When teachers are absent because of illness or for different reasons, schools often have to face a complex organisational task. WebUntis Substitution Planning supports you at this difficult task.
It is available for WebUntis and with UntisMobile for your iOS and Android devices.
First step to a substitution plan is to input absences. This can be done by main office or school management. Depending on your permission settings, it is also possible for teachers to input their own absences.
Calculate open substitutions
Substitution Planning automatically calculates open substitutions for all absences. So you immediatly know for which lessons you have to find substitutions.
Solve substitutions
Substitution Planning automatically suggests teachers who are ideal for each lesson. Those teachers are free and match certain criteria.
There are also further possible solutions, for example to cancel lesson.
Publish solution and notify teachers
Last step is to publish substitutions. Teachers receive push notifications on their phones and can see changes in their time tables.