Userinterface integration in WebUntis
There are three ways where to integrate your userinterface in WebUntis:
- In the main-menu
- In the lesson-details
- In the examinations
Integrate with a new Browsertab:
Integrate as an iFrame:
The UI-Integration is possible in the mainmenu (pictures above) and/or in the lesson-details:
The UI-Integration in the exam-list is only possible within a new tab:
The UI-Integration in the new timetable view can have a button, which will open a link in a new window. The link can be configured by the Calendar API (iCal):
UI Guidelines
If you want to align your design to WebUntis, you can follow these guidelines: Untis Design System
Userinterface integration in Untis mobile
There are two ways where to integrate your userinterface/app in Untis mobile:
- In the home-tab
- In the lesson-details
There are also two ways "what" we can integrate in Untis mobile:
- Your own iOS/Android app
- Your web-application in an embedded browser within our app (if it has a mobile view)
How to test on Untis-Mobile?
Here you find how to setup the Untis-Mobile-App on your device:
Following parameters will be appended to your URL:
--> Your URL is the domain + redirect-path or your mobile app link.
For mainmenu:
- tenant_id: Unique ID of a school (eg. 1600)
schoolname: Unique name of a school (eg. Testschool)
For lesson-details:
- tenant_id: Unique ID of a school (eg. 1600)
- schoolname: Unique name of a school (eg. Testschool)
- lesson_id: Unique ID of a lesson (eg. 1200)
- period_id: Unique ID of a period (eg. 5769)
- exam_id (optional): Unique ID of an exam (eg. 432)
- classes: Name of the classes (eg. 1.%20Class%20A%20Higher%20electrical%20engineering)
- subjects: Name of the subjects (eg. Mathematics)
- start: Starttime of the specific period(eg. 2021-08-17T08%3A55%3A00)
end: Endtime of the specific period (eg. 2021-08-17T09%3A40%3A00)
For examinations:
- tenant_id: Unique ID of a school (eg. 1600)
- schoolname: Unique name of a school (eg. Testschool)
- exam_id: Unique ID of an exam (eg. 1203)
We can set default-values (Menuname, Redirect-Path, …) for different user-roles for your application and the school-administrator can override some of them directly in WebUntis:
There is also the possibility to show your own icon in WebUntis: