time between school years.
- Courses: Participants in the waiting list are now moved up automatically when the number of participant increases.
- Courses: When changing the status of a student, the previously selected checkboxes are no longer checked again when the sorting is changed.
2024.0.0 (03.08.2023)
- It is now possible to search messages by username.
- Its no possible to navigate in lesson-details to previous/next period of the lesson.
There is a new API to manage the master data classes.
When importing for legal guardians/apprentice representatives, there is now a new option "Import student connection additively" to keep existing connections to students and only import new connections. This helps if the import file is not 100% complete.
Changed the authorisation endpoints for the platform from "schoolname" to "tenantid". This means that changes to the schoolname will no longer cause problems in the future.
There is now a new feature for support to fix wrong address data (duplicates).
Only for activated schools (feature flag): The new UI component for global school year selection has been developed. The use of the component will follow later.
In the master data for legal guardians/apprentice representatives, ALL students are now displayed in the detailed view, even if they have already left or will only join in the future.
The following bugs have been fixed:
- No classes were displayed for selection in the examination block dialogue.
- Display of platform applications for legal guardians/apprentice representatives did not work correctly.
- Every school saw every platform application, even if it was not unlocked for that country or region.
- If you deleted the exit date for a student, the student was not correctly displayed to the legal guardians/apprentice representatives.
- The OneRoster API returned a 500 error if no school year was active on the cut-off date.
- When importing students, an error message is now issued if the classes from the file do not exist on the key date.
- Some texts are incorrectly translated by automatic browser translation.
- The count of absences is not calculated correctly on class register Overview with the setting "Direct entry of absences via the checkbox" enabled.
- The count of absences is not correctly updated on class register Overview after 2 absences are combined by extending one of them.
- For A/B week lessons only the actual teacher is now displayed for each period on class register Overview and Open periods.
- Homework is not visible for cancelled periods in the Mobile applications.
- Improve loading times in online Substitution Planning
- Create an exam when teacher is absent and not substituted
- Class users see the link of "Takes place online" in period details
- Save and create new now works for exam type creation
- In exam statistics all grades are shown now
- Teacher with read-only rights on exams and enter-grades rights is able to set grading-scheme and grade the exam
- "Maximum allowed exams per student" raises wrong error message when exceeding limits
- Behavior of active & bookable flag for resources
- Student that left the class is not shown in the exam
2023.14.1 & 2023.14.2 (24.07.2023)
The following problem has been fixed: Teachers cannot view their lessons of the upcoming schoolyear via the timetable
2023.14.0 (13.07.2023)
- In the recipient list of a message, you can see which teachers are class teachers and the associated classes.
- Users with the role “Other” can send messages.
- The teaching Content sidebar on the Open Periods page is wider on larger screens.
The following bugs have been fixed:
- long loading times in online substitution planning - in the past there were crashes especially with many open substitutions
- ICal and ICS calendar from WebUntis do not show all fields in Outlook
- In the report "Exam overview (classes)" the long name of the class is displayed and truncated
--> the short name of the class is used in the report now - Student-Studentgroup assignment: filtering by multiple classes does not work
- Online timetabling: On the Blocks & Couplings page the text does not fit in the cards because it is too long
Student API: If an incorrect class is sent for the student, a meaningful error message now appears.
Legal guardians without assigned students appear in the master data overview despite the class filter.
The function "Copy e-mail from person for user" now also takes the legal guardians and apprentice representatives into account.
JSON file for some pupils on page "Data protection" cannot be downloaded --> Error message: HTTP Status 500 - Internal Server Error
Master data buildings: The checkbox in the selection list remained active after deleting buildings.
- If you select several dynamic lists in the recipient list of a message, you will receive now all persons regarding the selected filters.
- The homework in “My events” (Untis Mobile) is no longer available if the corresponding right is missing.
- Master data: Excuse status cannot be added or edited.
- Parent-teacher day: Error message when importing rooms.
- Parent-teacher day with department is not visible for teacher without department.
- Teacher see only their own class register entries in the "Class Register entries" report.
2023.13.3 (11.07.2023)
- Bug fixes on the interface for the connection to the Swedish school management system
2023.13.2 (07.07.2023)
- Bugfix for the home tab which couldn't be displayed in Untis Mobile
2023.13.1 (03.07.2023)
- Adaptations of the interface for the connection to the Swedish school management system
2023.13.0 (22.06.2023)
One minute before the session in WebUntis expires, the user is now made aware of this by a message and can then actively extend the session again.
With version WU2023.13.0 a new full screen modal for notes has been implemented.
The name of a calendar integration in the new timetable view (not yet publicly available) is now used by the main menu.
Platform applications are now active immediately after being added. The button to activate them no longer has to be pressed manually.
Vacations are now also displayed in the new calendar for date selection.
The following issues have been fixed
When importing users, the user group was not taken over correctly. This has been fixed and now it is possible to export the users and import them with the same file - incl. the user groups without breaking them.
The OneRoster API did not deliver all lessons from WebUntis. Special cases such as special duties are now also taken into account.
If support has logged in to a school via WUSSO access and user administration rights were also assigned to other groups (except administration) there, support now gets the Administration role anyway.
Certain users could not use platform applications with SSO because their UUID was not set correctly. This has now been fixed across the board.
The contact details now also show the data of the legal guardian or training officer again.
When resetting the password for a platform application, the new password was not automatically sent to the third-party application. Instead, it was displayed to the administrator in the UI.
The pop-up for the contact details in the absence list in the class book now shows the correct contact details again.
When shortening the school year, "ghost periods" remain in the timetable:
Shorten the school year in WebUntis and Untis.
Perform a new lesson export
Previous behavior: periods from the previously longer school year still remain in the timetable outside of the shortened school year
New behavior: These periods are deleted and no longer appear in the timetable
If there are several special duties in different classes but with the same subject, these are combined in WebUntis. The teachers then appear together but only the first class is displayed. This behavior only occurs in classes without lessons, e.g. substitute classes or classes created for final exams.
- The "Student absences management - read" right also allowed editing absences.
- The last grade could not be deleted in the grade entry modal.
- If only a remark (no grade) was entered during grade entry, the subsequent entry of a grade statistic was not saved.
- Report "Absences per class" in the total overview showed unexcused hours incorrectly.
2023.12.3 (09.06.2023)
- The details report can't be generated if there are unscheduled appointments.
2023.12.2 (07.06.2023)
- Some Interfaces (SOAP, Smartschool) didn't work anymore. We fixed it.
2023.12.1 (05.06.2023)
- The new management of student absences is available in the the Home-Tab. Class teachers and appropriate assignment groups can now edit and excuse absences in a new overview.
2023.12.0 (02.06.2023)
Legal guardians and apprentice representatives can now change their own contact details and those of the students in their profile.
When the session expires, you are now automatically redirected to the login page. This also works if you are logged in to several tabs at the same time.
- Under Administration, the current class of the student is now displayed in the user overview.
- The OneRoster interfaces have been extended to include the optional lesson name. Details see API documentation for integration partners
The following issues have been fixed
- The Student API returned an error when the student class assignment ran beyond the school year.
- When changing and saving the domain in the platform, an incorrect password was sent to the third party application.
- When importing students, the third gender can now also be imported using "d" and "divers". In addition to the previous "i" and "inter".
- If an exam is outside the "Allowed date range for exams" (Lessons-> Settings), no grading scheme can be selected
- A room that can only be reserved can still be booked via the timetable.
Such a room can now no longer be selected via the period details: - If the right "Exam lock" is set without the right "All", all exam locks are still visible for all teachers.
The rights now work as described in https://help.untis.at/hc/de/articles/360012982979-Pru-fungssperre - Teachers from past Terms will show up in periods of the subsequent Term in which the teacher is no longer teaching.
- If a room is substituted and then an activity is created in Untis with the same room, a strange row comes along on the second transfer to WebUntis. This row appears as often as you export the substitutions to WebUntis (after each export another line appears).
- If students don't have the right to send messages and teachers want to send messages to guardians, recipients are now listed.
- If an active teacher has both an inactive and an active user, the inactive user is no longer shown up as a preselected message recipient under <Class register | Open periods | Send message>.
- Restoring default lists are displaying now their name based on the school language instead of the profile language.
2023.11.0 (11.05.2023)
- On all pages in WebUntis, the session timeout is now automatically extended when the user is active. This means when the mouse is clicked or something is typed. If a timeout does occur due to inactivity, the user is immediately redirected to the login page at the first click or keystroke.
New Open periods page now additionally displays the total number of periods.
Expired parent-teacher days are deactivated after they end, so they cannot be reactivated.
The following problems have been fixed:
- Users for legal guardians whose students have already left the school were no longer deactivated via the function "Block users of inactive or left persons". This has now been fixed.
- In the teacher master data, the family name is now a mandatory field and the external ID is checked for uniqueness.
- The name of the setting "Students may only see public messages" has been extended to include legal guardians.
- If individual appointments of a booking are cancelled in WebUntis, then these do not arrive as a cancellation in Untis
- Parents who have permission to write messages to class teachers can now send messages even if assigned students do not have a user.
- The "Student absences management -> Read only" right also allowed editing absences.
Parent-teacher day: Deleted parent-teacher days were still displayed in the list after deletion.
Parent-teacher day: Entered teacher absences were only displayed correctly after reloading the page.
Parent-teacher day: Input of teacher absences over several days was not possible.Formularende
Parent-teacher day: When reducing the size of the window for absence input by teachers, some areas were no longer accessible.
Parent-teacher day: In the central appointment page, the save button was not visible.
Parent-teacher day: Optimization showed the status "Done" too early, although appointments were still being planned in the background. This made the result seem incomplete and wrong.
- Messages can now be searched to find desired messages more easily (Inbox, Sent, Drafts).
- Admins can now delete all lists, including default lists (class teachers, teachers, students). Default lists can now be restored.
2023.10.1 (26.04.2023)
The following problems have been fixed:
- SingleSignOn (SSO) using SAML does not work.
2023.10.0 (25.04.2023)
For exams and bookings, the respective details page indicates that the checkbox "Was exported to Untis" is only relevant until Untis 2022
- Background: The import logic has changed with Untis 2023 - Untis checks the modification date of exams/bookings and no longer the above checkbox
On the new pages (new design), the session timeout is now automatically extended when the user is active. This means when the mouse is clicked or when something is typed. This prevents the nasty surprise of a timeout when typing long texts and then saving them. We are working on making this functionality available on the old pages as well.
- Input field "code" has been removed from master data "Reason of absence" form.
- View setting "Lines per page" was limited to 2000 lines maximum.
- It is now possible to select and write to subject teachers in the recipient list, where the corresponding lessons will not take place for up to 90 days.
- Sending of messages with read receipt is much faster now
The following problems have been fixed:
- WebUntis timetabling: In rare cases, an error sporadically appears when planning lessons or starting the optimization
If there are several events in different classes but with the same subject, they are combined in WebUntis. The teachers will then appear together BUT only the first class will be displayed.
- Example in Untis:
- Wrong display in WebUntis before fixing the bug
- Now WebUntis shows three activities (as created in Untis):
- Example in Untis:
- If a school uses split break supervisions and the WebUntis Booking module, the split break supervisions show up in the schools To-do list as room conflicts.
- If an exam is created and an assigned teacher who was previously assigned to the lesson is selected, this teacher will not be shown in the timetable.
- Untis Mobile: The "Add room" feature is displayed for future standby periods
- To download the report “Exam report with grades”, the right “Examinations Read - All” needs to be set. Otherwise an error message appears.
- If you want to enter exam grades via "Lessons - Teacher - Dates of the lessons", the student names are not listed there, you just see "undefined". This way you can generally still see the old exam view.
- Link to teacher/room/resource in week overview timetables does not work
- When altering the date of an exam, the history of changes does not display the new date - the original date is still displayed.
The correct tenant ID is now displayed again on the platform application page.
The OneRoster API for reading users, now returns the gender even if the date of birth is not populated.
Under certain circumstances, when saving teachers, it happened that the address was deleted. This no longer occurs.
When deleting students, the internal last modification date is now also updated for the corresponding student groups.
When creating users, it is no longer possible to get duplicate external user names if the external ID of the person behind it (student, teacher, ...) is automatically taken over.
In the student import, incorrect identifications were made available for selection, which are only valid for legal guardians and apprentice representatives.
If own security policies are defined for LGs/ARs, these are now also applied during self-registration. If no own policy is defined, the "default behaviour" continues to apply.
Under certain circumstances it was possible to import duplicate external IDs for LGs/ARs via CSV. This is now acknowledged with an error message.
When saving a student, an error message is no longer displayed if an existing address was previously changed and saved.
- Some elements from search was visible on logout page.
- Parent teacher day form: after adding an attachment the save button become activated.
- New form dialogs are not responsive.
- Page for courses could not be opened if there were courses outside a school year.
2023.9.0 (30.03.2023)
The following bugs have been fixed:
- Session handling in the new frontend has been improved. If you log off in a second tab, you are now also logged off correctly in the first tab.
- Session handling in the old frontend has been improved. When the session expires, you are redirected to the login page after the next action. Before, only the loading spinner was displayed. This does not yet mean that you are automatically redirected to the login page (without action) after the session expires.
- When importing students via CSV, blank lines have been removed when selecting the identification.
- The import for legal guardians/apprentice representatives officers can now no longer be started in parallel. This avoids unnecessary subsequent errors.
- For users for LG/AR, the correct person of the LG/AR is now displayed in the column "Person".
- The user report now outputs the correct email address of the user in every case. Previously, there were constellations where an old email address was output.
- When creating the LG/AR, it is now checked that the ExternalID must be unique.
In the case of a team-teaching lesson and an foreign substitution created on it, the original lesson without a teacher remains in parallel
--> WebUntis now correctly shows the original lesson as cancellation: - It is possible for students to see unannounced exams by displaying the details of the lesson. The type and name of the exam is displayed as “Lesson Info”
- For an exam created in Untis that contains multiple lessons, you cannot add students to the exam in WebUntis
- Sporadically, absences of certain days cannot be loaded, therefore sometimes the absence report cannot be created
- Untis Mobile: Only the fields that can also be edited in WebUntis ("Takes place online", "Notes for students", "Notes for teachers") can now be edited for cancelled lessons and standbys
- Subject teacher excuses: In the sidebar the status is now displayed in color
- Today page: Filter for class selection for timetable display did not work
- Master data exemption reasons: Input of long name is now validated for character length
- Legal guardian: If a student leaves the school with an exit date, the connection to the legal guardian is now removed automatically after the exit date. Now the legal guardian can't see the student when he logs into WebUntis anymore.
- Messages: When creating/editing dynamic lists, the button for making the dynamic list public, is now changing it's color again when toggled.
The Public icon (bottom left corner) doesn’t change its color to orange when toggled for dynamic lists.
- Exam settings ("Lessons -> Settings") in new design
- Removed experimental setting "Break length [minutes] that breaks a block" ("Administration" -> "Settings"). This was accidentally published in a previous version, although it has no effect yet.
Currently, the break length that breaks a block remains set as a fixed default of 15min.
- The reports for the following areas now have better file names. The timestamp and also various filter criteria have been added to the file name.
- Master data: Classes
- Master Data: Students
- Master data: Guardians
- Master data: Apprentice Representative
- Master data: Teachers
- Master data: Subjects
- Master data: Rooms
- Master data: Room groups
- Master data: Buildings
- Master data: Resources
- Master data: Resource groups
- Master data: Departments
- Master data: Holidays
- Master data: School years
- Master data: Exam types
- Administration: Users
- The platform now supports a new integration point, so that platform applications can now also be called up in the examination list. The platform applications are displayed in the 3-point menu of the exam and opened in a new tab.
Student-Appointment-Allocation/Student-Lesson-Allocation (only relevant for schools who explicitely have those features enabled):
If you did allocations for the same student group both via Student-Appointment-Allocation and Student-Lesson-Allocation, you can get to a state where you no longer can do allocations for that student/studentgroup via the Student-Lesson-Allocation.
In case you run into that problem: You have to save the data again via student-appointment-allocation, this will repair the data.
In general: Never use Student-Appointment-Allocation and Student-Lesson-Allocation for the same student/studentgroup.
Class register
- Design adjustments in the master data page for "Excuse status"
- Design adjustments in the master data page for "Reasons for absence“
New page for master data "Services"
2023.8.0 (09.03.2023)
The following bugs have been fixed:
- If an exam is edited and the type of examination is changed, the weighting factor does not change to the new exam, the weighting factor of the original exam type still counts.
- In Untis, the name of the exam can be entered longer than in WebUntis. If you then want to add the students in WebUntis, the exam cannot be saved because the name has too many characters.
-> the exam name can now have 100 characters in WebUntis as well -
If the rights "legal guardian master data" and "aprentice representative master" are deactivated, the "All" checkbox is no longer deactivated.
When resetting the password, no security-relevant data is now saved in the history.
The Student API now returns a correct error code if the class is set incorrectly.
It is now no longer possible to bypass the set password policy when self-registering.
Student imports via CSV can now no longer be started multiple times in parallel.
Resources that are already used in bookings can now no longer be deleted. These may have to be deactivated.
System user can no longer be used via O365 for logging into WebUntis.
- Today page: Information about locked booking system is now also displayed to teachers.
- Today page: Button to activate support access synchronizes correctly again.
- Today page: Parents could see the child's timetable although they had no right to do so.
- Messages: If no departments are existing, the filter für departments is no longer visible in the recipient selection
- Messages: When a legal guardian sends a message, the recipient list is now displayed again.
- Exam list and exam statistics::
- The default timerange is now set to "current week". This adresses the problem of large schools which many exams where the list took long to load.
- Introduced an additional time range option "next week"
WebUntis Substitution Planning
- Performance improvements, the open substitutions load faster now
- There is a new API via OneRoster to read school years from WebUntis. These are called academicSessions. See API Documentation
- Extension for UI integration in the lesson details to send the exam ID to the third party application. This is delivered as "exam_id". See UI Integration
- Changes in the timetable settings are now active immediately. Clear cache is no longer necessary.
- The contact details now show the name of the parent/guardian.
Class register
The following bug have been fixed:
- Report "Absence days per class" with "whole days" gave wrong result if subject teacher excuse was activated in combination with the setting "Default end time of an absence at end of day".
New page for ”Open periods”
- The Open periods pages for classes and teachers have been replaced with one new Open periods page.
- The class register setting "Show open periods from" has been removed from the settings.
- For more information about the new page, see this article: https://help.untis.at/hc/en-150/articles/360012858440-Class-register-for-teachers-Open-periods
- When creating a new Legal Guardian or Apprentice Representative, it is necessary that each user has an unique mail address. Therefor a message is now displayed that this is necessary.
- Deletion of default public lists (class teacher, teacher, student) is now no longer possible
2023.7.2 (01.03.2023)
The following bugs has been fixed:
- The user import no longer worked and profiles already saved for other imports (e.g. student master data) also no longer worked.
2023.7.1 (24.02.2023)
The following bugs has been fixed:
- Waiting list ranking for course registration was not done correctly by registration date.
2023.7.0 (17.02.2023)
- When importing master data for legal guardians/apprentice representatives, duplicates are notified
- When importing master data for legal guardians/apprentice representatives, a message about the incorrect data records is sent
- Bugfixes:
- The red badge in the sidebar of the Today page is no longer displayed if messages of the day are available
- The import of master data not creating incorrect entries if first name and last name are missing
- The profile importer for master data also saves the identification for legal guardians/apprentice representatives
Online Substitution Planning
- Performance Improvements
The following bugs have been fixed:
- If an exam is edited and the type of examination is changed, the weighting factor does not change to the new exam, the weighting factor of the original exam type still counts
- Exam statistics: without the right "all", every teacher can see every exam and their grades
- It is not possible to filter exams of past school years per class under Lessons | Examinations.
- In a new term, a student group is added to a lesson, so this becomes a new lesson with a new L-No. If this latest period is then transferred to WebUntis, the original lesson without student group is deleted in WebUntis and also all dates in the past.
- If a team teaching lesson is relocated to Untis, this relocation is not displayed correctly in WebUntis. One teacher is crossed out and the other is shown twice.
Class register
The following bugs have been fixed:
- If a student changed the class, the class teacher from the previous class could continue to excuse the student's absences.
- New open periods page: class teachers could view other people's classes.
- New Today page: Messages the day without subtitles showed the content twice.
- Adjustments to prevent disappearing attachments
- Students who switched classes are correctly displayed in the recipient selection list
- Messenger groups can be created again without any issues
- Platform: New permission for student absence API.
- Platform: Domain character length increased from 120 characters to 300 characters.
- OneRoster API: The technical ID of a person (person-ID) was included in the response.
- Security: For newly installed schools, the field “Enable the data transfer for person-lists via the webservice” in the user groups is now unchecked by default.
- Security: When new users are created via the function “Create users for students/teachers”, the checkbox “Users have to change the password at their first login” is now active by default.
- Bugfixes:
- Problems with the activation of a platform application for certain schools fixed.
- Character set issues with legal guardian master data import have been fixed
- OneRoster API: Requests with an incorrect class ID now result in a correct error message
- Deleting too many student master data at once caused an error which has now been fixed.
2023.6.3 (03.02.2023)
The following bugs has been fixed:
- The problem was fixed that for lessons in which a transfer was made, no teaching content could be entered in the Untis Mobile App or the lesson details could not be opened.
2023.6.2 (31.01.2023)
The following bugs has been fixed:
- When importing students, the preview is displayed incorrectly. It looks like the students' addresses are deleted.
2023.6.0 (26.01.2023)
- On the exam statistics page, grades are sorted ascending now (the order as configured in the grading scheme)
- When creating an exam from the period details, the exam type is not prefilled anymore
Online Timetabling:
- If an existing timetable is copied, a loading spinner display that the copying process is ongoing. This cannot be closed, until the process is finished.
- Indication for Admin in master data “reason of absence” in case of automatic excuse status.
- The transaction handling of the Student Management API has been improved.
- The "All" checkmark for the master data rights for LGs and ARs has been deactivated. The LGs and ARs are now always displayed in relation to the visible students.
- When creating master data via the input wizard, the time grid is no longer skipped and the user must enter it.
- Open periods: teaching content entered for last period in the block is displayed only for that single period
- The setting “Data-entry for [days] in the past” overwrites the setting option “Allow the entry of the teaching content until [days] into the past”
- Schüler sehen Klassenbucheinträge des Vorjahres nicht mehr
- Success message not displayed when student/LG/AR adds own absence
- Problems with the validation of duplicate records have been fixed in the Student Management API.
- Problems with the transfer of teacher address data (e.g. email) from Untis to WebUntis have been fixed.
- Fixed an error when creating the password PDF via the Student Management API when no school year is active.
- Fixed an error when deleting multiple buildings.
- Booking Module: If the setting "Maximum length for an activity [min]" is set to a number and then you try to book an activity through the “Find appointments” with a shorter duration than set, the message appears that the duration has been exceeded.
2023.5.3 (21.12.2022)
The following bugs has been fixed:
- Fixed a problem when importing students with class assignments via the SOAP API.
- Problems with lost attachments of messages have been fixed.
2023.5.0 (14.12.2022)
Administration & Integration
The session timeout can now be increased to a maximum of 90 minutes.
- Some links could not be opened using “Own links” in the platform.
- An error message is now displayed for a deleted playground
- A heading was missing in the table for student groups
- Corrected a spelling mistake in the settings
WebUntis general
From now on you can attach multiple attachments per message in the new version.
The following bugs have been fixed:
- In rare cases, the student timetable cannot be displayed ("an error has occured")
- Rooms that are set inactive continue to show up in the list of bookable rooms, when creating a new exam.
- For some schools, an incorrect school name was displayed
WebUntis Parent Teacher Day
The following bugs have been fixed
- Parents/students are prompted in the app to log in to the web browser, even though there is no indication of a parent teacher day in WU yet
WebUntis Class register
New note for administrators in the Class Register settings when subject teacher excuses are enabled and a default excuse status is activated at the same time.
The following bugs have been fixed:
- Default absence reason does not change when a student is changed from absent to delayed
- Student can manipulate the URL to get to the class services page for teachers
- Students can see class services of the whole school from previous school years
- Absence can be created beyond the exit date of the student
- Inactive set absence reasons can still be selected as default value in the class book settings
- Class Services that are set to be inactive still show up in the student’s overview
The following bug has been fixed:
- Timetabling: In some cases an error occurred when a timetable was copied
- Untis Import: If there is a conflict between an Untis-substitution and a booking, this booking is now correctly shown in the email sent after the import
The following bug has been fixed:
- In rare cases, the timetable of some students does not load ("Oops, an error occured")
- Fixed a bug where WebUntis could crash under special user input.
2023.4.2 (22.11.2022)
The following bug has been fixed:
- For some schools, a wrong name was displayed.
2023.4.0 & 2023.4.1 (18.11.2022)
- Teachers who have an exit date or are inactive are still be selectable for an exam
- Reports cannot be genereted on the exam details page
- Setting “No exam after x free days” has no impact
- Teachers can only store grades for exams with the additional right "Exam statistics"
- Substitutes and special duties are not displayed in the menu item provided for them in the exam calendar, but under “My lessons”.
Bug fixes:
- Student Management API: External username of a student user should be unique.
- Student Management API: Short name of the student should be unique
- UI: Student users shall have a unique external username
- UI: Students shall have a unique short name
- UI: Students should have a unique external ID
- Legal Guardians cannot edit their children’s absences.
- Student master data: The attribute “text” is not transferred to Untis
- Integration: The back button should be removed when importing from Sokrates.
- When deleting legal guardians, an incorrect message is displayed
- New page for permission error “No permission to access the page”.
- New page for 404 error “Page could not be found.”
- Course registrations are now deleted as soon as the master data element is deleted from the student.
- Fixed an error in the timetable that occurred with certain timetable settings when there is no time grid (yet) in the school year. If there is no time grid, an empty timetable is now displayed instead of an error message.
2023.3.1 (10.11.2022)
The following bug has been fixed:
- On Untis Mobile, no lesson details can be opened from public timetables
2023.3.0 (03.11.2022)
- Adaption and improved delete dialogs
- Input validation was adapted
The following issues have been fixed:
- In rare cases, the following error message is sent via email, after exporting data from Untis to WebUntis: "persist failed Invalid Licence"
- Teachers can only enter grades if they have the permission "Exam Statistics"
- If a student is added to an exam after creating the exam, no grades can be entered
- Bug fixes:
- Student API does not return correct error in certain cases.
- Sokrates import does not return a meaningful error message
- Name of guardian is displayed incorrectly in the profile
- OneRoster-API does not return users of the role "Other“
- Error texts during SSO login via OIDC have been improved
- Technical change in the transfer of access data when exporting from WebUntis to Untis
- Tenant ID is now also displayed in the platform
Class register:
- BUG fixed: Class register setting “Show open hours from” is overwritten in peak times, even if setting is shorter than one week.
Today’s Page:
- On the new today’s page (Beta-Toggle), today’s timetable is now shown for the logged in user
- Also, “quick links” (= links to important sub pages) are being shown
2023.2.13 (17.10.2022)
No relevant changes for users.
2023.2.12 (14.10.2022)
The following bugs have been fixed and improvements were added:
- In certain cases, legal guardians were created more than once via the user administration.
- In special cases, exams disappear from the timetable after doing a lesson export
- In the exam list ("Lessons - Exams") filtering is now possible by teachers, rooms and classes
2023.2.11 (12.10.2022)
The following bugs have been fixed and improvements were added:
- The limitation of the transfer under <Lessons><Settings> "Transfer of exams to Untis until [days] into the future" has no effect.
- If you select the first four fields (Le, Sch, An, Lö) for the “Examinations” right for teachers and use “+” to create another line in which you can assign read rights for all exams (Le + All), teachers suddenly also can edit all exams (Sch, An, Lö) although they should only be able to do this for their own.
- The permissions of exams for class teachers are applied wrongly.
- If you want to filter for a teacher under "Lessons" - "Examinations", this does not work
2023.2.10 (10.10.2022)
The following bug has been fixed
- In rare cases, lessons have the wrong groups of students arriving at WebUntis
2023.2.9 (07.10.2022)
The following bugs have been fixed and improvements were added:
- The email address and mobile number from Untis entered for a teacher is not displayed in WebUntis.
- Anonymous users mistakenly see the platform applications in the mobile app
- Exams cannot be created for future/past school years
- Examination without examination type cannot be processed and no grades can be entered
- Homework should not be visible in the public timetable in Untis Mobile
- Setting “The absence-time must lie within the lesson-period” does not work in Untis mobile
- Automatic excuse status after x days overwrites status set through subject-teacher excuses
- The entire content of a homework is visible in a popup window on the Homework page
2023.2.8 (04.10.2022)
The following bugs have been fixed and improvements were added:
- User with only the administration rights cannot create, edit, delete exam blockings
- Exam Blockings: Make it easier for users to find the "choose class" option
- If you switch to the examination overview from one of the previous school years, the classes are only shown as question marks
- Deleting rooms with assigned resources causes data inconsistency.
- Linking parent and student master data depends on the "Create" addition in the rights.
- Platform: „Own links" with slashes in the domain URL cannot be displayed in the Untis Mobile app.
2023.2.7 (30.09.2022)
The following bugs have been fixed and improvements were added:
- Untis import: Assignment of subject & class(es) to student groups are taken over correctly again
- Exams: Room cannot be changed without booking module being active
- "Admissible time range for exam entries" does not work correctly as soon as an end date is entered. It is then no longer possible to set the date for the exam to one day after the entered start date.
2023.2.6 (29.09.2022)
The following bugs have been fixed and improvements were added:
- Legal Guardian / Apprentice Rep Master Data
- The error "An unexpected error occured" now has a detailed description, that the Browser Cache needs to be cleared.
- Bugfix: Removal of trailing spaces from E-Mails when filtering on the LG/AR master data pages
- Added two new filters "Master data without valid E-Mail" & "Master data without valid E-Mail and without user" to make data cleanup easier
- Teachers cannot access exam blockings (in menu "Administration"), even if they have permissions for it
- Untis import: The error "PreparedStatementCallback; SQL [...]" no longer occurs."
2023.2.5 (28.09.2022)
The following bugs have been fixed and improvements were added:
- Deleting the school year did not work due to students with dependencies to parent master data.
- Three new filters at the legal guardian and apprentice rep pages to make it easier for you to clean the master data:
- keeping unique e-mails only
- only master data with users
- master data without any connected students
- New error messages for the legal guardian & apprentice representatives import - with many error messages we now provide potential solutions already
- Bulk deletion of legal guardian and apprentice rep master data now works as expected
- Incase that a user can’t be deleted we still delete the master data and rename the username with a “master_data_deletion_timestamp” prefix
- Legal Guardian master data import:
- UTF-8 is now the default value for the LG/AR master data import
- E-Mail is now the default identifier - this is the best identified to use if you want to give LG/AR access to WebUntis
- Fixed the “ShortName” identifier to work as expected
- Added a new identifier called “Firstname, Lastname and E-Mail”
- The “Firstname and Lastname” works now as expected
- When importing we normalize all e-mails to lowercase “MiChAel@untis.at” -> “michael@untis.at”
- Messaging system: In the rights and roles for students, legal guardians and apprentice reps, you can decide if they are allowed to send Administrators a message or not
- If an existing exam has an inactive exam type assigned, when editing this exam, you cannot save it with this exam type anymore
- Exam types: Setting written/oral is not saved
- Even with the permission "Exams - All" only the own exams are shown
- Exam blockings not shown, even if permission "Exam blockings - read" is set
- In the public timetables, lessons are displayed as individual lessons and no longer as combined, although it is set in the timetable format.
- If Sunday is the first day of the week and is also selected in the settings, this will not be consider in the monitor view, the wrong day is displayed there.
2023.2.4 (27.09.2022)
The following bugs have been fixed:
- Exam blockings can only be edited if the permission "All" is given
- Inactive exam types can be selected when creating an exam
- Export Untis to WebUntis:
- Class is now assigned to student group when an event (created with class, teacher and student group) has been transferred to WebUntis
- Empty long names in various master data have now been filled automatically to avoid errors in the Untis App.
- Already set class assignments can now be brought forward via the student import.
- Subject Teacher Excuses: Excused absences were displayed in the app as not excused.
2023.2.1 (21.09.2022)
Export of lessons from Untis to WebUntis:
The problem that for some lessons in WU the student groups do not arrive at all or the wrong student groups are exported, has been fixed.
- Final work to integrate various platform applications into our mobile app via webviews. (Attention: The activation for each platform application is done separately!)
- Performance optimisation when loading various data
- The SSO via OpenID Connect now also supports the creation of parent users with the new master data.
- Preparations to measure the usage of the platform apps on mobile.
- New platform application for integration with LEB online available for all schools in Niedersachsen (incl. mobile integration).
- ClassyPlan (school year calendar) now also available in Untis Mobile
- Bugfixing:
- Delete school year deletes multi-year exemptions in all school years.
- Default user group is duplicated - fix cause
- Platform applications that are integrated via iFrame are too high and therefore have two scrollbars.
- Logging in and working via Office365 SSO is possible, although WU access has generally been blocked by the admin.
- In the case of master data/student guardians and training officers, only “is being loaded” is displayed outside of the school year.
WebUntis Timetabling:
- Master data page “Subjects” shines in a new design. Minor improvements will follow.
- Conditions-Page: Optical improvements have been made
- Time requests-Page: Show preview for time requests
- Bugfixing:
- Empty timetables can now be published
WebUntis Exams
The following pages have been reworked completely and are available in the new WebUntis design:
- Creating/Editing exams via the period details
- “Exams” and “Exam Statistics” in Menu “Lessons”
- Entering of grades for exams
- “Administration” -> “Exam Blockings”
In the course of this, we fixed the following bugs:
- If an exam is moved to another day AND the time changes as well, the room is removed from the exam
- If the setting “Allow room conflicts for exams” is active, non-bookable rooms can be booked
WebUntis Substitution Planning
The performance has been improved (substution proposal loads quicker now)
2023.1.0 (expected on 26.08.2022)
WebUntis Timetabling
The page "Conditions of master data" has been completely renewed:
- Time requests and conditions are now entered separately on their own page
- Time requests can still be entered for your classes, teachers, subjects and rooms and can be created for several elements at the same time as usual.
- Conditions (e.g. how many hours a class may have minimum and maximum etc.) can now also be adjusted for several elements at the same time. The entry of conditions for classes, teachers and subjects themselves now also shines in the new design.
- Preparations for platform applications on Mobile via Webviews.
- OneRoster interface now also provides the validity date for each lesson
- Bugfixing:
- Student import via CSV now works again with pipe as separator.
- Setting “Number of login attempts” now works again and locks user access
- We have (hopefully) fixed the root cause for the duplicate user groups
- OneRoster interface no longer delivers teachers via the student endpoint and vice versa
- In the messaging system at the navigation point Lists you can now create messenger groups by clicking on the “+” at the specific list
- Teacher from previous Term shows up in a lesson he is not in
- Improved performance of the substitution proposal
2023.0.0 (17.08.2022)
The following bugs have been fixed:
- After the change of the school year, classes which are carry over from the previous year are no longer displayed in the new school year [WU-12634]
- Some icons in the navigation are displayed wrongly [SP-2371]
- Bugfixing
- Logins (incl. IP addresses) are no longer logged.
- Role mapping in JWT is not complete.
- OneRoster APIs do not only return lessons.
- SSO for Mobile has been improved so that in a third party app a login with the WU credentials can happen.
- Added a note for https to the Domain field in Platform.
- the new legal guardian and apprentice representative master data is released for all schools
- at the legal guardian and apprentice representative a new date picker "Students exit till" exists, the result set are all legal guardians/apprentice reps where all students are not in the school anymore (if the date is correctly set) - therefore, those can be deleted if necessary
- New site for ”Masterdata > Excuse status”
- New site for ”Masterdata > Reasons of exemption”
- New site for ”Masterdata > Reason of Absence”
- Teachers without permission can access grades.
- A student can set him/herself absent retroactively and then also change this absence again.
- Subject teacher excuse - grade level restriction is not observed.
Today's Page
- on the today's page you can now find. a beta toggle – when you activate it, only you as an Administrator see the new administration page for messages of the day and the new today's page. On that page you can at the moment see the new "Messages of the day". Please submit your feedback with what you like and what we could do better for that part via the "Submit feedback" form below your profile icon on the bottom left part
2022.14.0 (06.07.2022)
- Preparation: student master data conversion to new UI
- Bugfixing:
- Users could not change language
- Student API: It is now possible to change the username.
- Bugfixing:
- OAuth code flow - fixed problems with nonce parameter.
- OAuth code flow - fixed problems with state parameter
- Student-API: Student could not be updated if no address was in the request
- Performance Improvements in online substitution planning (e.g. faster loading of the substitution proposal)
- The following bugs have been fixed:
- Students are unable to see period-details of certain periods
- Saved data is not displayed in exam settings page
- Teacher changes of substitutions and exams not shown in room timetable
- Bug: If semesters are now deleted, the affected timetable is not deleted in timetabling
2022.13.0 (20.06.2022)
Daily Planning
- Exam settings (menu "Lessons") in new design
- Curved brackets can now also be saved as field content in the “External Id” field of the students and in the „External user name” field of the users.
- The master data “Buildings” has been converted to the new user interface. Minor rework still follows.
- The platform applications “LEB online” and „Eigene Links” have been given a new icon.
Class register
Class register overview:
When activating the "Subject teacher excuses", all absences are displayed hourly in the overview in the absences section.
Online Timetabling
- Bugs:
- Long descriptions can now be entered in the time grid
- Class/teacher filter was deleted when clicking on diagnosis
- Improvements to the lesson importer
2022.12.0 (31.05.2022)
- Page "Types of examinations" in master data menu implemented in the new design
- Problem solved: If a school has no absence reasons configured yet, they are unable to enter a new one via the substitution planning module
- SingleSignOn for mobile apps
- Platform apps are sent to Untis-Mobile
- Documentation for the new APIs for student management
- Bug fix:
- WU login page loads slowly when platform app “Own links” are used.
- Student API does not store boolean values for student properties
- WU-JWKS endpoint only works with valid WU session
- Master data “Departments” cannot be edited or created
- Contact information is stored multiple times when updates are made using the Student API.
- Platform applications that are only available on mobile block other platform applications in WU.
- Student API can be called without permission.
- Student API gives an error in the password report for the administrator.
- Period label-attribute of the time grid will be displayed in the timetabling plan
- Converting hours per year to periods per week is working properly
- Improvements on the Untis Lesson Importer
Excuse individual lessons from longer absences.Additional class register settings
- Enable/disable the function: Subject teacher excuses
- Restriction of the function to class levels
Extension of the page: Class register > Absence times
- An additional filter for the subject
- An additional filter for the reason of absence
- An additional filter for exams
- An additional filter for open absences
- Accessible for subject teachers
- Excuses for individual periods of absence
- Multiple selection: Excusing multiple absences at the same time
Extension of the page: Class register > Absences
For class teacher/school management (if subject teacher excuses activated)
- Additional column for absences
- New sidebar to display single absences from multiple period absences
Bug fixed:
- "Unknown error" occurred with CSV and Excel when running the "Grades per Class" report.
- Teachers could view grades of all classes via the grades overview, in Excel output.
2022.11.0 (04.05.2022)
- Additional language setting "Ukrainian"
- small user interface bug fixes
- PlatformApplicationManager extended for deep links for mobile integrations.
- Change of disclaimer if it is only a UI integration without data exchange
- New icons for Sdui, Schoolfox, Schubu and LEB online
Online Timetabling
Various bug fixes:
- Blocks and couplings - Page: Class names are displayed with short names in coupling dialogue
- Untis Importer
2022.10.0 (13.04.2022)
WebUntis Substitution Planning
- The following bugs have been fixed:
- Not counting absence reasons behave inconsistent. It depends in which order you create the absence, the calender entry and the cancellation. [SP-2319]
- Problems when filtering teachers in the substitution proposal [SP-2328]
- Create/Edit Absence: Arrow of time dropdown does not work anymore [SP-2335]
Online Timetabling
- Blocks and Couplings-Page:
- Unschedule all periods of respective lesson can be done via button-click without changing to timetabling
- A/B weeks information is displayed for respective lessons
- Bugfixes:
- Untis Importer
- Highlighting of diagnosis points are now properly displayed
WebUntis Platform
- With the new student management API, self-defined student properties can now also be saved.
- The refresh endpoint for OIDC now also returns the id-token.
- Preparations in the platform application manager to integrate the platform applications on mobile as well.
- Bugfixing:
- Security gap closed in the OIDC workflow.
- In the id-token (JWT), the correct roles for LG and AR are now returned.
- Student import (CSV) with disabled student properties now returns a correct error.
- The SingleLogout for platform applications now also works in Firefox.
2022.9.0 (23.03.2022)
Online Timetabling
- Blocks & Couplings: If a user selects a class and then switches between the timetabling and the "Blocks & Couplings or "Master Data" page, the previously selected class is also displayed on the page to be switched.
- Extention of the Diagnosis: Violations of time-preferences for teachers and classes are displayed
- Various Bugfixes
- The OneRoster API for reading lessons, has been extended with a WU class attribute (name and ID).
- The read API for managing student master data has been extended to include the student properties.
- We fixed a bug so that the TenantID could no longer be empty and thus the login no longer worked.
Class Register
- Multiple grading schemes can be defined as an overall grading scheme.
- Overall grading schemes can be assigned for class or grade levels.
Online Substitution Planning
- Substitution counter overview (incl. details) can now be shown for all periods (weeks/months) of the schoolyear
- Substitution Planning: It's no longer possible to create absences outside the schoolyear
- The following bugs have been fixed:
- A room is not bookable for a certain time, although it would be free [WU-11066]
- If a timetable layout has the setting "Time grid | Time" attempting to print out the timetable with that format will result in too many pages being used to print the timetable. [WU-10274]
WebUntis Messaging
- when choosing the filter “class” in the “Custom” flow, now all connected teachers are shown
- the search was extended, f. e. legal guardians can now be found via the name of the connected students and the search now works independently of large and lower case letters
- inactive users are not being shown anymore
- now you can choose more filters in a filtergroup at the dynamic filters
2022.8.0 (03.03.2022)
- ? Yesss - the new messaging system on web is released ?
- ? the whole design is now consistent with our mobile app and the maintenance is ensured
- ? additionally, you can now set a flag to NOT receive answers to your message (f. e. at info emails where many people answer "yes", "thank you", "ok" ;-)). it keeps your inbox clean.
- ? additionally, you can now define dynamic lists. the main difference between the custom list (before it was called distribution list) is, that at the custom list you choose specific users. with dynamic lists you can now define a set of filter combination and choose that combination when sending a message. by choosing filters you can be assured that if additional users are added during the school year they are also included in your defined dynamic list. no "i didn't get the message!"-messages anymore. ? find the feature at "Messages > Lists > Create". Try it out!
- ? coming soon: a few adaptions at the rights & roles for the messaging system, increase of file amount and file size as attachment, also: file upload on mobile
- Platform applications can now also be managed and used in the platform that only exchange data in the background (via APIs) and do not use any integration in the user interface.
- For the management of student master data (incl. users) via API, there is now a new interface for reading all student data.
- Bugfixing:
- A bug in the PODS export (XML) regarding the external ID has been fixed.
- A missing validation in the user interface of the platform was added.
Online Substitution Planning
- Substitution Counters: In the counter details, the absence reason is shown
- The following bug has been fixed:
- Booking a room for single period out of a block period - not all rooms available [WU-7670]
Online Timetabling
- Blocks and Couplings-page:
- The functionality for creating and modifying multiple hours and couplings has been adapted and made more intuitive
- Lessons that have already been scheduled are displayed as such
- Bugfixing:
- WebUntis page again shows the latest import events when a school uses departments
2022.7.0 (17.02.2022)
- New API for student master data import now also supports user-creation
Bug fixes:
- The authorize endpoint returns an error on the redirect_URI check if the domain contains a subpath
- Links (agents) between parents and students are no longer delivered in OneRoster
- If a platform application has already been activated and you change the domain, credentials are not transferred automatically.
- If an SSO was configured (e.g. SAML, O365, ...) then the password change was not triggered when logging in for the first time.
- Error when creating the PDF report for new users if the license line is empty.
- Substitution Counter: Counter now respects the date of the substitution/absence
- The following bugs have been fixed:
- Wrong display of lesson numbers of break supervisions
- Wrong/Inconsistent data after deleting a school year
- Office hours are considered in the substitution counter
- Counter overview does not show teachers who only have non-counting absences
- Absence cannot be deleted when both teachers from team teaching lesson are absent
Online Timetabling
- Bugfixing: Lesson date-rang coincide with school year
- We expect to publish the new messaging system on Web in the next max. 2 releases. You can look forward to additional, helpful features, an adapted design and a future-oriented product.
2022.6.0 (27.01.2022)
- A new filter for the subject in the absences time page.
- A new filter for the absence reason in the absences time page.
- A new filter for exams in the absences time page.
- An additional filter in the absences time page to show only open absences.
- The report "Weekly overview class with absences" now shows only the absences of the selected student.
Fixed several bugs:
- Assignments can again be entered directly in the class register main page.
- Online video link in timetable is now displayed correctly for admins in mobile.
- API for student import - part 1 and 2: student master data incl. addresses and class assignment
- Error handling for student import API changed to WU error handling
- Added icon for new platform application “ClassyPlan
- Subpaths can now be specified in the domain for platform applications
- Added gender and date of birth to OneRoster interface for reading users
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed bug when deleting students
- Log4j updates
- Removed unnecessary service calls in the platform application manager
- Substitution Counters (Counter = Substitutions minus Cancellations)
- Configuration of the counter period (week or month)
- Teacher absence reasons are managed directly in Substitution Planning ("Count cancellations")
- Counter integrated into substitution proposal
- Overview of all teacher's counters, incl. details per teacher
- User Interface improvements:
- More understandable wordings and explanation texts (currently only available in German)
- Lesson numbers (position in timegrid) are shown instead of start and end time of lessons
- "Publish all" shows a summary of changes before publishing
- When overbooking a class with an activity, all original lessons of that class can be bulk-cancelled at once
- Absences in the past can now be edited/deleted by a substitution planner user
- The following bugs have been fixed:
- When restoring a cancelled lesson, duplicated are created [WU-10063]
- Cancellation of 2 rooms is not transferred to Untis [WU-9487]
Online Timetabling
- Bug fixes:
- Data Entry wizard is working again
- Updating holidays is now considered in publishing a timetable
- Timetabling page is considering updated time-grids
2022.5.0 (01.12.2021)
Substitution Planning
- Push Notification is sent to the substitution planner once all teachers declined an "Ask Teacher" request (SP-1862)
- Improved overview of "My Absences" (as teacher) (SP-1925)
- When creating absences or new calendar entries, the timegrid is taken into consideration (WU-10665)
- Various bugfixes:
- Problem when deleting additional calendar entries (WU-10631, SP-2125)
- Error when solving a room conflict with a booked room (SP-2123)
- Platform application usage can now be evaluated. (WU-10030)
- For platform applications PNGs can now be used as icons (WU-10565)
- Country and region are now included in the JWT token (WU-10567)
- Tokens are now encrypted with RS256 instead of HS256 (WU-10221)
- Fixed several bugs:
- Active users with today's entry date were not displayed in the user list with the "Active users" checkbox (WU-10096)
- Various Bugfixes: Various bug-fixes: Lessons created in WebUntis are now treated just like regular lessons in Untis Desktop and not as "lesson-activity-bookings" anymore. Periods of these lessons don't appear as "additional periods" in Substitution Planning anymore.
2022.4.0 (10.11.2021)
- Automatic credential transfer now includes the correct WU host.
- Every call to the old API is now logged.
- Missing class attributes in the OneRoster interface have been added.
- The submenu item "Lessons" has been renamed to "Blocks & Couplings" and now shines in a new design
- Various bug fixes in the diagnosis
Substitution Planning
- Push notifications from Untis substitution import can be configured in settings
- Various bugfixes
Calendar entry details
- Add "Show in timetable" functionality in calendar entry details
- Online video link no longer allows free texts
Class register
- New Class register overview
More information about the new overview can be found here.
2022.3.0 (20.10.2021)
- Platform applications can now be activated for specific countries and regions.
- Platform applications can now be activated for individual schools.
- Platform application activation can now be canceled.
- Bugfixing:
- OneRoster-API: Status of users is now delivered correctly.
- OneRoster API: Filter with email address now works
- Problems from piloting-schools with Eduvidual and edu.FLOW/PAY have been fixed
- Masterdata/ Constraints: Allow large blocks
- Bugfixing:
- A bug was fixed, where at some messages when opening the read receipt list, a error was thrown
Substitution Planning
- Display of class conflicts (overbooking of classes by bookings/additional calendar entries) and the possibility to cancel the original period
- Handling of room conflicts (caused by overbooking rooms by bookings/additional calendar entries)
- Unpublish teacher changes if substitute teacher is absent
- Edit/delete calendar entries that I have created in SP
- Performance improvements of conflict calculation
- Various bug fixes
- Various UI improvements
- New function in the lesson detail window: “Show in timetable”.
- New menu item for timetable formats.
- Bugfixes:
- Enter teaching content for individual lessons of a block.
- Difference in absence reports.
- Print subject text in ESF report.
2022.1.0 (01.09.2021) & 2022.2.0 (29.09.2021)
- automatic transfer of security credentials to platform applications
- platforms is now unavailable in the playground
- analytics - which schools use which SSO?
- PoDS-export is now extended so that more SKZ can be used (school cluster)
- OneRoster-Bugfixing
- OneRoster-Extension for parents (but only works with the new LGs)
- The LDAP-Test-Button now returns more informations
- Performancetuning at Lesson-Import from Untis.
WU Timetable scheduling
- The timetable module has been redesigned and is available for all customers with the corresponding license module.
- The timetable optimization now runs independently as a separate service.
- Various bug fixes in the timetable module.
- multiple deletion of messages is now available in web
- a bug was fixed that allowed an empty subject
- a bug was fixed where the message page could not opened due to broken messages
- a bug was fixed where messages from draft where still visible in the history when revoking the main message
- a bug was fixed where the sent tab was not visible anymore when the user role did not have the create-right
- some UI/UX adaptions
Substitution Planning
- Creating absences in the past (now possible with permission 'substitution planner')
- Conflicts with open 'ask teacher' requests now show up in 'Open Conflicts' (SP-2003)
- Various small UI improvements (SP-2017, SP-1988, SP-1984, SP-1966, SP-1963, SP-2020)
- Various bugfixes (SP-2028, SP-1609, SP-1999, SP-1893, SP-1998)
2022.0.0 (04.08.2021)
- Safari: UI-Integrated Applications open in a new Tab.
- Already activited applications should not appear in the PAM-store
- Button for password-reset in the user-interface of the server2server communication.
- There is a Help Center link at the header of the main platform application page.
Timetable Scheduling:
- Icon to see the date-range of a lesson if it is not fully contained in the timetables
2021.14.0 (08.7.2021)
- There is now a function in the user administration to automatically copy the short name of the teacher to the users external user name. This is useful for any SSO integration.
- If, for technical reasons, a lesson has to be shared with a student group in Untis during the shool year, so that a new lesson is created, the original student assignment can be automatically adopted for the new student group.
Timetable scheduling:
- Lessons can now be limited
- Lessons can now occur in A/B-Weeks
- In manual planning, it is now possible to change between week A/B. Optimization and diagnosis were also expanded for A/B-Weeks.
- The color palette for subjects now suggests predefined and coherent colors. Existing subject-colors are unaffected by this.
- Various Bug-Fixes
2021.13.0 (26.5.2021)
- The Reports "Bafög" and "Fahrkostenzuschuss" are available for users in Germany.
- For two additional Diagnosis options are direct links available for changing the conditions.
- Collisions are shown in small timetables.
- The diagnosis was deactivated on the pages "restrictions for master data" and "restrictions for lessons".
2021.12.0 (05.05.2021)
- Change of the "forward e-Mail" feature in messaging
- The diagnosis is now available in the new design.
- If the optimization is cancelled, the status of the timetable, before the optimization, is restored.
- During the release of a timetable, no bookings and imports are possible.
- An error, that caused that retrospective changes of the color of a subject would have no effect on the timetable scheduling, has been resolved.
- Small improvements of the new UI
General improvements:
- Small UI/UX improvements in the messenger.
2021.11.0 (15.4.2021)
The WebUntis timetable scheduling is now available in the new design, if the feature-flag is set accordingly. The most important changes:
- The module is now integrated into WebUntis and does not open in a new tab in the browser.
- The page, where planning horizons are selected, is now available in the new design.
- The page for the timetable scheduling, with exception of the diagnosis, is now available in the new design.
- The other pages ware integrated in their current design.
- The details can be found on this page: https://help.untis.at/hc/de/articles/360020757140-Die-neue-Stundenplanung (only available in german at the moment)
General improvements:
- New referring-page to the Appstore for mobile devices
- Design changes and bug-fixes for the annual billing
- Messages can be revoked after they were sent
2021.10.3 (26.3.2021)
- Messaging system: Users with the right "read and delete" do not see the button for new messages any more
2021.10.2 (25.3.2021)
- An error when deleting the playground has been resolved
2021.10.1 (24.3.2021)
Internal technical improvements
2021.10.0 (24.03.2021)
General Improvements:
New navigation and lesson details for students, parents and companies are available
- All details are to be found here (in German) https://help.untis.at/hc/de/articles/360020399780-Die-neue-Navigation-f%C3%BCr-Sch%C3%BCler-innen-Eltern-und-Betriebe
The new messeging system is online and contains:
- Request read confirmations
- Display read confirmations
- Send messages
- Respond to messages
- Save drafts
- Create distributions lists
- Print messages
- All details are to be found here (in German): "Link folgt"
Bug Fixes:
- The design of attaching files to homeworkes has been adapted (EP-797)
- The design of parent-teacher-days has been adjusted (EP-602)
- The link for self-registration of parents has been deactivated (EP-706)
- Changing a week via the calendar in the week-ressources-overview is now possible (EP-521)
Improvements Untis Central:
- A warning is shown, bevor a new annual settlement is generated (UC-379)
- A new report "Deviations" is available for headmasters (UC-337)
2021.9.2 (17.03.2021)
- A problem when exchanging data with PoDS has been resolved (WU-8268)
2021.9.1 (15.03.2021)
- An error that standbys and consultation hours have not been displayed correctly has been resolved (WU-8244)
2021.9.0 (05.03.2021)
Improvements and bugfixes:
- In the timetable singe lessons can now be openend in a new tab with a right-click
- Lesson texts from Untis are now shown in the lesson details in WebUntis (EP-477)
- A link that was shown twice in the playground has been removed (EP-501)
- The design of creating exams has been adapted (EP-514)
- The design of entering grades has been adapted (EP-519)
- Browser Safari: The design of entering absences has been adapted (EP-522)
- The design when selecting rooms has been adpated (EP-530)
- The type of exam is now shown in the lesson details window (EP-539)
- The design of assigning students to student-groups has been adjusted (EP-699)
2021.8.3 (19.2.2021)
Improvements and bugfixes:
- The error that the default of activity types have not been set correctly for new schools has been resolved (WU-8149)
2021.8.2 (15.2.2021)
Improvements and bugfixes:
- The error that the read confirmation checkbox did not look good in Safari has been resolved (WU-8190)
2021.8.1 (12.2.2021)
Improvements and bugfixes:
- An error that the logo was shown too big for students and legal guardians has been resolved (WU-8189)
2021.8.0 (12.2.2021)
General improvements and bug fixes:
- Public timetables are visible for students without permissions (EP-375)
- The video icon is shown for every user (EP-323)
- The WebUntis menu is now navigable with the keyboard (EP-11)
- Improvement of scroll bars in new design on MS Surface (WU-7426)
- Parent teacher day - when creating absences the missing scroll bar has been added (EP-515)
- A bug that prevented users from entering a title of a messages of the day has been resolved (EP-435)
- The misleading text for legal guardians when setting a new password has been changed (EP-320)
- An error handling for OICD Login has been improved (EP-618)
- An error during the self-registration of legal guardians, that they could not login after setting a new passwort, has been resolved (EP-616)
- Integrations with third parties are shown as iframe in the main navigation (EP-564)
- Integrations with third parties are shown as iframe in the timetable view (EP-567)
Improvements Internal Messages:
- The display name of recipients is shown in the the read receipt list (EP-393)
- When a message was sent to a group the group name will be shown in the "sent" view and not the individual recepients (EP-321)
- A Bug that recipients have not been shown in sent messages has been resolved (EP-466)
- Duplicate "|" separtors in the recipient list when sending a message to a class with a subject have been removed (EP-442)
- Users who accept the read request do not get added to the recipient list any more (EP-441)
- The error handling of messages has been improved (EP-418)
- A bug in the counter when sending a message to overlapping groups has been resolved (EP-360)
- A bug that read receipt only worked for parents and students "of age" has been resolved (EP-611 and EP-607)
- Android: Messages can be sent to specific students (EP-400)
- Android: Messages can be sent to parents of specific students (EP-399)
- Read confirmations will not be created for students without connected parents, if they are sent to parents (EP-536)
Improvements Login page:
- The Login page with Two-factor Authentication is now keyboard accessible (EP-330)
- The Messages of the Day dialog is now keyboard accessible (EP-329)
- The Login page in the Registration mode is now keyboard navigable (EP-79)
- The Registration page is now accessible with screen reader (EP-71)
- The Password Reset form is now keyboard accessible (EP-34)
- Clear hyperlinks are provided (EP-22)
- The headers are not better understandable and display the structure of the page (EP-16)
- The page is now navigable with screen reader (EP-13)
- A title for the registration page has been added (EP-491)
Improvements Online Timetabling:
- Timetables are not published for holidays and before begin or after end date of lesson (WU-8119)
- When divided untis cannot be combined a hint is shown (WU-7939)
Improvements Untis Central:
- New WU Reports 'CET' for Teachers and 'CET (tous)' for Headmasters are avilable (UC-39)
- An error when importing tableau data has been resolved (UC-389)
2021.7.6 (3.2.2021)
Improvements and bug fixes:
- Error during transfer of FMD file has been resolved (WU-8129)
2021.7.5 (29.1.2021)
Improvements and bug fixes:
- A new column can be added to the grade matrix (WU-7444)
- ASV grades for Bremen have been implemented (WU-7443)
- The header in the grade matrix will not get trunkated (WU-6999)
- Error in grade matrix when grade for a deleted exam is still available has been resolved (WU-6536)
- The sorting in the grade matrix has been improved (WU-6121)
2021.7.4 (28.1.2021)
Performance improvements
2021.7.3 (27.1.2021)
Improvements and bug fixes
- The registration of legal guardiands via link works (WU-8114)
- Translations when selecting a course have been implemented (WU-7965)
2021.7.2 (25.1.2021)
Internal technical improvements
2021.7.1 (23.1.2021)
Improvements and bug fixes
- New login page - User names can have spaces (EP-487)
- Improvements for PoDS JsonAPI
2021.7.0 (22.1.2021)
Improvements and bug fixes:
- New info screen when Messenger is offline (WU-8017)
- Allow Messenger login on Mobile even though Messenger is offline (WU-8018)
- Button for videoconference also accessible via pages Today and Open lessons (WU-7758)
Improvements Online Timetabling:
- Behaviour when leaving detailed view of a lesson has been improved (WU-7154)
- Increasing and lowering conditions of master data is easier (WU-6864)
- When certain actions cannot be done for a lesson hints about the reasons are shown (WU-6851)
- If one lesson is selected in the lesson view also coupled lessons are shown in colour (WU-6850)
- Behaviour when selecting multiple master data elements has been improved (WU-6781)
- When creating lessons classes are sorted alphanumerically (WU-7878)
Other improvements and bug fixes:
- Security issue when uploading images has been closed (EP-428)
- Communication with parents - reading confirmation implemented for UntisMobile (EP-251)
available for beta users only - Redesign of the login page
2021.6.7 (13.1.2021)
Improvements and bug fixes:
- Warning about technical problems for WebMessenger [WU-8017]
- Performance improvements for UntisMessenger App [WU-8018]
- Improvements when creating new WebUntis databases [WU-8014, EP-440]
2021.6.1 to 2021.6.6
Internal technical improvements
2021.6.0 (November, 26th, 2020)
Improvements and bug fixes:
- Under some circumstances after an exam was imported from WebUntis to Untis the teachers did not show up anymore. [WU-7789]
- Performance improvements related to the course registration. [WU-7581]
2021.5.1 (November, 18th, 2020)
Improvements and bug fixes:
- Internal messages: Recipients no longer see other recipients of the same message.
- Period details: The activity type now shows up when it is set via a statistical code in Untis. [WU-7555]
- Class register: Block periods are now detected when the break between two periods is not longer than 15 minutes. [WU-7584]
- Exams: In some special cases exams disappeared in WebUntis after an import/export from Untis. [WU-7765]
- Substitution planning: In some cases it was not possible to import substitutions from Untis to WebUntis. [WU-7772]
- Basic package: In some cases unexpected push notifications were sent. [SP-1669]
- User administration: The option "remove special characters" when creating users no longer removes separators. [WU-4817]
- Untis Messenger: Performance improvements [WU-7537]
2021.5.0 (November, 13th, 2020)
New features:
- The roll-out of the new timetable details on iOS started. With this update the fields "info for teachers" and "links to video calls" are now also available on iOS. You'll receive the update on your phone in the next days.
Improvements of online substitution planning
- fixed a timezone issue
- shifted periods can now get published
- sometimes solutions disappeared after they got published. This bug is fixed now.
Improvements of the new design
- sometimes user names were not visible in the navigation bar [WU-7018]
- the order of icons on the class register page was improved [WU-7201]
- for users with the right "lesson number" the lesson number now shows up in period details [WU-7313]
- On tablets WebUntis now gets displayed "zoomed" so that tablet users can access it without scrolling [WU-7652]
Further improvements
- several bug fixes in online timetabling
- fixed a bug related to deleting students [WU-7704]
2021.4.4 (October, 23rd, 2021)
Bug Fixes:
- A bug was resolved that blocked some students from viewing their own timetable.
2021.4.3 (October, 22nd, 2020)
Performance improvements
2021.4.2 (October, 21st, 2020)
Performance improvements
2021.4.1 (October, 20th, 2020)
Preparations for new app versions.
2021.4.0 (October, 19th, 2020)
New features:
- Video calls can now get organised in the timetable. A video and a detailed description [in German] can be found here.
Bug Fixes & improvements
- Login to WebUntis is now also possible if the time of the computer is wrong. [WU-7283, WU-7196]
- Information about the end of the support of IE10 and older versions of Microsoft Edge is now displayed to affected users. [WU-7344]
- Multiple performance improvements in the modules "class register" und "student"
- An error was fixed that caused parents to not see timetables [WU-7648]
- class register: absences of students can now get changed to "delays" by using the button "delayed". [WU-7183]
- class register: A error was was fixed that caused the list of open periods not to refresh after entering teaching content / absence [WU-7495]
- course module: A error when creating courses was fixed [WU-7667]
- course module: A error when viewing course assignments was fixed [WU-7672]
2021.3.8 (October, 9th, 2020)
Bug fixes & improvements:
- in some cases, when deleting a student, also parents were deleted [WU-7596]
- exams are now correctly displayed for substitution teachers [WU-7594]
- course module: registration periods can now contain up to 1000 courses [WU-7597]
2021.3.7 (October, 8th, 2020)
Bug Fixes:
- normal lessons happening at the same time as an exam are now displayed correctly [WU-7508]
2021.3.6 (October, 6th, 2020)
Bug fixes and improvements:
- Teachers see their exam supervisions in their own timetable . [WU-7547]
- Students only see their own exams in their timetable. They also see concurrent lessons.
- Students who attend an exam during a normal course are displayed as "in other event" in the class register of the course.
- Students can attach files via OneDrive to messages [WU-7413]
2021.3.5 (October, 2nd, 2020)
technical improvements
2021.3.4 (September, 30th, 2020)
technical improvements
2021.3.3 (September, 26th, 2020)
New translations
2021.3.2 (September, 25th, 2020)
Bug fixes:
- my messages: the counter now updates immediately after reading a message [WU-7179]
2021.3.1 (September 23rd, 2020)
Bug fixes:
- exams are displayed in student’s timetable, if the whole class or student group is assigned [WU-7451]
2021.3.0 (September, 22nd, 2020)
The display of exams in timetable got improved [CAL-307]
- Teachers see in their own timetable only (parts of) exams, that they actually supervise.
- Students see in their own timetable only exams, that they attend.
- Students who attend an exam during a regular period are displayed as "in other period". [CAL-316]
- Also a bug got fixed, that sometimes assigned wrong teachers to exams. [CAL-315] / [CAL-307]
Bookings in period details: [CAL-255]
- Details (Remark, typ of activity) of bookings now are displayed also in period details.
- If the necessary permissions are set, there is a link to the booking form in period details.
- The labels for the fields Remark and Description got changed to better distinguish them.
New reports for schools in Norway and Sweeden [WU-6316, WU-6317]
2021.2.7 (September, 16th, 2020)
Improvements regarding the new design on tablets/iPads.
2021.2.6 (September, 9th, 2020)
Improvements regarding the new design on tablets/iPads.
2021.2.5 ( September, 6th, 2020)
Improvements regarding the messaging and booking system related to 2021.2.4
2021.2.4 (September, 5th, 2020)
Bug Fixes / Improvements
- when sending new messages recipients were displayed in English, independently from the language setting [WU-7310]
- improved contrasts on the new period detail view [WU-7311]
2021.2.3 (September, 4th, 2020)
Bug Fixes
- OneDrive attachments to periods couldn't be opened by the owner [WU-7343]
- improvements for Internet Explorer 11 [WU-7333]
- color coding for lessons in "My Lessons" wasn't displayed correctly [WU-6958]
- "My timetable" showed the timetable of the previous selected teacher [WU-7300]
- password reset didn't work for students who weren't at the school at the beginning of the school year [WU-6036]
2021.2.2 (August, 29th, 2020)
New features / changes:
- period details: If you're not using the class register you can now see a list of students in the period detail view. [CAL-447]
Bug Fixes:
- 2-factor-authentication: For schools who require 2-factor-authentication a bug was fixed that allowed new users to sign in without first enabling 2-factor-authentication. [WU-7261]
- period details: In periods with many classes/student groups with long names the text overlapped other elements on the page. [WU-7262]
2021.2.1 (August, 25th, 2020)
New features / changes:
- student/period assignments: the assignments can now be edited via a new tab in the new period detail view [CAL-448]
- student import: a "back" button now allows you to change import settings during the import process [WU-7164]
Bug Fixes:
- online timetabling: weekly hours are no longer doubled when coupling two lessons [WU-7208]
- student/period assignments: a bug in the redesign caused the scroll bar to overlap the last student . [WU-7220]
- Only for schools in Austria: when submitting incomplete booking forms the value of the field "value" was overwritten. [WU-7221]
2021.2.0 (August, 21st, 2020)
New features / changes:
- In the new timetable detail view we now always display the "display name" of teachers, rooms, subjects, classes. You can configure the display name in display settings.
- Class register: The tab "class register" is now selected by default in the new timetable detail screen.
Bug Fixes:
- course registrations: We improved the behavior of dropdowns so that data doesn't have to be entered again after a change
2021.1.0 (August 17th, 2020)
New features / changes:
- WebUntis Drive: First steps to deprecate and replace WebUntis Drive – details see here [WU-5397 + 7091 + 7092]
- Timetabling: When entering lessons now the headers are readable [WU-6965]
- Untis Messenger: Improved error messages if user can’t login on iOS or Android [MES-169 + 236 +240]
- Bookings: Room booking dialogue: removed cancel button [WU-6905]
- Bookings: Room booking dialogue: improved colours/contrast [WU-6908]
- Only for schools in Bremen, Germany – Kompolei: new report for competences per student and subject [WU-6481]
Bug Fixes:
- Parents profile: Fixed a bug where sometimes same student got displayed twice [WU-5766]
- Exams: Deleting exams on “my lessons” page works again [WU-6910]
- Class register: „Apply“-button to save teaching content is back [CAL-388]
- Class register: fixed a bug with absences and display of students list [WU-6916]
- Bookings: Fixed a bug where dropdown selections got deleted at invalid input [WU-7132]
- Bookings: Fixed a bug with loading calendar entry details when bookings were blocked [CAL-485]
- Mostly for schools in Austria (LFBS) – Bookings: “value” field allows input of decimal numbers with “,” and not only with “.” [WU-7131]
- only for schools in Norway & Sweden using IST software: Fixed a bug with importing subjects and teachers without external key [WU-6700]
2021.0.1 (August 12th, 2020)
Hotfix for technical problems with reports [WU-7113]
2021.0.0 (July 31st, 2020)
all information about WebUntis 2021
2020.13.1 (July 1st, 2020)
Bug fixes:
- Internal messages: Now there is an error message, in case a message can’t be delivered to all recipients [WU-6668]
2020.13.0 (June 25th, 2020)
New Features:
On July, 30th, 2020 teachers and administrators will see WebUntis in a new design!
Starting today you can test the new design in the playground, so that you can get used to it.
There are still several changes and improvements we will make before the release on July, 30th.
You can read more about the new design in the Help Center (German only)
New Features in WebUntis timetabling:
- Timetable planners can define how many hours each teacher is available per day for calculation of new timetables [WU-6616]
- Timetable planners can define how many hours each class is available per day for calculation of new timetables [WU-6617]
- Diagnosis: renamed “master data” to “input data“ and removed category “lessons” [WU-6778]
- Time requests that got imported from Untis now can be used for online timetabling if time grids match [WU-6845]
Bug fixes:
- Message of the day: “Information from Untis” is not displayed on monitor views anymore [WU-6604]
Bug fixes in WebUntis timetabling:
- Data entry wizard: when creating new lessons, the button “Save and new” is available again [WU-6772]
- Fixed misleading behaviour of colours in timetabling when scheduling manually [WU-6779]
- Fixed an error that lead to automatic refresh of timetables [WU-6841]
- When deleting master data in WebUntis, now it also gets removed immediately in timetabling [WU-6814]
- Fixed a recent bug where opening a scheduling horizon caused loss of connection to WebUntis session [WU-6884]
2020.12.4 (June 17th, 2020)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a stability issue
2020.12.3 (June 16th, 2020)
Bug fixes
- QR code for Untis Mobile login: Fixed a bug, which sometimes prevented, that the QR code was displayed [WU-6879]
- Class register: Editing of exams via timetable is possible again [WU-6894]
- LDAP login: fixed a bug, which sometimes prevented login with LDAP [WU-6901]
- Messenger: fixed a bug, which sometimes prevented the creation of groups linked with lessons [MES-241]
2020.12.2 (June 7th, 2020)
Bug Fix:
- fixed XSS security vulnerability
2020.12.1 (June 3rd, 2020)
Bug fixes (Hotfix for WU2020.12.0):
- Class register: Fixed a bug, which sometimes prevented, that in lesson the students are displayed. [WU-6836]
- Class register: The “absent”-button works again. Absences can be checked and entered again. [WU-6830]
2020.12.0 (May 29th, 2020)
New features:
WebUntis timetabling:
Now input of desired minimum/maximum non-teaching periods (per week per teacher) is possible and regarded for timetable optimisation. [WU-6615]
Bug fixes:
- The lesson view in data entry wizard now refreshes automatically after changing school year. [WU-6695]
Class register:
fixed a bug where sometimes automatic excuses of absences didn’t work [WU-6447]
2020.11.0 (May 5th, 2020)
New Features:
- Sokrates: import interface for events activated
Bug Fixes:
- WU timetable: now Sundays are displayed when activated in time grid
- WU timetable optimisation: various bugfixes
2020.10.1 – 2020.10.7 (March 27th - April 16th, 2020)
Various bugfixes und performance improvments
2020.10.0 (March, 27th, 2020)
Various improvements and bug fixes in online timetabling.
2020.9.21 (March, 26th, 2020)
New Features:
- Integration with One Drive:
It is now also possible to attach files from OneDrive to teaching content, messages of the day and period info.
2020.9.20 (March, 25th, 2020)
New Features:
- Integration with One Drive: It is now possible to attach files from OneDrive to internal messages and homework.
- Groups in Messenger can now get created based on distribution lists of the internal messaging system
2020.9.8 - 2020.9.19 (March, 10th-24th, 2020)
Performance improvements
also see: Untis Messenger Release Notes
2020.9.7 (March 3rd, 2020)
Bug Fixes and improvements to internal infrastructure.
2020.9.6 (February 28th, 2020)
Fix of a security issue: Under certain circumstances (depending on rights and modules) it was possible to use a combination of CSFR and XSS to send malicious code to other WebUntis users. We'd like to thank the reporters of the issue for their help in resolving this! An analysis of our log files shows that the issue was not utilised.
2020.9.5 (February 26th, 2020)
Improvements to internal infrastructure.
2020.9.4 (February 19th, 2020)
New features
- WebUntis Timetabling: Now also Optimisation strategy B is available in WebUntis. You can now choose to use the fast strategy A or the more detailed strategy B when optimising timetables in WebUntis.
2020.9.3 (February 17th, 2020)
Bug Fixes
- in some rare cases a bug in version 2020.9.0 caused duplicate lessons when exporting from Units
2020.9.0 - 2020.9.2 (February 2nd, 2020)
Performance improvements and
New features
- WebUntis Timetabling: Optimisation strategy A can now be used in WebUntis timetabling!
- WebUntis Timetabling: Time wishes are now available in WebUntis timetabling.
2020.8.0 (January 28th, 2020)
Performance improvements and
Bug Fixes
- Untis Mobile for iOS: fixed a bug with display of class register entries for teachers
- 2-Factor-Authentification: increased timeframe to input codes from hardware token, so login is possible in case of slightly wrong time settings
2020.7.4. (January 24th, 2020)
Performance improvements and bug fixes
2020.7.3 (January 10th, 2020)
Bug Fixes
Untis Messenger: fixed activation problems with too long user names / school names
- Fixed a bug with transfering FMD-data from WebUntis to Untis
2020.7.2 (December 21st, 2019)
Bug Fixes
2020.7.1 (December 9th, 2019)
Bug Fixes
- Administration: Performance improvements when deleting users
- Untis Mobile: fixed a bug related to the substitution text
- Untis Mobile: fixed a bug related to editing class register entries
- Untis Mobile: fixed a bug related to booking additional rooms to periods
2020.7.0 (December 5th, 2019)
With this release we start the beta phase of online substitution planning and of a new design for WebUntis. Currently these new features are only available to some selected beta schools. In the next weeks we'll provide more information on our website and in the help center.
2020.6.1 (November 18th, 2019)
Various bug fixes
2020.6.0 (November 15th 2019)
New features for schools in Luxembourg
2020.5.1 (November 8th, 2019)
Bug Fixes
- Class register: The button "Enter grades" on the class register page was hidden by mistake in version 2020.5.0. Now it is visible again.
2020.5.0 (November 6th, 2019)
Various new features for schools in Bremen (DE) and Steiermark (AT)
2020.4.3 (October 22nd, 2019)
New Features and Improvements
- Parent teacher day: Administrators can now edit all entries, independently of who create it
Bug Fixes
- Parents teacher day: When duplicating a parents day all date fields can now be changed
- Parent teacher day: Time blocks between appointments are now also validated for parents
- Parent teacher day: Teachers who are not assigned to a department are now always visible in parent teacher days.
Improvements and Bug Fixes related to the parents day module.
2020.4.2 (October 17th, 2019)
New Features and Improvements
- Administration: A new section on the start page now informs administrators about recent changes and important information related to WebUntis
- Administration: Now the class shows up when printing initial password list for students / parents
Bug Fixes
- Administration: fixed an issue that blocked some users from logging in after their password was changed by an administrator
2020.4.1 (October 9th, 2019)
- Sokrates Integration: fixed issues related to the import of events in Steiermark, Austria
2020.4.0 (October 3rd, 2019)
New Features and Improvements
- Performance: Various changes in our infrastructure to increase the speed of WebUntis
Bug Fixes
- Messenger: some users showed up with their old name in Untis Messenger after their name was changed in WebUntis. This is fixed now. If your school was affected please go to "Administration" > "Messenger Settings" and click on "Save" one more time.
- Agenda module: fixed a bug that changed the type of activities from lesson
- Soap interface: fixed a problem when importing classes
2020.3.2 (September 25th, 2019)
- Sokrates integration: fixed a bug related to the import of events in Steiermark, Austria
2020.3.1 (September 24th, 2019)
- Performance: Various changes in our infrastructure to increase the speed of WebUntis
2020.3.0 (September 12th, 2019)
- Luxemburg: New reports related to changed legal requirements
2020.2.7 & 2020.2.8 (September 20th, 2019)
New Features and Improvements
- WebUntis Internal Messages: It is now possible to add a link to emails triggered by internal messages, so that recipients can directly reply to the email address of the sender. You can enable this feature under "Administration" > "Settings" > "Add sender email address as link to mails".
2020.2.6 (September 11th, 2019)
- Messenger: some users showed up in Messenger without name. This is fixed now
2020.2.5 (September 10th, 2019)
- Sokrates integration: fixed bugs related to the import of classes
- Timetable: fixed a bug related to school years starting on a Wednesday
2020.2.4 (August 31st, 2019)
- Smart School integration: fixed an error in the integration
2020.2.3 (August 30th, 2019)
- Messenger: fixed an issue that blocked some schools from activating the Untis Messenger
2020.2.2 (August 29th, 2019)
New Features and Improvements
- Administration: Improved default password policies
Bug Fixes
- Class register: fixed order of class registry entry
- Course module: fixed order of courses for student registration
2020.2.1 (August 27th, 2019)
- Student interface: Fixed an issue that blocked some students from accessing their timetable in WebUntis
2020.2.0 (August 23rd, 2019)
New Features and Improvements
- Forgot password: users have to set a new password after starting “forgot password” process and after reset by admin
Bug Fixes
- Forgot password: now blocked users get unlocked in process of “forgot password”
- Delete schoolyear: now it is possible again to delete a schoolyear, if you don’t have the module “Course scheduling / student timetable” or the related permission
- Units Mobile App: fixed an issue where students couldn’t set absences in period detail
- Course module: fixed an issue where students didn’t see available course if time for course registration was limited
- Untis Mobile App: fixed some issues with data exchange between WebUntis and App
- User administration: now PDF with new passwords is also sent to admin when creating new users in bulk
- Reset passwords: now also works during holidays while no schoolyear is active
- Timetable view: fixed an issue where it was not possible to view the daily timetable overview on specific dates
- Class register reports: fixed an issue with the headlines
- Task/ticket system: now parents can’t be assigned to tasks anymore
- Course module: fixed an issue where it was not possible to change a booking after manual confirmation
2020.1.0 (August 8th, 2019)
New Features and Improvements
- Untis Messenger: suggested names for new groups linked with lessons now also contain the schoolyear (e.g. His – 1b – 2020/2021)
- Sokrates import: implemented import of event entries from Sokrates
2020.0.1 (August 2nd, 2019)
- Online timetabling: fixed several issues
- Student import: fixed several issues
- Forgot password: fixed an issue where security policies prevented resetting the password
- Booking module: saving classes in the course template works again
- Class register: entries created in Untis Mobile can be edited again in UM and WU
- Untis Mobile: entering teaching content in App works again
- Reports: exporting students master data to Excel works again
- Marks: fixed input problems (no more double entries through double click)
Parent user link: now student is also removed from parent user, if only deleting the parent's mail address from student's master data
(with WU2020.0.0 it was necessary to delete the whole address entry)
2020.0.0 (July 31st, 2019)
New Features and Improvements
- Student Import: a new preview informs administrators about changes when importing students via CSV or Sokrates (Details)
- Administration: it is now possible to automatically create two parent users for every student without importing addresses (Details)
- Administration: it is now possible to reset passwords of all users of specific roles or classes (Details)
- Administration: it is now possible to print initial passwords for students, teachers and parents on cards so that you can easily distribute them in the classroom (Details)
- Untis Mobile: when chancing the password now all devices get logged out automatically and a new QR Code / Token is generated
- Untis Mobile: improved the visualisation of the QR code (Details)
- Administration: A new dialog to make it easier to set the correct Untis ID when importing from various Untis files with multiple departments
- Online timetabling: a new feature that allows users to migrate data from a previous school year to a new school year (Details)
- Internal messages are now automatically deleted after 14 months (instead of 12)
- WebUntis now runs on OpenJDK 11
- There's a new page to inform you about the status of the WebUntis servers:
Bug Fixes
- Untis import: fixed an issue that blocked users from creating exams when importing to WebUntis from multiple Untis files with different time grids
- Reports: fixed an issue that blocked users from downloading reports in Safari on iOS devices
- Administration: fixed an issue related to spaces in usernames
- Course registration: fixed performance issues
- Class register: the report "absence week overview" now takes the checkbox "include delays" into account
- Class register: the report "Matrix of the absence days" got renamed to better explain the feature
- Class register: the report "absence excuse status per student" is working again
- Lessons: the CSV report "my lessons > work report" now correctly separates missing students
- Lessons: fixed wrong naming of the report "students with student group"
- Untis Messenger: fixed an issue that caused blocked WebUntis users to be deleted from Untis Messenger
- Untis Mobile: fixed an issue that showed a wrong time grid
- Untis Mobile: fixed an issue that blocked teachers from reading teaching content of other teachers, even though the right was granted by the administrator
- Untis Mobile: fixed an issue that allowed teachers to see homework of other classes
- Untis Mobile: teachers can now only edit their own lessons and periods (independently from right settings)
- Untis Mobile: fixed an issue that permanently blocked users when trying to log in with a wrong password
- Parents day: fixed a layout issue that blocked users from booking slots on small screens
- Parents day: fixed an issue that appointments of absent teachers were shown to parents
- Parents day: now you don’t need the “parents day permission” to delete a school year that contains a “parents day appointment”
- Booking module: saving an unchanged booking changed the state back to reserved
- Booking module: fixed an issue where student’s maximum number of courses sometimes was ignored by “Assign registration” function
- Booking module: fixed an issue where students could not register for a course after changing class if old class was not assigned to the course
- Timetable view: fixed an issue that sometimes teacher names were not shown in the daily overview
- Grades: fixed an issue that resulted in duplicate entries when double clicking buttons
- Online timetabling: fixed an issue that allowed invalid data entry
- Online timetabling: fixed an issue that sometimes rooms were not visible when manually planning the timetable
- Online timetabling: fixed an issue that the optimisation algorithm ignored locked periods
- Online timetabling: fixed an issue that sometimes the optimisation algorithm could not be started
- Self-Registration: for companies works again
- Self-Registration: fixed an issue where parents had to change their password if a security policy was active during self-registration
- parent user link: now when removing a parent's address from a student's master data, also removes the student from the parent user
- Students: fixed an issue that caused the dashboard of some students to be empty
- Monitor views: fixed an issue that open substitutions were displayed even though that was disabled in settings
- Office hours: sometimes pictures of teachers were not shown even though it was enabled in settings
Internal Messages: fixed invalid html tags and replyTo headers so that the messages are not blocked by spam filters anymore.
This also means that you can't hit reply to internal messages anymore.
2019.6.12 (July 3rd, 2019)
- course registration: two bug fixes related to the automated assignment of students to courses
- Online timetabling: when deleting a school year, now the scheduling data (planning horizons) also gets deleted
- Booking module: course templates now can handle classes from all schoolyears
2019.6.11 (June 21st, 2019)
New Features and Improvements
- improvements to our logging infrastructure to run WebUntis more efficiently
Bug Fixes
- student import: newly imported student addresses now show up immediately (previously it was necessary to refresh the cache)
2019.6.10 (June 12th, 2019)
- database performance improvements to make WebUntis faster
2019.6.9 (June 5th, 2019)
- Untis Messenger: a new page for administrators to see a list and the members of all chat groups of the school and a way to delete them (Details)
- Untis Messenger: a new option for administrators to hide/remove profile pictures from WebUntis in Untis Messenger (Details)
- Untis Mobile Premium: if your school is on a free trial of Untis Mobile Premium the administrator will now see a message reminding them about the expiration
2019.6.8 (May17th, 2019)
New Features and Improvements
- Integration with weBBschule Brandenburg: integrated new APIs
Bug Fixes
- Untis Messenger: fixed Bugs related to activation of new schools and creation of users
2019.6.7 (May 14th, 2019)
New Featues and Improvements
- The integrated Messenger in WebUntis is ideal as a communication channel at your school.
- With its extensive functionality, it can easily replace existing message platforms.
- Untis offers with its messenger a data protection compliant alternative to WhatsApp.
- Unlock now in WebUntis and test for free for 5 months!
- You can read more about Untis Messenger functionality and how to use it in FAQ for users:
- Untis Messenger FAQ für Lehrkräfte und SchülerInnen (This pdf is also linked in Untis Messenger under gear-symbol > „Support & FAQ“.)
- There is also an FAQ for admins mostly about activation and a few more questions: Untis Messenger FAQ für Admins
- Both FAQs are also online here: https://www.untis.at/HTML/webuntis_manuals.php
Bug Fixes
- „class register”: class-teacher can now see all own class register entries in ALL classes
2019.6.5 (April 15th, 2019)
Bug Fixes
- all „break supervisions“ are shown in WebUntis again
2019.6.4 (April 2nd, 2019)
Bug Fixes
- exams at same time on different days don’t block each other anymore
2019.6.2 (March 20th, 2019)
Bug Fixes
- shift period after removed second room in target period works now
2019.6.1 (March 19th, 2019)
Bug Fixes
- “Untis Mobile for Windows”: an issue got fixed
2019.6.0 (March 13th, 2019)
Bug Fixes
- importing lessons created from courses to Untis don’t create duplicate lessons anymore
- „FMD import“ from WebUntis also works again for December
- playground > delete user: we removed a wrong error message
- “grade overview“ > “create report”: now works with all data
- monitor views: fixed an issue
- LDAP users are not asked to change their password anymore
- “ICS-calendars” can be created and downloaded again
- module “Students“: “Courses > Courses“: can see “activities” again
- Internet Explorer and Edge > open report: browser doesn’t get stuck anymore
- fixed an issue when creating Playgrounds
- “report” > download (after logout): now you get “Please log in!”
- „parentsday" translations added