WebUntis Platform - The hub for data and apps!
With the WebUntis Platform we provide a generic way to integrate other applications via
- Userinterface - Integrate your UI in WebUntis
- Data Exchange - Get data from WebUntis or push data to WebUntis
- SingleSignOn - One Login for using both applications
A platform-application can use all of these integrations (UI, SSO, APIs) or only one or two of them.
For example it´s possible, that a platform-application only uses APIs to transfer data between WebUntis and the 3rd-party-app, but is not integrated in the userinterface.
Possible usecases for platform-applications:
- A learningmanagementsystem is integrated in the userinterface and the user is automatically authenticated within the LMS. The LMS also fetches data about the lessons to create courses.
- A schoolmanagementsystem provides data about students and it´s the leading system of student-masterdata. The admins keep the data up to date within the SMS and the students will be imported to WebUntis.
- A learningcontentportal is only integrated in our userinterface, so that WU-users can easily open the portal. Without SSO and data-exchange, because they have (for example) another userbase or don´t know the structure of schools.
Here you can find a general description (only in german): Was ist WebUntis Plattform?
Every platform-application is configured in our PlatformApplicationManager.
The PAM is like an "Appstore for integrations". There are all information about every integration.
For further details see down below to "What should you provide to get your own platform-application?"
The school-administrator has to activate every single platform-application.
At this point the school-admin accepts the disclaimer, that the school allows the data exchange. The school-admin also can do some adjustments like "who can see this integration" or "what is it called like". Here you can find information how to activate a platform-application: Wie aktiviere ich eine Plattform-Applikation?
For bigger institutions like whole countries, we provide a solution to activate an app automatically for specific schools. This means the school is not responsible and we get the order to do the activation for them. In this case there are two different options:
- The school can remove the app by their own.
- The school is not allowed to remove the app.
With these options, we provide the full range of platform-activation:
Opt-In, Opt-Out, Compulsion
If the integration provides data-exchange, the credentials must be transferred to the platform-application.
This could be a manual task for the school-admin, to enter the credentials in the GUI of the platform-application or we can send the credentials to a specific endpoint.
This also means, that you need to safe the credentials for every single school.
Stage |
External API Provider (EAP_URL) |
Integration | https://api.integration.webuntis.dev/ |
Production | https://api.webuntis.com/ |
Term |
Description |
Begriff |
Beschreibung |
lesson |
A certain group of students (class or studentgroup) is taught a certain number of hours in a certain subject. |
Unterricht |
Eine bestimmte Gruppe von Schülern (Klasse oder Schülergruppe) wird in einem bestimmten Fach eine bestimmte Anzahl von Stunden unterrichtet. |
period |
A time period of the school year for which a planning-related ("homogeneous") timetable is made |
Periode |
Ein Zeitbereich des Schuljahres für den ein planungsmäßig zusammengehöriger (“homogener”) Stundenplan gemacht wird |
class |
A class refers to a defined group of students who (usually) attend classes together in a grade level. |
Klasse |
Eine Klasse bezeichnet eine festgelegte Gruppe von Schülern, die (meistens) gemeinsam den Unterricht in einer Jahrgangsstufe besuchen. |
subject |
Is the name for a thematic outline of what is understood by education in each case. It is independent of the type of school or school level. |
Fach |
Ist die Bezeichnung für eine thematische Gliederung dessen, was jeweils unter Bildung verstanden wird. Es ist unabhängig von Schulform oder Schulstufe. |
Attention: The terminology of OneRoster may differ from that of WebUntis.
For example: A class in OneRoster corresponds to a lesson in WebUntis.