2024.7.2 (July 22, 2024)
Bug fixes:
- Export "Current lessons" not complete (GPP002.txt). (UN-8072)
- Synchronization between course conflicts and substitution windows does not work. (UN-7986)
2024.7.1 (May, 21 2024)
Bug Fixes:
- If the time range of an already scheduled lesson was limited in time, this led to a de-scheduling of the scheduled periods. (UN-8006)
2024.7.0 (May 13, 2024)
- The tooltips of the 'Annual mean value' and 'Annual mean real value' have been changed. (UN-7562)
- WebUntis: The display of the message during import that certain elements do not exist in Untis has been improved. (BOB-508)
- The logic of the subject allowance before the summer holidays has been changed. (UN-7662)
- Teachers' participation in school events lasting several days is now also visible on the MDL sheet in WebUntis (BOB-735)
- LFBS NÖ: A new status has been implemented. (UN-7671)
- Bavaria: Texts in the overtime reports have been changed. (UN-7883)
Bug Fixes:
- A crash when using the element rollup has been fixed. (UN-7890)
- A crash when switching to substitution planning has been fixed. (UN-7922)
- A crash when exporting from the info timetable has been fixed. (UN-7916)
- A crash when entering an additional class in a coupling has been fixed. (UN-7753)
- Ein Absturz Laden von Dateien mit bestimmten Sonderzeichen in den Daten wurde behoben. (UN-7753)
- Fixed a crash when loading files with certain special characters in the data. (UN-7889)
- Creating multiple student groups via wildcards did not work. (UN-7888)
- The symbol for unscheduled weekly lessons in the lesson window remained after all lessons have been scheduled. (UN-7874)
- After changing the font size in the master data window, the user was not asked whether the change should be saved. (UN-7815)
- In the room assignment dialogue, the classes of the coupling rows were not displayed correctly when line lesson groups were used. (UN-7704)
- An error when changing rooms using drag & drop in the room overview timetable has been corrected. (OPT-1553)
- The logic for date correction for leap years has been improved. (UN-530)
- Substitution planning:
- Non-functioning filters in the substitution window have been repaired. (UN-7840, UN-7907, UN-7281, UN-4086)
- Releases may not have been cancelled if the student groups of events have been subsequently changed. (UN-7708)
- Several errors in connection with events with student groups have been fixed. (UN-7651, UN-7640, UN-7448)
- WebUntis:
- Several crashes when importing bookings have been fixed. (BOB-759, BOB-750, BOB-736)
- Problems in synchronisation that led to different display of substitutions in Untis and WebUntis have been resolved. (BOB-772, BOB-766)
- The display of errors in the transfer window has been improved. (BOB-770)
- Calendar - Year Planning:
- The behaviour when entering time restrictions subsequently for already scheduled hours has been corrected. (UN-7826)
- Subsequent entry of holidays has not correctly de-scheduled all hours. (UN-7754)
- MultiUser: A problem with simultaneous execution of 'Paste special' by two or more users has been fixed. (UN-7752)
- Value calculation: A potential error when entering value corrections has been fixed. (UN-7678)
- Info mode: The emergency output can now be printed again. (BOB-742)
- LFBS-NÖ: The counting of substitutions in MDL accounting has been improved. (UN-7803)
- LUSD Hessen: A crash during import has been fixed. (UN-7861)
2024.6.0 (March 27, 2024)
- Substitution planning: The logic for updating the absence window has been improved. (UN-7295)
- WebUntis:
- Warnings are now displayed in the export dialog if too old versions of Untis are used for the export. (BOB-528)
- The export dialog to WebUntis now shows whether the WebUntis server is available. (BOB-709, BOB-700)
- When importing exams, break supervison substitutions can now be generated automatically before the exams. (BOB-615)
- The calculation of the evening school factor for couplings has been improved. (UN-7665)
- Events that are longer than one day were included in the MDL sheet. (UN-7664)
- LFBS NÖ: Calculations for the balance sheet have been improved. (UN-7692)
- LUSD: A text was changed when importing LUSD data into Untis. (UN-7781)
- Luxemburg: The logic for updating the grid in the Luxembourg monthly values has been improved.(UN-7687)
Bug Fixes:
- A crash when copying an empty line in the lesson window has been fixed.(UN-7719)
- A crash when changing a teacher in the lesson window has been fixed. (UN-7831)
- A crash when calling a certain substitution statistic has been fixed.(UN-7712)
- A crash when deleting an empty line in the value corrections has been fixed. (UN-7757)
- Missing grid lines in the page layout of the lesson window have been restored. (UN-7696)
- An error when entering student groups using wildcards has been fixed. (UN-719)
- When using a specific time zone, some exports could not be generated. (UN-5531)
- The behavior when renaming student groups in the lesson window and in the student group window has been made more consistent. (UN-7661)
- The double lesson swap in the swap suggestions in the timetable now works again. (UN-7661)
- Substitution planning: Several problems with rescheduling when an element of the lesson has been changed have been fixed. (UN-7600, UN-7770, UN-7771, UN-7749, UN-7718, UN-7713)
- MultiUser:
- An error when creating a new school year has been fixed. (UN-7773)
- A problem with changing the font of formats has been fixed. (UN-7677)
- A new status of a teacher has not been saved. (UN-5663)
- WebUntis:
- Crashes when importing bookings from WebUntis have been fixed. (BOB-728, BOB-706)
- An error when importing exams with a different teacher than in the original lesson has been fixed.(BOB-739)
- Course planning: The sorting of the courses in the selection in the exam window has been changed to numerical. (UN-4373)
- Berlin LUSD: An error when creating parallel courses when several lessons are selected has been fixed. (UN-7780)
2024.5.1 (February 15, 2024)
Bug Fixes:
- In WebUntis, classes whose short name begins with "H", have been removed from lessons. (BOB-723)
- Lessons were combined under the main class entered despite the option being inactive. (BOB-724)
2024.5.0 (February 7, 2024)
- In the 'Weekly values' window, explanatory tooltips are now displayed for periods that are free of lessons. (UN-7356)
- When saving a file to a database, an entry is now created in the trace file instead of a specific message.(UN-7697)
- WebUntis:
- The Integration Stage has been added to the list of authorized web servers. (BOB-29)
- A text in the export of lessons has been changed. (BOB-620)
- BS Tirol: The teaching activity certificate can now be generated. (UN-7625)
- Bayern ASV: The Lv-ID is now displayed instead of the lesson number. (UN-7468)
- Luxemburg: In the Luxemburg monthly values, the teacher can now be selected by entering the abbreviation. (UN-7645)
- Portugal: Formats are no longer installed automatically. (UN-7553)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a crash when opening the lesson window if another window was previously maximized. (UN-7407)
- Several crashes in comparison mode have been fixed. (UN-7594, UN-7569)
- An error that prevented switching from timetable to substitution mode has been fixed. (UN-7620)
- In the master data window of the teachers, some columns were still not displayed by activating "fields with content". (UN-7579)
- A misleading description in the log file has been corrected. (UN-7583)
- Performance problems when using the scheduling dialog (also in MultiUser) have been fixed. (UN-7565)
- In the room allocation dialog the 'capacity difference' of the rooms was not always displayed correctly. (UN-7346)
- Under certain circumstances, lessons were not displayed correctly in the lesson matrix due to a date change. (UN-7113)
- Value calculation: In the 'Weekly values' window of the class, a line was missing when using yearly lessons. (UN-7359)
- Course planning: The multiple use of student groups for team teaching in courses with the same classes and the same subject is now possible. (BOB-224)
- Cover scheduling:
- A misleading error message when entering absence texts has been removed. (UN-7656)
- Editing the number of an event has been disabled. (UN-7654)
- Unscheduling of couplings with line lesson groups has generated too many lessons in the lesson pool. (UN-7473)
- In the teacher suggestion of the standby window, the number of already existing standbys was not correct. (UN-7412)
- If the lesson name was selected in the substitution window, the filter did not work correctly. (UN-7396)
- MultiUser:
- Fixed a crash when saving a file to an empty MySQL database. (UN-7676)
- An error when migrating from an Access database to MySQL has been fixed. (UN-7585)
- A problem with the conversion of the DB from Untis 2021 to 2023 has been fixed. (UN-7394)
- WebUntis:
- Fixed several crashes when importing bookings. (BOB-690, BOB-613, BOB-588)
- Several problems in the display of the 'Booking import' window have been fixed. (BOB-570)
- Teacher absences with a start time of 00:00 were not transferred correctly to Untis. (BOB-303)
- If the room was changed in a special duty in WebUntis and this change was exported again, this special assignment was no longer displayed. (BOB-622)
- Lessons for which the room has been changed in WebUntis can now be moved in Untis. (BOB-187)
- Lessons for which both the class and the lesson itself have a time limit are now displayed correctly in WebUntis. (BOB-289)
- If an activity is imported into Untis without a teacher, the teacher can be entered there. (BOB-340)
- An error when exporting from Untis files whose first school day is a Sunday has been fixed. (BOB-483)
- An error when exporting lessons when using different time grids in the lessons of a class has been fixed. (BOB-485)
- Ignored lessons were sometimes not displayed in WebUntis, although the option was set during export. (BOB-542)
- If teachers were added to lessons in WebUntis, these teachers were not transferred to the lessons in Untis. (BOB-582)
- Inconsistencies in the display of the number of automatically suppressed bookings in the past have been fixed. (BOB-477)
- Under certain circumstances, the date was not displayed correctly when importing bookings from the past. (BOB-702)
- If an exam collides with an ignored lesson, a conflict is no longer displayed during import. (BOB-563)
- Untis Express:Fixed a crash in the print selection when the list type "Cancel teacher" was selected. (UN-7575)
- Untis in info mode: The tool bar is now displayed again.. (BOB-630)
- UPIS schools:
- An error whereby certain events were not included in the MDL file has been fixed. (UN-7598)
- The subject remuneration was no longer displayed on the MDL sheet in WebUntis. (BOB-567)
2024.4.1 (January 9, 2024)
- Rhineland-Palatinate: the annual average "real value" is now shown including any reductions. (UN-7616)
Bug fixes:
- Fixed crash when shifting lessons in timetable mode. (UN-7637)
- Fixed a crash related to shifting a period, if the room of that period was changed beforehand. (UN-7670)
- Problems with memory management of Untis MultiUser fixed. (UN-7643)
- The annual average of "real hours" always showed "0" if there was only one term. (UN-7631)
- The wrong room was displayed in the class timetable if a room change and an additional teacher or subject change were made. (UN-7556)
2024.4.0 (December 6, 2023)
- In the master data window for teachers, the "Yearly average" column is now called "Yearly total" if calculation of single days was selected in the settings. (UN-7497, UN-7512)
- Substitution planning: If a lesson with a changed subject is dragged into the lesson pool, a message appears stating that the original subject has been restored. (UN-7447)
- WebUntis:
- The dialog that informs the user about the progress of the export to WebUntis can now be reopened via an icon. (BOB-513)
- The text 'Transfer ignored lessons' in the WebUntis settings has been changed to 'Show ignored lessons in the WebUntis timetables' for better readability. (BOB-532)
- AT-UPIS: Previously deactivated codes have been reactivated. (UN-7399)
- Vocational schools Burgenland: The function for smoothing and calculation of target was implemented in the weekly values (UN-7434)
- Vocational schools Tyrol:
- The absence file can now be generated. (UN-7430)
- The total balance in the MDL accounting sheet is now displayed correctly. (UN-7431)
- The missing columns in the "Weekly values" window and in the ABRL file have been added. (UN-7357)
- Certain subjects are now counted correctly for teachers with classification "PD BS" and "PD SV BS". (UN-7432)
- Tax-privileged educator hours now appear in the ABRL_File with the correct identifier. (UN-7358)
- The type of value correction "P MDL buffer" is now also displayed for school type BS Tirol. (UN-7534)
- The logic in the allowance file has been improved when using reductions without start and end dates. (UN-7342)
- Elementary schools RLPF:
- The yearly average real value was implemented in the teachers' lesson window. (UN-7460)
- The yearly average real value and a calculation of the yearly average real value minus the actual minus target difference have been implemented in the master data of the teachers. (UN-7250)
- The calculation of the real value and the real hour when using terms has been changed, these values containt only the information of the selected term now. (UN-7462)
- The yearly average real value has been integrated into the interface to edoo.sys instead of the real value. (UN-7461)
- Portugal: The gpf file with the standard formats has been replaced. (UN-7521, UN-7444)
Bug Fixes:
- A crash when moving a lesson in the timetable using drag & drop has been fixed. (UN-7551)
- A crash when entering a teacher in a break supervision substitution (occurred when using the American time and date format) has been fixed. (UN-7523)
- Fixed a crash when making changes to lessons in multiple terms. (UN-7435)
- A crash in the teacher's lesson window after using the lesson suggestion has been fixed. (UN-7344)
- Serious errors may have occurred when using the series modification. (UN-7538)
- An error with series changes in the lesson window that caused the window to freeze has been fixed. (UN-7478)
- Too many lines were generated when copying lessons with Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V. (UN-7550)
- After entering an additional class in a lesson, the user was not asked whether this change should be saved. (UN-7425)
- Fixed a bug in the scheduling dialog where double-clicking on an inactive lesson did not turn it into an active lesson. (UN-7511)
- When printing from the lesson window with existing couplings, an incorrect value was displayed in the balance line. (UN-7320)
- It took a disproportionately long time to open the "All lessons" window when values were displayed. (UN-7309)
- An error when manually scheduling block hours as a collision has been fixed. (UN-7267)
- The calculation of the real value was incorrect. (UN-7441)
- An error when using descriptions has been fixed. (UN-4414)
- A display error of the button 'Official subject list' has been fixed. (UN-7181)
- The categories in the lesson proposal of the teacher lesson window could no longer be selected. (UN-7545)
- Cover scheduling:
- The arrows did not disappear when a lesson was moved or swapped in the timetable. (UN-7477)
- When a substitution line was selected, open timetables did not display the correct elements. (UN-7476)
- When switching between substitution lines, it may have taken a long time to load the substitution window. (UN-7469)
- If the start of the school week was a Sunday, the days of the week were not displayed correctly in the substitution window. (UN-7455)
- If a comma followed by a space was set in the substitution planning, the space was deleted. (UN-7388)
- The calendar date in the substitution planning could not be changed using the arrow keys. (UN-7599)
- MultiUser:
- An error when saving an Untis file to an existing database has been fixed. (UN-7568)
- To edit break supervision substitutions, users needed the right to edit optimization and timetable, this has been changed. (UN-7492)
- With language setting "English", some menu texts were still displayed in German. (UN-7442)
- An export from the database to a Untis file was also possible without the right for data export and data import. (UN-6891)
- Vocational schools Vienna: Reasons for absences were not permanently saved in the absences. (UN-7395)
- Calendar - Year planning:
- In the scheduling dialog, annual hours could not be unscheduled either manually or by double-clicking. (UN-4626)
- The value of reductions was not calculated correctly, resulting in an incorrect balance in the totals line in the lesson window. (UN-7279)
- No collisions between weekly hours and annual hours could be created in the timetable. (OPT-1245)
- In substitution planning, annual lessons could not be moved in the timetable. (UN-7410)
- Course scheduling:
- A text that was displayed when converting lessons to courses has been corrected. (UN-7503)
- The report 'Exams per day' information about teachers and rooms was missing. (UN-7323)
- An error when exporting the course data has been fixed. (UN-7368)
- WebUntis:
- A crash when transferring lessons to WebUntis has been fixed. (BOB-541)
- An activity transferred as a lesson appeared twice in WebUntis after the lesson export. (BOB-562)
- Exams were imported more than once under certain circumstances. (BOB-547)
- BWhen transferring an activity imported from WebUntis to Untis, the transfer did not arrive in WebUntis. (BOB-519)
- Under certain circumstances, the conflict 'Break before exam' was not displayed correctly after importing exams. (BOB-489)
- Department timetable: After creating a new department, it was not immediately visible in the department filter. (UN-7482)
- Minute Timetable: A crash when changing a teacher via the context menu in the class timetable has been fixed. (UN-7021)
- Minute Timetable: The manual scheduling of lessons in the timetable did not work. (UN-7595)
- Untis Express: Performance problems in the substitution window have been fixed. (UN-7450)
- AT-UPIS: The lesson values were not calculated correctly for certain classes with time ranges. (UN-7502)
- AT-UPIS: The subject allowance was not always calculated correctly when using line lesson groups. (UN-7403)
- Portugal: A crash during export E360 has been fixed. (UN-7440)
2024.3.1 (November 14, 2023)
Bug fixes:
- Playground: connection between Untis and WebUntis cannot be established. (BOB-566)
- MultiUser - Crash during import of bookings. (BOB-573)
2024.3.0 (October 18, 2023)
- WebUntis: Activities, exams and room changes can now be deleted in the WebUntis Import window in Untis. A detailed description of this new feature in German can be found here: Löschen von Prüfungen, Raumänderungen und Aktivitäten in Untis (BOB-469)
- Performance improved when building the grid of teacher master data. (UN-7301)
- Performance improved when opening the lesson matrix. (UN-6588)
- Untis MultiUser now also supports MySql Server 8.1 "Innovation". (UN-7348)
- Baden-Wuerttemberg: annual mean value for classes implemented. (UN-7128)
- AT-UPIS: Change in the counting of ILB in case of multiple FMD files. (UN-7334)
- The Spanish texts of the Untis installer have been updated. (UN-7339)
- Portuguese texts have been added to the Untis installer. (UN-7366)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed automatic crash reported from Sentry system. (UN-7381)
- In the substitution planning, the exchange arrows were missing. (UN-7451)
- A change in the lesson window was not saved in the database. (UN-7427)
- Untis Express: Problems with entering student groups have been fixed. (UN-7424, UN-7310)
- MultiUser: Delays in display have been fixed. (UN-7393)
- Vocational schools in Vienna and Tyrol could change the reasons for crediting. (UN-7370)
- Value corrections could not be edited after installation of Untis. (UN-7355)
- MultiUser: Lessons with external elements have disappeared by saving to the database.(UN-7350)
- Fixed a crash when adding a background image in the page layout of the lesson window. (UN-7328)
- A translation of a previously unchangeable German text in the settings has been enabled.(UN-7325)
- By using multiple filters in the lesson matrix, not all corresponding lessons were displayed. (UN-7303)
- The dialog whether to change a fixed substitution has appeared twice.(UN-7300)
- A time period that was set to "no lesson" in substitution planning was incorrectly counted in the weekly values. (UN-7290)
- The 'cluster conditions' window now is closed when opening the partial optimization to fix problems in the synchronization. (UN-7286)
- The workaround that allowed room groups to be displayed in the 'time Wishes' window has been disabled, since room groups cannot currently have time wishes.(UN-7282)
- MultiUser: Delays in display have been fixed.(UN-7393)
- An incorrect message in the substitution planning has been corrected. (UN-7176)
- The room of an event was not displayed in the class schedule. (UN-7169)
- After changing the department via the department filter, the lesson window is now reloaded. (UN-7168)
- In the substitution statistics, calcellations and substitutions were no longer counted. (UN-7071)
- Settings in the list of periods were not saved. (UN-7025)
- Switching from timetable mode to substitution mode now no longer opens random windows. (UN-6477)
- Removed an incorrect warning about the standard hours for teacher groups. (UN-6195)
- A lesson changed in the substitution planning (special duty) can now be added to the lesson pool by unscheduling it in the timetable. (UN-5035)
- Fixed a crash in the course student overview. (UN-4743)
- BS Wien: An error in the printout of timetables for teachers has been fixed, reductions are now taken into account. (UN-4726)
- Partial substitutions were not created correctly after entering an absence. (UN-4390)
- No break supervision substitutions were generated by creating an event. (UN-4047)
- The arrows when scheduling manually in the timetable disappeared after a few seconds. (UN-7452)
- Fixed a crash when changing the time grid if multiple terms exist. (OPT-1244)
- Fixed a crash when removing a time grid. (OPT-1240)
- By changing the time grid of a class, the time requests were changed. (OPT-1215, OPT-1196)
- Creating a new time grid resulted in a crash. (OPT-1213)
- Fixed an error when scheduling annual hours for class groups. (OPT-1212)
- A crash when starting the timetable optimization has been fixed. (OPT-1201)
- A possible double lesson swap was not offered in the schedule. (OPT-1189)
- The color display of non-specific time requests in the timetable has been improved. (OPT-1188)
- When using multiple time grids, the time requests of a class are now correctly displayed in the timetable of this class. (OPT-1183)
- Fixed a crash when opening a file. (OPT-1181)
- Fixed an error in diagnostics that caused a room to be erroneously displayed as too small. (OPT-1170)
- Implementing course optimization for Finnish high schools.(OPT-1205,OPT-1143,OPT-1122,OPT-1241)
- Fixed a crash when importing bookings from WebUntis. (BOB-438)
- An issue that caused error messages when exporting to WebUntis for the ? teacher has been fixed. (BOB-41)
2024.2.1 (September 26, 2023)
Bug fixes:
- AT-UPIS: The subject alias was ignored in the "Schulbilanz". (UN-7385.)
- AT-UPIS: The payroll files only contained the "Fächervergütung" of the active term. (UN-7405)
- AT-BS Wien: Under special circumstances, allowances could be issued twice or more in the "Zulagenfile". (UN-7409)
- MultiUser: In federal states where the authority specifies the reduction reasons, the logout could result in the message "You do not have the required authorization for this action: Edit reductions". (UN-7305)
- Student groups: When multiple lesson lines were selected and wildcards were used to enter student groups, problems could occur when assigning student groups to individual lesson lines, which became visible only after reopening the lesson window. (UN-7418)
- When deleting student groups, problems could occur that also affected lecture ids. (UN-7398, BOB-496, BOB-490)
2024.2.0 (August 30, 2023)
- Untis now ships with a hybrid (Untis-Standard/MultiUser/Express) installer. (UN-7194)
- The Untis language selector now offers each language in the local language. (UN-4187)
- Class teachers are now displayed in the header of the lesson windows for classes. (UN-7112)
- Access to the untis.ini file has been optimized, resulting in performance improvements for special configurations. (UN-7274]
- Performance improvements for the manual scheduling of lessons in the timetable, when the scheduling dialog is open at the same time. (UN-7205)
- Performance improvements when collapsing/expanding rows in lesson windows. (UN-6986)
- Performance improvements in the lesson matrix. (UN-6185)
- Cover scheduling:
- Performance improvement in substitution windows with "From-To" calendar setting. (UN-7032)
- Break supervision substitutions can now be resolved using line multiselect. (UN-7135)
- Diagnosis: Removed automatic window scaling when changing focus. (UN-6612]
- The Slovenian demo files have been updated. (UN-7249)
- Weekly values "Classes": the term-index now starts at "1". (UN-7077)
- Course planning: the course optimization can now also be started in case of team teaching (2 teachers in one course). (OPT-919)
- DE-RLP: Small improvements when importing course selections from edoo.sys. (UN-7252)
- AT: BS-Wien: Zulagenfile - changes to SAP-Status LR. (UN-7284)
- AT: BS-Tirol: Zulagenfile - implementation of ENDDA for Tyrol. (UN-7237)
- AT: LFBS-NÖ: implementation of 2 new "Fachfaktoren" for "Erzieherstunden". (UN-7189)
- UN-7098 was reverted. (UN-7313)
- The LFV-File now includes the SAP-Status. (UN-6925)
- Modification of some codes in the "Schulbilanz". (UN-7212)
Bug fixes:
- Fixed crash when adding the same teacher in a coupling for the second time. (UN-7234)
- Fixed crash when scheduling lessons in the timetable cluster-mode. (UN-7285)
- Fixed crash related to premature closing of timetable windows while an arrow animation is still running. (UN-7225)
- Fixed crash when deleting a lesson when the scheduling timetable is open. (UN-7216)
- Fixed crash when opening the <Page layout>> of an overview timetable. (UN-7207)
- Fixed crash when opening a specific file. (UN-7209)
- Fixed crash when entering weekly lessons in a lesson window and the lesson-matrix is open at the same time. (UN-7193)
- Fixed crash in the "Calendar-Year-Planning" window. (UN-2729)
- Fixed crash in exams window.
- The option "Displace obstructing lessons from room" could result in an Untis freeze/crash. (UN-7215)
- Pasting teacher names in lesson windows via CTRL-V did not work correctly. (UN-6904]
- Deleting master data could lead to a crash, if the element was selected in another window. (UN-7259)
- After adding a class to an existing lesson, the save prompt was not displayed when closing the file. (UN-7234.)
- The "What's New in Untis 2024" button on the welcome page linked to the 2023 update brochure. (UN-7258)
- The element rollup sometimes displayed incorrect data when first opened for the first time. (UN-7197)
- Lesson matrix: the subjects/classes selection was not saved. (UN-7248]
- Problem solved with window locking of multiple open lesson windows. (UN-7114)
- Fixed problem related to sorting the values in the reductions window. (UN-7086)
- Optimization:
- Fixed a regression related to the optimization of off-site lessons. (OPT-1149)
- A bug in the E-optimization, that could lead to extremely long optimization times, has been fixed. (OPT-1127)
- Cover scheduling:
- Locked substitutions could be changed under certain circumstances. (UN-7266)
- RLP: the substitution proposal window sometimes displayed incorrect flags for the school type "GS". (UN-7260)
- Partial substitutions were not displayed correctly in the timetable. (UN-7252)
- For period blocks, the number of substitution suggestions was not displayed correctly. (UN-4255)
- Report "Absence days": The absence text was not printed. (UN-4380)
- Under certain circumstances, special duties or events were displayed in the substitution proposal schedule without a subject. (UN-4651)
- MultiUser:
- The school type could no longer be changed if a label with more than 10 letters was entered. (UN-7297)
- Users could not be deleted under certain circumstances. (UN-7280)
- The column "Teaching Qualifications" was not persisted between sessions. (UN-7131.)
- Course scheduling:
- Fixed problem with locking courses in the optimization of subsets. (OPT-1085)
- The buttons in the "Optimization of Subsets" dialog did not work correctly under certain circumstances. (UN-7199)
- An error in the optimization of subsets has been fixed. (OPT-1090)
- An error in the diagnostics in the "Minute Timetables" module has been fixed. (OPT-1089)
- Weekly values "Classes": The assignment of individual weeks to the terms was not always displayed correctly. (UN-7262)
- WebUntis:
- Fixed crash during booking import. (BOB-444)
- Fixed crash when ignoring bookings. (BOB-334)
- Fixed crash when exporting to the "Minute Timetables"-mode. (BOB-334)
- Bookings with the "do not count" statistics flag set were not shown in Untis. (BOB-330)
- In case of class absences in a coupling with several classes, the first teacher of the coupling was shown as the substitute teacher in all coupling rows in WebUntis. (BOB-378)
- Upis schools: a room change has removed the stat code for substitutions.
- NL - Algemeen: Fixed an error in the export. (UN-5605)
- AT: BS-Tirol: ORD and KUST in the PD-scheme corrected in the ABRL-File. (UN-7242)
- AT-UPIS: The MDL-File was not correct without additional terms. (UN-7135)
- AT-UPIS: The totals row in master data did not display the total of "real hours". (UN-5415)
2024.1.0 (July 27, 2023)
- The loading time of the Untis file has been reduced for large amounts of data. (OPT-933)
- DE Bavaria: the "Overtime Bavaria" report can now also be output when using the "Tally..." counting method. (UN-7156)
- DE Hessen: The error code that was shown when import errors occurred with the LUSD has been replaced with a text message. (UN-7068)
- AT - UPIS:
- the UPIS codes have been updated for the 2023/24 school year. (UN-7045)
- the "Schulnettosumme " in the "Schulbilanz" for couplings with annual hours has been corrected. (UN-6985)
- the "Fächervergütung" for lessons with line lesson groups has been corrected. (UN-6745)
- AT - BS Vienna:
- in the "Weekly values - Accounting" window, the necessary changes for displaying the "Jahresschnitt" have been made. (UN-7075)
- the function <Zulagenfile> has been implemented in the window "MDL-Abrechnung". (UN-7053)
- AT - LFBS:
- "bezahlte Vertretungen" are shown and calculated as such for "Berufsschulklassen" (SART 05). (UN-7184)
- the SKL has been changed from 4,547 to 3,789. (UN-7183)
- WebUntis:
- break supervisions are now also being shown in the window "Timetable changes from WebUntis". (BOB-306)
- improvements during the <Refresh> have been implemented in the the window "Timetable changes from WebUntis". (BOB-295)
Bug fixes:
- Scheduling dialog:
- fixed crash when scheduling couplings with a clash. (UN-7251)
- fixed crash when scheduling using Drag&Drop. (UN-7191)
- fixed crash when scheduling using Drag&Drop in a timetable. (UN-7165)
- fixed crash related to deleting teacher master data. (UN-7180)
- fixed crash when opening the update dialog. (UN-7222)
- fixed crash when opening the <Standbys>. (UN-7160)
- fixed crash in substitution scheduling when opening "Information" in the diagnostics window. (UN-7204)
- fixed crash in the "Course student overview". (UN-7195)
- Student groups could be deleted even though they were still in use. (UN-7175)
- Newly entered reductions were sometimes visible only after refreshing the window. (UN-7152)
- Optimization: the option "Distribute periods to lesson groups" did not work correctly. (OPT-901)
- Cover scheduling:
- the option "Coupling teachers" did not work correctly in the <Automatic>. (UN-6180)
- fixed a problem when detecting room clashes . (UN-7159)
- In the "Overtime" report, the value correction was calculated incorrectly. (UN-7171)
- The new function <Restrict view to clashes> did not work correctly in all cases. (UN-7100)
- An absence entry could, under certain circumstances, result in an open substitution in the following period. (UN-7078)
- Standbys optimization: inconsistencies between display in master data and data processing fixed. (OPT-986)
- Standbys optimization: "max. standbys" was not correctly taken into account. (OPT-955)
- MultiUser
- Course scheduling: classes added to courses were not saved under certain circumstances. (UN-7132)
- the function <Delete unused student groups> did not work correctly. (UN-6997)
- when adding a room to a lesson and creating a room collision at the same time, a crash could occur. (UN-6653)
- Course scheduling
- optimization of subsets: the message "already scheduled" was displayed although no clusters existed. (OPT-1074)
- optimization of subsets: fixed regression against Untis 2022. (OPT-1053)
- optimization of subsets: The year-level filter was not persisted correctly. (OPT-899)
- Calendar - Year planning
- fixed regression when swapping annual periods. (OPT-778)
- an error message is now displayed when a user tries to swap weekly periods with annual periods. (OPT-1024)
- Minute timetables: fixed crash when moving periods. (OPT-1025)
- DE Bavaria: in some cases, wrong colors were displayed in the report "Overtime Bavaria". (UN-7157)
- DE Rhineland-Palatinate: Importing data from edoo.sys could change existing course choices. (UN-7134)
- AT - LFBS Tyrol: ORD and KUST in the PD scheme were incorrectly written to the ABRL file. (UN-7080)
- AT - UPIS: in the case of the subject DIR, the LFV export is prevented when there are more than 20 periods per week. (UN-6930)
- AT - Sokrates: cancellations and open substitutions were not exported. (UN-7005)
- WebUntis:
- fixed crash when importing bookings. (BOB-353)
- Erroneous error message for the legacy lesson export corrected. (BOB-278)
- incorrect sorting in the "Timetable changes from WebUntis" window corrected. (BOB-247)
- error corrected when repeatedly transferring room bookings to the timetable mode. (BOB-263)
- under certain circumstances, the course import mistakenly created a new lesson/course instead of changing the existing student assignment. (BOB-232)
- absences that affect room bookings now leave the room changes unaffected. (BOB-192)
2024.0.0 (June 13, 2023)
All new features of Untis 2024 are described in full detail in our Help Center.