2022.5.1 (April 04, 2022)
- AT-LFBS: paid substitutions are no longer being respected in the "Supplierpool". (UN-5794)
Bug fixes:
- Hamburg: export to UntisCentral did not work with the 64-bit version. (UN-5806)
2022.5.0 (March 23, 2022)
- Lesson matrix
- new option “Itemize the values of an element in the cells”. (UN-5597)
- the option for highlighting certain teachers was reworked. (UN-5660, UN-2375)
- implemented wildcards for the field "Student group" in the details window. (UN-5726)
- <Teacher suggestion> reworked. (UN-5711)
- weekly periods and yearly periods are now shown per default in the details window. (UN-5671)
- the hint about transferring certain attributes of a lesson to subsequent terms is now omitted if only one term is active. (UN-5727)
- <Refresh> only updates visible columns. (UN-5683)
- improved creation of lessons in the details window. (UN-5745)
- implemented an immediate plausibility check for student groups which are already in use. (UN-5732)
- activated <CTRL>-E in all grids. (UN-5732)
- Standard period: the duration of a standard period for primary schools in Rhineland-Palatinate is now set to 50 minutes. The active value will now be shownin the <Settings> and in the time grid. (UN-5611)
- Implemented the import of bookings as yearly lessons. (UY-839)
- (B)LUSD 2.0: small improvements and corrections in adjustment with the authorities. (UN-5635, UN-5692, UN-5573)
- Bavaria ASV: room changes in Untis are no longer overwritten by an ASV import. (UN-5425)
- AT - like UPIS schools: no appreciation for evening classes for PD-teachers for yearly periods. (UN-5659)
- AT - LFBS: implemented paid substitutions for vocational school-classes. (UN-5515)
- consideration of negative MDL-reduction. (UN-5559)
- waring in case of U-substitutions of PD-teachers without class. (UN-4641)
- E360: better support of non-teaching activities. (UN-5661)
- activated the Alexia-interface for Argentina. (UN-5507)
Bug fixes:
- fixed rare crash in the context of "Calendar - Year Planning". (UN-5751)
- fixed a rare crash which could occur when a new lesson was entered incompletetly. (UN-5799)
- MultiUser: fixed rare crash during the login process. (UN-5722)
- Cover scheduling: fixed crash related to entering a substitution time range in the substitution time grid. (UN-5606)
- fixed synchronization problem between teacher and class lesson windows. (UN-5715)
- fixed a display error in the window "Timetable layout". (UN-5623)
- fixed a display error in the window "Lessons - time requests". (UN-5495)
- multiple terms: removed the question "Also change in succeeding terms if the active term is the last one. (UN-5694)
- Lesson matrix
- fixed the option "Group by subject groups". (UN-5679)
- fixed a display error in the selection window for rows/columns. (UN-5452)
- fixed the option "Group by department". (UN-2525, UN-5303)
- fixed the function <Save format as...>. (UN-4873)
- some colors were not shown correctly. (UN-5438)
- Course scheduling
- partial optimization: the condition "Avoid clashes" was not always met without exceptions. (UN-5670)
- Course-Student-Overview: the assignment of students to course-fragments via <F8> did not work. (UN-5292)
- MultiUser: automatic check of the supported MySQL versions did not work correctly. (UN-5585)
- WebUntis
- fixed problems concerning room changes carried out in WebUntis and repeatedly imported to Untis. (UN-5643)
- sometimes bookings imported from WebUntis were editable in Untis. (UY-873)
- the value of a booking was sometimes not transferred correctly to Untis. (UY-874)
- during the import of bookings, sometimes a room was shown as occupied although it was available. (UY-920)
- the representation of bookings (imported as lessons) was sometimes not correct in the timetables. (UY-943)
- Sokrates: in case of couplings, it was possible that the wrong student group was exported for a substitution. (UN-5723)
- Bavaria WinLD: fixed a crash which could occur if "Bavaria" was not selected as "Region". (UN-5474)
2022.4.1 (February 11, 2022)
Bug Fixes:
- WebUntis: due to unexpected syncing problems concerning lessons,
- which are not defined in all terms of the school year and
- - simultaneously - the export start date was not the beginning of the school year,
2022.4.0 (January 25, 2022)
- if more than one term active, Untis now offers the option of creating a new lesson when a lesson-group is added to an existing lesson. (UN-5577, UN-4825)
- WebUntis-Users are now logged in the Untis logfile. (UN-5558)
- the file credentials.json was moved to the directory "%AppData%\Roaming" with regard to terminal-server installations. (UN-5555)
- Lesson matrix
- added the fields "from", "to" and "Yearly average" to the details window. (UN-5548)
- the "?" is now added automatically when a new lesson is created and the teacher-field is left blank. (UN-5536)
- various improvements in the GUI (mostly details window). (UN-5488, UN-5457, UN-5448, UN-5526, UN-5521, UN-5494)
- the state of the filters is now persisted when the user switches between terms. (UN-5439)
- enabled the creation of lesson with 1/2-periods. (UN-5409, UN-5482)
- implemented the sync of teachers between lesson-matrix and the lesson-window. (UN-5486)
- the matrix now shows lessons, which are not active in the selected term. (UN-5562)
- AT
- LFBS and BS
- implemented the A-Upis code in the lesson window. (UN-5538)
- updated the "Status" according to official specifications. (UN-5527)
- updated the Sokrates-interface (re shift & substitution) in accordance with the manufacturer. (UN-5537)
- updated the Sokrates-interface (re substitution data - student groups) in accordance with the manufacturer. (UN-5535)
- added a new field to the Sokrates-interface: periodicity. (UN-5534)
- UPIS: modification of the "Schulbilanz" according to official specifications. (UN-5505)
- UPIS: statistical code "U" is no longer activated for QB*-periods. (UN-4439)
- LUSD 2.0 (Berlin and Hesse)
- enabled the creation of a valid LUSD-lesson in Untis. (UN-5492)
- LUSD is now the leading data management system - changes in Untis will be overwritten by an import from LUSD. (UN-5462)
- modification of the export of "Betreuungsangebots" according to the feedback from the authorities. (UN-5574)
- modification of the option <IstExternerKurs> according to the feedback from the authorities. (UN-5547)
- Bayern ASV: upon request of the authorities, the export is now immediately aborted when a lesson without subject or class is detected. (UN-5504)
- WebUntis: the format in which bookings from WebUntis are stored has been changed in order to resolve several import issues. (UY-915)
Bug fixes:
- fixed a crash which could happen when the lesson-planning-wizard was opened. (UN-5511)
- disabled the function <Exams> while the partial optimization is running. (UN-5511)
- fixed inconsistencies in the XML-schema of the file untis.xml. (UN-5388)
- fixed the save-date in the .untis file header. (UN-5523)
- Format/Window groups/Ribbon-import did not work with .gpf files. (UN-5242)
- diagnosis: the number of unscheduled periods stated was sometimes not correct. (UN-5464)
- fixed scaling issue in the calendar of the lesson groups. (UN-5405)
- MultiUser: fixed a bug which could lead to an infinite loop while loading the data. (UN-5572)
- Lesson matrix
- fixed the value of the field "Value=" in the details window. (UN-5493)
- fixed the "weekly" mode of the window. (UN-5401)
- fixed a bug which led to couplings being shown twice. (UN-5304)
- fixed the sum of the "Values" in the lesson window. (UN-5647)
- substitution planning: room changes could in rare cases lead to a crash. (UN-5487)
- Bayern ASV
- MultiUser
- fixed a bug which could inhibit the export. (UN-5601)
- fixed a bug which could inhibit the import. (UN-5400)
- fixed a bug which could lead to a crash when the export was triggered with the option "Use the alias-name for subjects". (UN-5569)
- edoo.sys: fixed a problem related to Umlauts on the export page. (UN-5541)
- subjects with names starting with "MV" were exported as "Mitverwendung" in the LFV-file. (UN-5498)
- changing terms when the "Schulbilanz" was open could lead to a crash. (UN-5417)
- GAUR: single lessons were not exported in rare cases. (UN-5491)
- Atlantis: in rare cases, the export was aborted the message "A wrong argument was encountered." (UN-5479)
- WebUntis
- bookings without teachers were not imported. (UN-5640)
- cancellations were not carried out correctly for bookings with multiple appointments. (UY-869)
- modifications of room bookings were not transferred to Untis correctly. (UY-762)
- shifted bookings were not transferred to Untis correctly. (UY-844)
- fixed problem related to changing the "names" of elements in MultiUser. (UY-867)
- the automatic export of substitutions to WebUntis did not work correctly if the file was saved immediately before closing it. (UY-863)
- the text of exams, which have been entered in WebUntis, was not transferred correctly to Untis. (UY-862)
- the function which should assist users in specifying team teaching (or separate teaching-groups) did not work correctly. (UY-859)
- improved the lesson-synchronization of lessons, which were deleted from some terms in Untis. (UY-852)
2022.3.2 (December 1, 2021)
- Updated the Portuguese translation.
2022.3.1 (November 9, 2021)
Bug Fixes:
- WebUntis
- Starting with Untis 2022.3.0, connection data for WebUntis is no longer stored in the ini-file for *.untis-files. The WebUntis-password was sometimes not properly migrated to this new Untis-password-storage. (UY-870)
- Using a user name containing Umlauts for the data transfer to WebUntis led to a crash. (UN-5520)
2022.3.0 (November 4, 2021)
- New export for the school administration program Inovar. (UN-5398)
- New export gpu022.txt - Blockplan.txt. The file is created automatically during the Bayern-ASV-Export and can be generated via File → Import/Export → Export TXT file → Lesson groups . (UN-5359)
- The columns Weekly periods and Yearly periods can now be activated independently in all lesson windows. (UN-5370)
- Weekly values "Lessons/values": adjusted column headers and tooltips. (UN-5279)
- Time requests
- miscellaneous usability improvements (https://help.untis.at/hc/de/articles/4407446522386-%C3%84nderungen-in-Untis-2022-Zeitw%C3%BCnsche). (UN-5391)
- Lesson matrix
- the matrix is initialized with the either the active lesson or the first lesson found. (UN-5435)
- additional columns in the details window, which can be activated and shifted independently. (UN-5402)
- Improved the read-out of the number of lessons in each cell. (UN-5403)
- MultiUser: new option during login, which allows the termination of other active connections. (UN-5354)
- LUSD 2.0 (UN-5045)
- LUSD 2.0 for Berlin implemented. (UN-5074)
- LUSD 2.0 for Hesse implemented. (UN-5086)
- "Fachvergütung" improved. (UN-5326)
- BIB not in "PD-Zusatzstunden". (UN-4784)
- "Fächervergütung" for classes with diverging "SKZ". (UN-4618)
- modification of factors for lesson groups prohibited. (UN-4495)
- "="- for values of lessons prohibited. (UN-4486)
- implementation of yearly periods analogously to federal schools. (UN-4548)
- Tyrol: implementation of "Glättung". (UN-5198)
- AT: extension of the weekly values window for all UPIS-like schools. (UN-4735)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed rare crash in the lesson window. (UN-5460)
- Fixed rare crash in the <Schoolyear overview> . (UN-5460)
- Fixed rare crash related to opening specific window groups. (UN-5327)
- Fixed crash related to changing rooms in room overview timetables. (UN-5364)
- Fixed crash related to scheduling in a teacher overview timetable. (UN-4877)
- Fixed crash related to scheduling in a timetable. (UN-4544)
- Fixed crash related to opening specific gpn-files. (UN-5138)
- Fixed rare crash related to <Lesson planning wizard> . (UN-5337)
- Fixed crash in the <Partial optimization> . (UN-5350)
- Fixed rare crash related to the cancellation statistics of Berlin. (UN-5102)
- Bavaria: fixed problem related to the ASV-export - "Wrong argument encountered.". (UN-5437)
- Rhineland-Palatinate: Sollstunden or Solländerung could be deleted when a new term was created. (UN-5392)
- Changing to timetabling mode from Untis mode could send Untis into an infinite loop. (UN-5412)
- Non-ASCII statistical codes were not stored correctly . (UN-5432)
- MultiUser
- the message "Data has been changed" could be shown to all users. (UN-5423)
- fixed problem related to the synchronization of time requests. (UN-5356)
- <New schoolyear>: fixed problem related to the option "Delete student groups". (UN-5264)
- Weekly values: fixed problem related to line-lesson groups. (UN-5366)
- Diagnosis: fixed problem related to the topic "First and last period of the day occupied". (UN-5353)
- Lesson matrix
- fixed scaling-Problem. (UN-5459)
- removed unnecessary scroll-bars from the details window. (UN-5408)
- fixed problem related to the creation of new lessons in the details window. (UN-937)
- Break supervisions: printing the break supervisions sometimes resulted in printing an empty page. (UN-4250)
- Fixed text-replacement problem related to Lingua.gp. (UN-5176)
- fixed crash related to the generation of LFV-files. (UN-5468, UN-5430)
- fixed problem in some LFV-files. (UN-5466)
- UPIS-like schools: fixed crash related to the generation of LFV-files. (UN-5467)
- LFBS NÖ, BS-NÖ, BS-Wien: added cancellation days to the MDL-page. (UN-4655)
- Untis Express: checkbox of "Counter canc." is now editable. (UN-4659)
- WebUntis
- student groups: the option "separate groups or team teaching" led to the wrong result. (UY-853)
- break supervisions were in special cases not transferred to WebUntis. (UY-838)
- room bookings in WebUntis were not handled properly if the period was set to "cancelled" afterwards. (UY-837)
- cancellation of an activity was sometimes not imported correctly. (UY-836)
2022.2.1 (September 6, 2021)
Bug Fixes:
- A new data consistency check in the Course Scheduling module was removed because it led to usability problems in data sets with more than one term.. (UN-5381)
2022.2.0 (September 1, 2021)
- Checkboxes in filter rows can now have 3 states. (UY-820)
- Checkboxes in the summary rows of the <Schoolyear overview> can now have 3 states. (UY-822)
- Added the .untis extension in the text of the "Directories"-section. (UN-5262)
- Improved the import function for holidays [gpu018.txt]. (UN-5152)
- improvement of "Schulbilanz - LFV-Export". (UN-4204)
- added MDM to "PD-Nebenleistungen". (UN-5339)
- T-Upis "C". (UN-5323)
- ESF-remedial lessons. (UN-5322)
- modification of "PD-Zusatzstunden". (UN-5308)
- Sokrates: Improvement of the interface in cooperation with BitMedia. (UN-5213)
- "Wochenwerte | Abrechnung" are no longer added to the columnb "IST". (UN-5268)
- Modification of the "Entfallstageberechnung". (UN-4450)
- BS AT:
- report "Fächervergütung". (UN-5260)
- "Fächervergütung" added to the "MDL-Blatt". (UN-5259)
- BS-Wien, BS-BGLD: "Grenzwoche" added to the "MDL-Blatt". (UN-5258)
- Bayern ASV: optionale use of the subject-alias in the export-file STDPLAN.txt. (UN-5170)
- LUDUS: limitation of the lesson-export to the current school year. (UN-5248)
- Updated the demo file at_bs1_Berufsschule.untis. (UN-5165)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed crash related to regional data (ASV BW). (UN-5325)
- Fixed crash related to changing a class in a lesson. (UN-5317)
- Fixed crash related to the conversion of weekly periods to yearly periods. (UN-5157)
- Opening the <Course conflicts> could lead to a crash. (UN-4924)
- Fixed .NET-error related to period lists. (UN-4921)
- Optimisation:
- fixed crash which could occur during an optimisation. (UN-5284)
- fixed crash related to the automatic assignment of lesson groups. (UN-5194, UN-5228, UN-5221))
- the option "Special double-periods optimisation" could lead to a crash. (UN-5298)
- "-3"-time requests of teachers were under special circumstances not respected. (UN-5278)
- "work"-Dateien werden nun ggfs. auch im .untis-Format abgespeichert. (UN-5277S)
- Diagnosis:
- fixed wrong diagnosis of double period errors. (UN-5355)
- fixed differences between the "Diagnosis" and the optimisation window. (UN-5316)
- Print option: Combine lessons
- the total of the unscheduled periods was not correct when the option was active. (UN-5310)
- the total of the yearly average was not correct when the option was active. (UN-5276, UN-5148)
- Comments:
- comments in the lesson windows were not saved in a term-dependent way. (UN-5237)
- MultiUser: sometimes comments were not saved correctly. (UN-5202)
- Schoolyear overview:
- the values shown in the status bar of the lesson windows of teachers were not correct. (UY-830)
- newly created lessons were sometimes not shown in the <Schoolyear overview>. (UY-779)
- Fixed problem, which could impede the correct persistance of newly created teachers. (UN-5365)
- Fixed scaling-problem in the <Settings> of timetable formats 20 and 30. (UN-5133)
- Lesson window: ignored lessons were counted in the total of unscheduled lessons. (UY-892)
- Activating the comparison mode could alter the value calculation settings. (UN-5153)
- Wrong error message shown when trying to open a file which was already in use. (UN-5274)
- Bavaria: the entry of reserved codes ("anz","knz" and "lnz") in linetext-2 was not possible. (UN-5274)
- WebUntis:
- Wrong identifiers could prevent the export to WebUntis. (UN-5357)
- MultiUser: changed master-data names were only updated correctly during the active session. (UY-805)
- the settings for the lesson export could have been stuck in a (yet) unsupported mode. (UY-846)
- the line value of PD-teachers was sometimes not correct. (UN-5243)
- "Fächervergütung" was sometimes not written in the "FMD-File". (UN-5207)
- "Fächervergütung via Wertkorrektur" and "FMD-Fächervergütung" did not operate independently. (UN-5040)
- "Fächervergütung" was in rare cases not correct in some FMD-Files. (UN-4612)
- (LF)BS:
- "SKL" did not work correctly for "Wertkorrektur". (UN-4964)
- eliminated "Kustodiate" and "Ordinariate" for PD-teachers from the file ABRL . (UN-4826)
- 1/2-hour "Fächervergütung" did not work properly. (UN-5162)
2022.1.0 (Juli 20, 2021)
- Schoolyear overview
- lesson rows are initially be shown in a compressed overview which can be expanded to show all terms.(UY-759)
- differences are indicated by blue vertical bars in the overview row.(UY-759)
- red vertical bars indicate differences to the first row.(UY-759)
- black bars in the term column indicate that the lesson does not exist in all terms.(UY-759)
- the user can optionally chose to display the term index instead of the term name. (UY-779)
- .untis file conversion: the "Save as..." dialog automatically appears after the conversion from a gpn-file. (UN-4993)
- noticeable speed-up of the computation of values in various master data and lesson windows. (UY-789)
- new progress bar in the lower left hand corner of the mainframe window during legthy computations. (UY-769)
- Tracing improved. (UN-4993)
- MultiUser: support of MySQL 8.0. (UN-1890)
- Hessen: activated the semester-wise computation of terms. (UN-5142)
- Rhineland-Palatinate: updated the reduction reasons according to specs. (UN-4965)
- BS AT:
- "F-UPIS" activated in subjects | masterdata for Vienna and Tyrol. (UN-5135)
- Automatic generation of reduction reasons for Vienna and Burgenland. (UN-5005)
- UPIS-like: pro rata calculation on the MDL-sheet for all UPIS-like schools. (UN-4603)
Bug Fixes:
- Optimization: in specific cases student clashes were scheduled without permission. (UN-4988)
- fixed scaling problem in the window "Add teacher". (UY-797)
- Cover scheduling
- the room allocation dialog was sometimes not initialized properly. (UN-5191, UN-5132)
- coupling teachers were sometimes not shown correctly in the room allocation dialog. (UN-5166)
- Multi-timegrid: a flawed internal consistency check sometimes re-opened planned substitutions if more than one timegrid was used. (UN-5147, UN-5246)
- student groups: instead of replacing a student group the initial student group was in some cases renamed. (UY-806)
- MultiUser
- removed misleading warning with respect to lectures. (UN-5175)
- reduced the waiting time during log in for specific cases. (UN-4955)
- Rhineland-Palatinate: corrected the spelling of "BBS-SB" and "PRO-S4". (UN-5140)
- Unity: copy/paste via CTRL-C/CTRL-V led to a crash. (UY-796)
2022.0.1 (June 28, 2021)
Bug fixes:
- Fixed crash related to saving a newly created untis-file. (UN-5205)
- MultiUser: removed reference to the new untis file-format after each login. (UN-5174)
- WebUntis: the file for playgrounds did not autmatically have the format "PG_YYYY _MM_TT_hhmmss". (UN-5125)
2022.0.0 (June 1, 2021)
All new features of Untis 2022 are described in full detail in our Untis HelpCenter