2023.7.0 (June 12, 2023)
- performance-improvements in the view lessons-all. (UN-7063)
- performance-improvements in the timetable optimization. (OPT-1006)
- performance-improvements in the timetable optimization by optimization of the refresh frequency. (OPT-944)
- performance-improvements in page layout of the lesson matrix. (UN-7034)
- performance-improvements while scheduling with the scheduling dialog. (UN-6996)
- notices and warnings concerning WebUntis are now only displayed for schools that use WebUntis.. (UN-6972)
- WebUntis
- bookings that lie in the past can now be automatically ignored. (BOB-197)
- lesson labels can now be used in the timetable import window. (BOB-194)
- the column "type" can now be activated in the timetable import window. (BOB-121)
- improvements in preserving the lecture id when class(es) or student groups of a lesson are changed. (BOB-161)
- if a booked room does not exist in Untis, an error message is now displayed. (BOB-190)
- The settings of the timetable import window are now saved per Untis user. (BOB-195)
Bug fixes:
- Untis could crash when unscheduling lessons with time limit or line lesson groups. (UN-7081)
- Untis could crash when loading a file if this file was already in use in another Untis instance. (UN-6980)
- fixed crash when moving annual hours. (UN-6947)
- fixed automatically reported error (Sentry 13171 crash). (OPT-902)
- fixed crash when shifting lessons from a lesson pool. (UN-6928)
- under certain circumstances a crash could occur when opening a file. (UN-6918)
- under certain circumstances, a crash could occur when opening a special timetable view. (UN-6908)
- MultiUser
- when logging out, the error message "An incorrect argument was encountered" could occur. (UN-7056)
- the function "Delete all course selections" did not work in MultiUser environments. (UN-7056)
- a .NET error could occur when entering a coupling in the Class -> Lesson window. (UN-6579)
- Untis could freeze when entering a special duty. (UN-6541)
- missing tooltip in the lesson window added to the column "(l)". (UN-6948)
- due to an incorrect initialization the information displayed in the period lists (classes) was not always the same. (UN-6887)
- under certain circumstances, an incorrect synchronization between individual Untis windows could occur. (UN-6936)
- information regarding the off site rooms was not always coherent between diagnosis and optimization window. (OPT-1013)
- shifting blocks in the timetable did not always work as expected. (OPT-1010)
- the timetable optimization has, in certain circumstances, removed the lesson groups from the lessons of other departments. (OPT-1049)
- unscheduling a lesson could unschedule the room of another lesson. (OPT-979)
- After a lesson was unscheduled in the timetable, the same lesson could not be re-scheduled in this time slot directly afterwards. (OPT-950)
- WebUntis
- fixed crash - booking import (Not enough memory). (BOB-246)
- fixed automatically reported error (Sentry 13357 crash). (BOB-264)
- fixed .NET error in booking dialog. (BOB-211)
- fixed various problems when importing lessons from WebUntis. (BOB-246)
- fixed incorrect displayed when importing lessons from WebUntis. (BOB-40)
- split break supervisors appeared as room conflicts on the work list. (BOB-40)
- imported booking could not be edited in case of teacher absence. (BOB-200)
- the possibility of entering the statistics indicators "#" and "§" has been removed from the master data of the classes for compatibility reasons. (BOB-134)
- the text of room bookings overwrote the substitution text. (BOB-149)
- WebUntis - cancellation was not displayed correctly. (BOB-217)
- In the case of a shift, the original lesson remained without a teacher, even though it was set to "cancelled" in Untis. (BOB-252)
- layout changes were not saved correctly in all cases. (BOB-213)
- UPIS: the font size did not scale correctly in the drop-down lists of the teacher master data in the "Status" field. (UN-6936)
2023.6.0 (April 4, 2023)
- the recent file list is updated when a file is opened. (UN-6845)
- Untis shows a spinner when large amounts of data are being loaded. (UN-6641)
- the Untis version is now written into the registry during each installation and every update. (UN-6651)
- the question, whether the modification of a lesson should be carried out in all terms, has been redesigned. (UN-6192)
- Cover scheduling:
- input in the "events" window is now alos validated upon <Refresh>. (UN-6548)
- backend-improvements concerning the function<Check substitutions>. (UN-5750)
- performance-improvements in the function <Schoolyear overview>. (UN-6759)
- MultiUser:
- the default filename of the .untis export-files has been changed to "untis~$SCHOOLNAME~$SCHOOLYEAR~$VERSIONSNUMBER". (UN-6532)
- improvement of the data synchronization between two users who are simultaneously logged in. (UN-6702)
- improvement of the warning when a DB is being opened with an old, outdated Untis version. (UN-983)
- WebUntis
- if break supervisions are being affected by an imported booking, additional information is now being displayed. (BOB-166)
- booking import dialog: if the import of a booking results in more than one row, these rows can be expanded/compressed via a "node". (BOB-33)
- booking import dialog: information about clashes with master data elements, lessons and absences are now being shown inline. (BOB-37)
- PT - E360: improvements concerning the association of official subjects. (UN-5771)
- AT - Vienna - MA 01: new status for vocational schools. (UN-6540)
- AT - UPIS: adaption of the calulation of values for PD-teachers for yearly hours in evening schools. (UN-6502)
- Untis-Express: the lecture-ids are now being shown in the lesson windows. (UN-6499)
Bug fixes:
- fixed crash related to the deletion of teacher master data. (UN-6833, UN-6831)
- fixed an unrelated crash related to the deletion of teacher master data. (UN-6941, UN-6953)
- fixed crash related to printing break supervisions. (UN-6766)
- fixed crash related to the optimization of standbys. (UN-6766)
- fixed a problem related to the opimization "B special double periods optimization" which caused the message "Wrong argument encountered". (UN-4515)
- Untis could crash when weekly periods were being entered in a teacher-lesson-window and the student-group window was open at the same time. (UN-6828)
- some fields in the form view of the <Schoolyear overview> were editable. (UN-5931)
- the green background color in the diagnosis window was missing. (UN-6894)
- block periods were shown in the section "Subject once per day not possible" in the diagnosis. (UN-6118)
- Drag&Drop of double periods sometimes did not drop into the correct target-period. (UN-6795)
- <Undo> sometimes did not restore the correct room during manual scheduling. (UN-6772)
- manual un-scheduling of periods sometimes un-assigned the room in unrelated lessons. (UN-3162)
- corrected an error related to the diagnosis of room clashes when room groups were used. (UN-6714)
- manual scheduling: chosing the option "Displace interfering lesson" could lead to a crash. (UN-6743)
- unspecific time requests were not interpreted independently of each other. (UN-6608)
- the opimization sometimes un-scheduled locked periods. (UN-5741)
- the room optimization did not respect the room capacity under certain cirumstances. (UN-5533)
- the progress bar of the opimization showed wrong information. (UN-5669)
- the window "Schoolyear overview" reacted sluggishly to user interaction. (UN-6456)
- class(es) - lesson window: the button <Heading> in the <Page layout> did not work. (UN-6740)
- teacher(s) - lesson window: the information in the status bar sometimes vanished. (UN-6696)
- lesson window: the check mark for "Total" was not always updated properly. (UN-6843)
- lesson window: the status "active"/"not active" in the context menu was not always updated properly. (UN-6602)
- window "Reductions" - tab "Reduction reasons": the selection box and the filter did not function properly. (UN-6523)
- cover scheduling: there was no automatic <Refresh> after <Colour coding>. (UN-6616)
- Break supervisions:
- Break supervisions of teachers with an exit date could not be saved without the module "Multiweek timetables". (UN-6733)
- the reports ignored the "labels" of the break supervisions. (UN-6576)
- fixed scaling issues in the window <Copy value correction>. (UN-6628)
- course optimization: fixed a regression related to the quality of the optimization result compared to Untis 2022. (UN-6862)
- the sorting in the window "Course conflicts" is now numerical and no longer alphabetical. (UN-6615)
- the window "Course-Student-Overview" sometimes reacted very sluggishly to user interaction. (UN-6607)
- in rare cases, the diagnosis could give the wrong feedback "Unable to schedule the cluster" (double period condition). (UN-5378)
- multi-timegrid: it was possible that a lesson was not counted correctly in case of multiple terms. (UN-6694)
- MultiUser:
- the function <Repair database> could trigger the message "Out of memory!". (UN-6693)
- the "Reason of absence" was not stored if periods without lessons have been entered via the cover scheduling calendar. (UN-4558)
- WebUntis
- the WebUntis import/export dialog sometimes showed the wrong "Import bookings from" date. (BOB-93)
- "Legacy Export": ignored lessons were not transferred to WebUntis.. (BOB-132)
- "Legacy Export": Untis did not import exams in rare cases. (BOB-42)
- the bookings-import-dialog did under certain circumstances not find all conflicts. (BOB-178)
- WebUntis-bookings, which did not exactly match an Untis-time grid, were not mapped correctly. (BOB-84)
- fixed a crash related to the import of bookings. (BOB-135)
- AT-UPIS-Schulen: exams are now being imported with the value "0". (BOB-199)
- Substitutions/cancellations were sometimes not correctly imported into Untis. (BOB-153)
- MultiUser: deleted exams became sometimes again visible after the next login. (BOB-124)
- bookings-import-dialog: the background color of the rows was sometimes not right. (BOB-102)
- bookings-import-dialog: it was possible to select individual rows of an exam. (BOB-35)
- bookings-import-dialog: fixed a crash related to resetting the filter in the date column. (BOB-39)
- fixed a crash related to the import of lessons from WebUntis. (BOB-96)
- fixed a problem related to the import of bookings as lessons. (BOB-32)
- yearly periods: fixed a problem related to the export of couplings with yearly periods. (BOB-30)
- periods from the "Lesson pool" could disappear when the room was changed in WebUntis. (BOB-23)
- corrected an incorrect text upon the activation of a playground. (BOB-173)
- XML-Export: fixed a problem related to the export of class couplings. (UN-6829)
- AT - LFBS - Tyrol: fixed a problem in the MDL statement. (UN-6654)
- Untis-Express: fixed a crash related to the room scheduling dialog. (UN-6825)
2023.5.0 (February 8, 2023)
- Performance-improvement of the substitution suggestion. (UN-6552)
- Performance-improvement of the lesson matrix. (UN-6543)
- Performance-improvement of the timetable optimization. (UN-6529)
- Performance-improvement when loading big files. (UN-6582)
- Performance-improvement in the lectures window. (UY-1293)
- The room optimization is now executed for each generated timetable. (UN-6543)
- Cover scheduling
- the field "student group" is now automatically cleared when the class assignment of a substitution is changed. (UN-6457)
- Bavaria ASV: the attribute "Wissenschaftlicher Unterricht" is now being imported for whole lessons. (UN-5997)
- Booking import
- the individual columns of the bookings import dialog can now be activated/deactivated via the context menu. (UY-1250)
- added the column "period" to the bookings import dialog. (BOB-77)
- the status of the checkbox "Show applied/ignored changes" is now being persisted. (UY-1201)
- the bookings import dialog closes now without the question whether unapplied bookings should be shown again or not. Instead, the window will show the same content again, when it is closed and re-opened (plus possibly additional new bookings). (BOB-31)
- it is again possible (as in Untis 2022.x) to change teachers and rooms of exams in the substitution window. (BOB-77)
- information about clashing lessons has been added to the import-warnings of exams. (UY-1270)
Bug fixes:
- A crash could occur if "real values" and the "totals" row were active simultaneously in a lesson window and a teacher was changed. (UN-6627)
- Fixed a crash in the <Page layout> of timetables. (UN-6596)
- Fixed a crash in the timetable optimization due to lesson sequences in inactive terms. (UN-2844)
- Fixed a crash in the substitution statistics. (UN-6554)
- Fixed a crash in the room scheduling dialog. (UN-6518)
- Fixed a crash related to Drag&Drop yearly periods into a timetable's details window. (UN-6592)
- Fixed a crash related to changing classes assigned to an event. (UN-6556)
- Fixed a crash related to changing the subject of a lesson via the context-menu of a timetable. (UN-6455)
- Fixed a crash related to activating <Swap suggestions> after a swap triggered by <Swap suggestions>. (UN-6259)
- Diagnosis
- a crash could occur if no room was allocated to room groups. (UN-6105)
- "Unscheduled periods" were sometimes not shown correctly for coupled lessons with line-lesson groups. (UN-5380)
- "Lunch break too long" was sometimes diagnosed even though no lunch break was requested. (UN-5320)
- Fixed wrong analysis of "Single period in double period block". (UN-1278)
- "2 teachers in the same room" did not work correctly with line-lesson groups. (UN-1105)
- "Name" and "Text" of an exam was sometimes greyed and ineditable. (UN-6596, UN-6570)
- Break supervisions
- the reports did not print any break supervisions after the last period of the day. (UN-6517)
- teachers were not taken out of their break supervisions after an absence was entered. (UN-4967)
- the window "Break supervisions" did not respect the different break labels of different time grids. (UN-4754)
- break supervisions were sometimes not transferred when a new term was created. (UN-4416)
- break supervisions were not transferred from locked terms when a new term was created. (UN-1765)
- Optimization: yearly periods were not scheduled in weeks with holidays. (UN-6351)
- Cover scheduling: combining absences deleted already assigned teachers from affected substitutions. (UN-5591)
- MultiUser
- editing the course choice of a student could lead to the deletion of the entire choice of this student if more than one user was logged in. (UN-6715)
- creating extern elements could lead to the error "Not enough memory!". (UN-6698)
- WebUntis
- fixed crash related to the import of bookings into cover mode. (UY-1307, UY-1301, BOB-116, BOB-76, BOB-28)
- fixed crash related to the import of bookings into timetabling mode. (BOB-89)
- importing bookings could lead to the error "An improper argument was encountered". (UY-1248)
- fixed crash related to the import of lessons from WebUntis. (UY-1295)
- the import of lessons did not import office hours and standbys. (UY-1136)
- fixed problem in the booking window. (BOB-98)
- the font size in the selection box of the font in the bookings import dialog did not scale correctly. (UY-1154)
- stand-bys were sometimes not shown in WebUntis. (UY-1243)
2023.4.2 (January 16, 2023)
Bug Fixes:
- MultiUser: deleting a lesson in one term could lead to the deletion of this lesson in all terms after the next login. (UN-6638)
2023.4.1 (January 3, 2023)
Bug Fixes:
- MultiUser
- an error in the DB-table led to a modification of the settings in the column "Auto. suvperv.". (UN-6585)
- some users encountered the warning “Recordset can only be read” during log in and could not continue. (UN-6581)
- Out of Memory- error after execution of the function <Ext.El: repair timetable datan> fixed. (UN-6478)
- Student-course-choice: the statistical codes of the students were not editable. (UN-6584)
- Saving the pdfs of period lists could result in a crash. (UN-6429)
- Cover scheduling
- opening the substitution proposal when more than two substitutions were selected could lead to a crash. (UN-6580)
- fixed a crash related to the substitution proposal. (UN-6569)
- mailing the substitution statement could lead to a crash. (UN-6433)
2023.4.0 (December 13.2022)
- Optimization:
- improved compliance with "Fixed sequences". (UN-5919)
- improved compliance with the "fringe period" conditions. (UN-5918)
- Break supervisions
- multi-time grid: Added a combo box for the selection of the timegrid in the print dialog of the report "Break supervisions - corridors". (UN-6352)
- substitution statement: break supervision cancellations are now labelled "PE". (UN-5795)
- split break supervisions are now also shown in the "page layout". (UN-5787)
- break supervisions are now respecting the exit date of teachers. (UN-3626)
- Bavaria: added the beta-version of the report "Mehrarbeitsbericht". (UN-6449)
- the interface now also supports "epochal" lessons. (UN-5982)
- the attributes "Abiturjahr" and "Kursabschnitt" are both imported and exported. (UN-5927)
- MultiUser MSSQL: the performance of the login in networks with high latency has been improved. (UN-6404)
- Cover scheduling: entering incorrect student groups is now prevented by forcing all users to enter classes first. The respective messages are also improved. (UN-6126)
- Improved the text of a tooltip in the time requests window. (UN-6212)
- Portugal: updated the country specific timetable formats. (UN-6515)
- implemented INDPHASE for "PD-Zusatzstunden". (UN-6363)
- "Kustodiate" of "Fremdschulen" are no longer counted in the "Schulbilanz". (UN-6356)
- the teacher selection in the MDL-is now persisted. (UN-5668)
- LFBS-Tyrol: extended the balance line of the MDL-sheet by two columns. (UN-5862)
- WebUntis:
- the certificate of WebUntis-Servers is being checked. If its authenticity cannot be established, the connection will be interrupted. (UY-72)
- additional information has been added to the title of the booking import dialog. (UY-1237)
- a filter has been added to the booking import dialog. (UY-1203)
- enabled Drag&Drop for the columns of the booking import dialog. (UY-1059)
- the fact that student groups cannot be reused in courses has been further secured. (UY-1235)
- added the tab "WebUntis" to the students' master data. (UY-1134)
Bug fixes:
- Fixed crash related to the creation of a new school year. (UN-6440)
- Fixed crash related to the room allocation dialog. (UN-6229)
- Fixed crash related to the room optimization. (UN-6396)
- Swapping periods with class leaps could result in a modification of the room allocation of uninvolved lessons. (UN-6268)
- Break supervisions:
- entering break supervisions after the last period in the time grid was not possible. (UN-6425)
- break supervisions were shown with the color of the subject of the successive period. (UN-4265)
- stand-bys for break supervisions were not shown in cover scheduling mode. (UN-3175)
- window "Break supervisions": start and end times were only taken from the first day of the week. (UN-2143)
- multi time grid: printouts only showed the start and end times of the main time grid. (UN-2105)
- Window "Time requests": it was not possible to select the different lesson groups/time ranges. (UN-6451)
- Window "Student-Course-Choice": it was not possible to select more than 4 alternative courses. (UN-6290)
- MultiUser:
- logging in could lead to the error "Encountered an improper argument". (UN-6525)
- deleted elements could lead to a crash upon login. (UN-6505)
- in rare cases, the DB was opened in "read only" mode. (UN-6484)
- in rare cases, an inconsistency in the student course choice could prevent opening the DB. (UN-6265)
- in rare cases, the error "Out of Memory" could appear. (UN-6415)
- Window "External elements": removed the useless combo-box. (UN-6365)
- Rhineland-Palatinate: RSM was not filled automatically. (UN-6164)
- Cover scheduling: the window "substitute suggestion" could lead to a crash due to a problem in the memory management. (UN-6497)
- AT LFBS: code "SKL" was not handled correctly in the MDL-statement. (UN-6393)
- AT: the column "l" (= Leistungsdifferenzierter Unterricht) could not be stored in the grid view of the lesson windows. (UN-6288)
- LUSD 2.0: corrected a wrong error message. (UN-6386)
- WebUntis:
- Luxemburg: export of the teacher values in case of yearly periods not correct. (UY-1271)
- fixed a crash related to the import of exams with erroneous teacher start and end times. (UY-1262)
- fixed a crash related to the import of bookings whichdeletedteachers. (UY-1252)
- fixed a problem which could lead to the message "Encountered an improper argument" during the import of bookings. (UY-1262)
- fixed a problem related to the import of coupled classes during the import of bookings and exams. (UY-1190)
- bookings with an entry in the column "Responsible for the booking" were not correctly imported into the (Untis-) timetabling mode. (UY-1190)
- fixed a problem which could lead in the allocation of the wrong base lessons for a booking. (UY-1239)
- the booking import did not interpret the supervision flag correctly. (UY-1238)
- bookings were shown repeatedly although they have already been imported. (UY-1233)
- bookings outside of the school year are now correctly ignored. (UY-987)
- the booking import dialog sometimes showed non existing conflicts. (UY-1199)
- bookings with statistical codes were not imported correctly. (UY-1204)
- the import now respects the code "n - do not count" in the same way as Untis 2022. (UY-1220)
- the "text" was not shown in the case of imported exams (UY-1185)
- the <Comparison mode> could change all lecture ids. (UY-1259)
- MultiUser: fixed an error which could lead to the modification of some lecture ids. (UY-1259)
- supplemented warnings which show that classes of student groups in use have been changed. (UY-1230)
- fixed scaling problems in the booking import dialog. (UY-1195)
2023.3.1 (November 7, 2022)
Bug Fixes:
- The values shown in the lesson matrix were wrong. (UN-6428)
- Switching between departments could lead to a crash. (UN-6426)
- Opening the timetable page preview could lead to a crash. (UN-6424)
- Some buttons in the window timetable page layout did not work correctly. (UN-6400)
- WebUntis:
- contact hours which were combined with the attributeon standby, were not shown in the WebUntis "contact hours" list. (UY-1234)
- the Untis-"text for the timetable period" was not shown in WebUntis. (UY-1210)
- the lesson export of huge amounts of data could lead to a crash. (UY-1156)
- corrupt substitution data could lead to a crash during the lesson export to WebUntis. (UN-6395)
2023.3.0 (October 25, 2022)
- New warning for protected timetable formats. (UN-6340)
- New tooltip for <Resize window>. (UN-6184)
- <Minute mode>: improvements related to persisting time requests. (UN-6100)
- <Substitute suggestion>: new option "Ignore off-site codes. (UN-6238)
- Improvement of the trace files for Untis MultiUser. (UN-6347)
- Timetable comparison: sending e-mails with modified timetables now possible without a license for the module "Cover planning". (UN-6197)
- The option "Do not show cancellations or placeholders" now determines whether or not an "x" is shown if a period window is empty. (UN-6061)
- WebUntis:
- the content of the folder "%localappdata%\untis\webuntis" is now being automatically deleted after each export to WebUntis. (UY-1139)
- it is no longer possible to address servers which are not official WebUntis-servers. (UY-1138)
- bookings import dialog: from now on all those bookings are being imported, which were eithercreatedormodifiedafter the shown date. (UY-1070)
- bookings import dialog: added functions to select bookings or exams. (UY-1141)
- Rheinland-Pfalz:
- elementary schools: "Value or Factor" now also affects the "real values". (UN-6174)
- edoo.sys: the interfaced has been updated. (UN-6173)
- Österreich:
- implemented a drop-down list for the selection of the month for the MDL.export. (UN-5718)
- Sokrates: updated the interface with the field Lv-Id. (UN-6044)
- Sokrates: enhancement of the interface in case of concurrent cancellations and substitutions. (UN-5899)
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a scaling problem with several buttons. (UN-6110)
- Fixed a crash related to the creation of students. (UN-6376)
- Fixed a crash related to opening an Untis file. (UN-6269)
- Fixed a crash related to creating a comment in the window master data rooms. (UN-6380)
- Fixed a crash related to deleting the format "Cla1". (UN-6329)
- Fixed a crash related to changing the date in cover mode. (UN-6223)
- The window "Create couplings" was not always automatically updated. (UN-6317)
- MultiUser:
- fixed a crash related to logging into the database. (UN-6354)
- fixed a problem related to entering license data. (UN-6003)
- Optimization: fixed regression in the timetable-optimization compared to Untis 2022. (UN-6289)
- 'On-standby' teachers could not be selected from the "Substitute suggestion" window. (UN-6248)
- Selection of multiple lines in the substitution window did not work properly. (UN-6006)
- Fixed a problem related to selecting the month in the substitution statement. (UN-6245)
- Timetable overview formats: fixed a problem related to the filters. (UN-6369)
- LFBS-NÖ: fixed a problem in the MDL-export related to events lasting from one month into another month. (UN-6129)
- Bayern WinLD: fixed a regression which was caused by UN-5504. (UN-5867)
- AT Sokrates:
- fixed export-error "259". (UN-5632)
- fixed export-error related to the date of groups. (UN-6091)
- Untis Central - Hamburg: fixed a date format error during the export to UntisCentral. (UN-6381)
- LUSD 2.0: fixed export-error "A wrong argument was encountered". (UN-6108)
- WebUntis:
- the lesson export led to an error if the time grid was set to end at 24:00. (UY-1151)
- the lesson export led to an error if break supervisions were scheduled outside the time grid. (UY-1150)
- the lesson export led to an error if exams were scheduled outside the time grid. (UY-1144)
- certain settings in combination with the "multi-timegrid" option could lead to an error in the lesson export. (UY-1135)
- lessons without teachers were not transferred to WebUntis. (UY-1130)
- the colors of lessons were sometimes not transferred to WebUntis. (UN-6323)
- adding/removing a class will no longer - if the correct option is selected - lead to a new lecture-id. (UY-1109)
- booking import window: the font size is no persisted. (UY-1058)
- booking import window: the font size was shown twice. (UY-1152)
- team teaching activities were wrongly shown as room clashes after the import of bookings. (UY-1159)
- it was possible that a lesson export from a MultiUser system could lead to a duplication of the lessons in WebUntis. (UY-1222)
- in MultiUser systems, it was possible that the WebUntis codes were not shown correctly. (UY-1222)
- WebUntis-bookings entered outside a schoolyear could lead to a crash in Untis, when they were imported. (UY-1103)
- fixed a crash related the import of bookings. (UY-1124)
- fixed a rare crash related to WebUntis playgrounds and the Untis/WebUntis export dialog being open. (UY-1168)
- Untis-lesson time restrictions are now being shown correctly in WebUntis. (UY-1192)
- importing courses from WebUntis could lead to a crash. (UY-1125)
- WebUntis codes were added in rare cases, when the Untis file was converted from version 2022 to 2023. (UY-1125)
- Shifts from Untis were transfered as special duties to WebUntis. (UY-1208)
2023.2.2 (September 28, 2022)
- AT - BS: It is now possible to send MDL-data to WebUntis in order to print the MDL-reports there. (UN-5950)
Bug Fixes:
- In some cases, bookings from WebUntis could not be imported into Untis (red "X" shown) due to a wrong default. (UY-1177)
- In WebUntis, combined lessons were sometimes not shown in the timetables of all teachers. (UY-1173)
- Modified student course choices were not transferred to WebUntis correctly. (UY-1170, UY-1157)
- Lessons were not exported in WebUntis, when the option "Distribute periods to lesson-groups" was active in any term other than the parent term. (UY-1155)
- Room allocation dialog: the filter did not work properly. (UN-6293)
- When more than one time grid was used, it was possible that time requests were not properly converted from version 2022 to version 2023. (UN-6287)
- A wrong timetable format (TR-CLA) was shown when activating "Classes | Class timetable portrait". (UN-6283)
- Changing the time grid could lead to a crash. (UN-6277)
- Changing the room of lessons without predefined subject or home room could lead to a crash. (UN-6271)
- The diagnosis did not show the correct explanation for the item "First and last period of the day occupied". (UN-5638)
- MultiUser: loading data after the login could take a long time. (UN-6276)
2023.2.1 (5.9. 2022)
Bug Fixes:
- The option "Break down auxiliary classes" did not work correctly, the classes were not split up during WebUntis export (relevant for country AT only). (UN-6275)
- Substitutions of lessons with multiple line-lesson groups were not exported to WebUntis. (UY-1145 und UY-1167)
- Substitutions with type "teacher-swap" were not exported to WebUntis. (UY-1166)
- AT-Sokrates: The export of statistical code "l" (lowercase L for spec. lessons) was missing (relevant for country AT only). (UN-6251)
2023.2.0 (30.8. 2022)
- Time-dependent time requests: it is now possible to enter time requests per lesson group. (A detailed description in German can be found here: https://help.untis.at/hc/de/articles/6448471099026). (UN-5496)
- Multi-time grid: the behavior of the time request window in multi-time grid mode has been aligned with the behavior in single-time grid mode. (UN-5603)
- Lectures window
- Updating the information in the window has been sped up. (UY-1053)
- A new column shows the number of assigned teachers for each lecture. (UY-1077)
- The lecture-based lesson export has been extended to the minute mode. (UY-895)
- The <Refresh>-button is now in the toolbar. (UY-1079)
- Added the option <Ignore> in the bookings window. (UY-1078)
- Exams created in WebUntis are now tagged. (UY-1077)
- LUSD 2.0
- Untis now imports data regarding the Jahrgangsstufe from LUSD. (UN-6147)
- Improved the error messages. (UN-6169)
- Rhineland-Palatinate: adjusted the reduction reasons for the schoolyear 2022/23. (UN-6143)
- LFBS Tirol: substitutions for educator hours. (UN-5861)
- Portugal: when the country is set to Portugal users now have additional, protected timetable formats. (UN-6041)
- Course optimization: the optimization of big data has been sped up. (UN-5817)
Bug Fixes:
- Entering a student group could result in a crash if a lesson window was open at the same time. (UN-6059)
- In some cases, reductions were not properly transferred to WebUntis. (UY-1118)
- It was not possible to enter data in the lessons' "Line stat-code". (UY-1117)
- After creating a new Untis file, not all columns were always displayed in the window Descriptions. (UN-6132)
- Partial classes (and their lessons) were not correctly exported to WebUntis. (UN-6211, UY-1113)
- The window "Student groups" was not always updated correctly. (UY-1115)
- LFBS Tirol: fixed a bug related to L-values. (UN-690)
2023.1.2 (27.7. 2022)
Bug Fixes:
- Untis 2023.1.0 did not start under the operating systems Windows Server 2016 and Windows Server 2019. (UN-6151)
2023.1.1 (July 20, 2022)
Bug Fixes:
- The Untis installer did not check whether or not the latest version of the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package is already installed on the client, such that some users had to install this package manually. (UN-6138)
2023.1.0 (July 18, 2022)
- Cover scheduling
- Automatic supervision (a detailed description in German can be found here: https://help.untis.at/hc/de/article_attachments/6448601605522/Automatische_Betreuer_Untis2023.pdf)
- It is no longer possible to activate "Standbys count as teach. load" when the attribute "On standby for substitutions" is not active. (UN-6015)
- Renamed the column "Room booking from WebUntis" to "WebUntis-Data" because exams created in WebUntis will also be tagged this way in the future. (UY-1076)
- Substitution check: added the option to skip all further identical messages. (UN-5985)
- MultiUser
- Added unsuccessful logins to the log file. (UN-5979)
- Improved the function <Repair database>. (UN-5758)
- Adjusted the headers of the NTPs-fields in the grid adjustment dialog. (UN-957)
- Adjusted the text of the Untis crash reports. (UN-5902)
- Added a header to the password dialog for WebUntis. (UN-5980)
- Multi-time grid: improved the windows scaling behavior or the dialog. (UN-5871)
- Added Slovenian demo files. (UN-5834)
- Users can now generate a 3-day demo license when no file is loaded. (UN-6056)
- Bookings-Import: renamed the button <Apply> in some languages. (UN-6056)
- Rheinland-Pfalz
- Primary schools - values. (UN-5971)
- edoo.sys: adjusted the export file STDPLAN.TXT for primary schools. (UN-5940)
- Hessen
- Changed the file extension of the LUSD-export file from *.pgp to *.txt due to a request by the "Kultusministerium". (UN-6035)
- Improved error messages for the import from LUSD. (UN-5910)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed crash related to holidays and changing the first day of the week. (UN-5951)
- Fixed crash related to creating a new term. (UN-6063)
- Fixed crash related to loading a corrupt file. (UN-5955)
- Fixed rare crash related to opening a file. (UN-6039)
- Fixed crash related to scheduling a lesson. (UN-6053)
- Fixed crash related to un-scheduling a lesson in the scheduling dialog. (UN-4620)
- Fixed crash related to deleting the folder %APPDATA%\Untis while Untis is running. (UN-6027)
- Fixed crash related to creating a substitution format. (UN-6009)
- Fixed crash related to the function <Repair database> . (UN-5966)
- Fixed crash related to activating the "Optimization of subsets" while the CTRL-key is pressed. (UN-4067)
- Fixed crash in minute mode. (UN-6112)
- Fixed .NET error related to the activation of the filter in master data windows. (UN-6082)
- Time grid: changing the first day of the week did not work. (UN-5934)
- Daily time grid: in rare cases, changes to daily time grids were not saved. (UN-5418)
- Master data - teachers: fixed rounding error related to "real values". (UN-5984)
- Timetable printouts: in rare cases horizontal lines were not printed in attached lesson views. (UN-3354)
- Weighting → weight distribution : repaired the tooltips. (UN-5957)
- UniUntis: it was not possible to change personalized expressions. (UN-6025)
- MultiUser
- the room optimization sometimes changed room substitutions in the cover scheduling mode. (UN-5756)
- the database migration MySQL → MS SQL did not work. (UN-6097)
- Lesson planning: the function <Teacher → ?> did not work. (UN-5749)
- Lesson windows
- <Teacher groups> were listed twice in the drop-down menus. (UN-5190)
- Fixed the TAB-order in the form view. (UN-614)
- Lectures window/window group:
- Fixed scaling problem with big fonts. (UY-1060)
- Improved the synchronization with the lesson window. (UY-1034)
- Added the field "Student group" to the default substitution window. (UY-1004)
- Break supervisions
- Restored vertical lines in the report "Weekly overview". (UN-2605)
- In master data → teachers the sum of the break supervision showed the sum of the number of supervisions, not the minutes. (UN-3020)
- Cover scheduling: the view was not updated after <Automatic>. (UN-5749)
- Fixed a license problem related to school names with 50 characters. (UN-6047)
- WebUntis
- Contact hours and stand bys were not properly transferred to WebUntis. (UY-1080)
- The lessons of partial classes were not transferred to WebUntis. (UY-1112)
- MultiUser: in rare cases a lesson export for the new school year also exported lessons of the current school year. (UY-1090)
- Fixed crash related to the import of bookings. (UY-1086)
- Luxemburg: fixed a problem related to the import of "tableau-data". (UY-1069)
- AT-Sokrates: fixed a problem related to the export of statistical codes of substitutions [BS-Vorarlberg]. (UN-5900)
- PT-INOVAR: the time grid was not properly considered for lessons without classes. (UN-4443)
- DE-Sachsen: restored vertical lines in the report “Unterrichtsausfall Sachsen”. (UN-4979)