A very useful feature which is only known to a few users is the calculation of the target for the remaining week. You can find it in the print preview of the “Weekly value” window under the setting “Lessons / values”.
The calculation method of the target for the remaining week is explained in the following example:
Teacher L01 has a target of 2 for the entire school year. Currently he is assigned to a lesson with one period in the first half year (3.9. - 20.1., i.e. for 20 weeks). This currently results in a yearly average of 0.513.
The question is: “How many value units need to be assigned to teacher L01 in the second half year (21.01. - 02.06., i.e. 19 weeks) so that he can meet his target of 2?”
Go to the print preview of the “Weekly values” window and select the time range 3.9. - 20.1.:
The print preview (and the print, of course) now show a target for the remaining week of 3.053 for this teacher. In other words: In every week of the remaining 19 weeks of teaching, teacher L01 must teach a lesson with a value of 3.053 in order to meet his yearly target of 2.000.
The target for the remaining week is calculated in general as follows:
The SUM TOTAL WEEKLY VALUES SELECTED RANGE here represents the sum total of the weekly values of the selected range. Our example above is therefore calculated as follows: